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Everything posted by camillj

  1. Happy Birthday old boy ! I am going out to dinner to celebrate your BDAY (and our 26th anniversary .. guess we share a special day)
  2. Absolutely fantastic news Wayne ... I can't tell you how thrilled I am at the progress and wonderful news. .. it has been a very long hard road for you and for Jenn and there is plenty of road ahead, but I know you are already the stronger and the richer for it. May god's blessings be on all of you !
  3. ramble all ya want bud .. this has been a long process and it is an inspiration to all of us - not just Jenn but you and Leigh and the whole family .. good on ya bud !
  4. Really hope things went well today Wayne ... thinking of you and Jenn and Leigh.
  5. I like em red because you can seem them sooner coming up... not sure the fish care either way. But judging by the teath marks I'd say they like red too
  6. Great job Paul, and fabulous tribute to your dad ! (and a few inches for team 1)
  7. Gotta Love those Muskoka lakes ... and I hear tell of some true leviathans from Rosseau Thanks for sharing.
  8. I used the Dow floatation Billets (600 lbs floatation each) .. about $145 each ... three did it for a 8 X 8 swim raft .. and it keeps it right out of the water and doesnt wobble much with 3 or 4 people on it at a time ... here is a link for a plan to consider ... http://www.canadianfishing.com/dock/ Our swim raft made it quite happily through the winter ... without taking off the water ... a big plus
  9. Atta boy Pete ! ... Hope you got a logo pic for that carp .. I am pretty sure we need one of those for team 1
  10. Try Little peroxide on a kleenex - it will at least bring down the infection and let you a closer look .... to me could also be a little tiny metal sliver - they can really get inflamed and ugly .. and lead to infection around the offending particle ... soak it good with peroxide then get a really good look at it with a magnifying glass ... its amazing how small a sliver it takes to cause a painful infection.
  11. Mine was $22.00 at BPS ... works great .. fully adjustable ... 100% reliable ... has lasted me over 10 years already .... and looks purdy ... just sayin
  12. seen the odd pike in there too ...in a couple of months the browns will already be starting to come in .. then its all things chrome right up till christmas
  13. Linkage is most likely right under the powerhead ...you will need to remove the flywheel nut, the flywheel and then the powerhead (get a gasket first) .. then the small nut holding the linkage will be accessible
  14. ok ... so its was like this ... Just minutes before closing up the cottage and heading for home last week don't I wander down to the dock for one last look at my handy-work on re-sealing the leaky rivets in the old tinner ... well isnt there a bucket full of water in the bottom of the boat ... so I figure .. what the heck I'll just drag her up onto shore half way ... sponge her dry and put a dab of plummers goop on the offending rivet (always works - but only for the season) .. anyway did that without too much trouble hanging out from the dock to do the work. (Of course I had the motor tilted up to drag it up on shore. I realized that the transom was only a couple of inches above the water line and figured the first yahoo waterskiing by the shore would surely swamp her while I was away so I figured I would try letting the motor back down and get at least an extra inch or two of draft ... heh ... not likely she was sitting even lower in the water (still not sure how that could be) ... anyhow I figured I better lift the motor back up ... and .. well ... hanging out from the dock reaching ... trying to lift the motor .. I realized that my extra weight on the back of the boat was a problem ... and as I tried to push myself off the boat to get back onto the dock she started taking on water ... I immediately stripped and dove in .. grabbed the back end of the boat to try and keep it above the waterline - to no avail already 500 gallons of water in the boat and I was not quite able to step on bottom ... next thing I know the whole back end is under ... right under and I am trying to hold it up and bail while swimming ... simply doesnt work ... gas tank floating away .. me worrying about the motor being dunked. Long story short(er) I didnt get it started but did manage to get it drained (pulled the plugs, turned it over by hand to flush the cylinders, sprayed WD40 inside and then sea foam everywhere I could get at and left it to dry) .. came back up a couple days later to deal with it and luckily it started right up... but was bogging down at wide open throttle... either water in the gas or something worse... I had brought up a brand new tank with fresh gas just in case .. and that did the trick (luckily).
  15. I ask because while I was salvaging my 9.9 after a dunking (don't ask - I am too embarassed to say how) I look over to see the gas tank floating upside down in the lake still attached via the hose ... almost certain its got water in the tank along with the gas now ... (btw motor is running fine with brand new tank and fresh gas)
  16. And whats the 'Proper' way to dispose of bad gas ?
  17. bin-der-dun-dat I am good to go
  18. Fabulous fish and report ... and what i like the most is that you sighted her ... and twiched to get her to hit ... not just a blind luck slam ... not that there's anything wrong with that either !
  19. Wow, some great shots there Dan, bet the long wait made it seem all the more sweet ! Thanks for sharing ! Can't wait for my first trip next weekend.
  20. Nice report Dr. S... got me itchin for my next weekend getaway to my favourite brooky spot in the Zec-in-Quebec ... as a matter of fact I just potted a few dozen juicy crawlers to sweaten my wooly buggers with (nothin works better for me than hand picked worms)... thanks for sharing !
  21. So sorry for your loss Will- I am sure he'll be right there by your side every time you see the water and every time you see a ripple on the water. No - it will never be the same - but it will surely take on new meaning in your life. His memory will inspire you to be that torch for the next generation. Get out on the water and just as the sun rises over the horizon you will feel him there with you.
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