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Everything posted by camillj

  1. My PB Walleye was on a Worm about a foot off bottom - drifting lazily along at high noon.
  2. Sounds like a banner opener for ya Cliff .. and so nice to have it right on your doorstep ! Thanks for sharing
  3. Happy Belated ... and on the luckiest day of the year !!! Hope it was a good one ... and I'll bet if you do it the my wife does, you can make it last a week or more
  4. Man-Card ???? We dont need no shteeenkin man cards ... real men dont give a rats-arse what anyone else thinks anyways
  5. Weedless 4" Johnson's silver minnow with a 3" double yellow mister twister tail ... and use a leader Just sayin ...
  6. Probably the prettiest fish in the most serene habitat ... a total real fishing experience ... once you get the taste for it you stay awake nights researching and planning your next trips - Welcome to the club !
  7. Happy Birthday Art .. and remember ... when it comes to paintball, just 'duck and cover' ... or was that 'Tuck and roll' Well either way have a great day !
  8. Great news Wayne... gotta take the small blessings and grab on to them !
  9. Always saw some MONSTERS each spring in the bay near the resort just south of Glen Orchard ... I think it was called Enricos for a while .. anyhow .. you can actually fish it right off shore from Hwy 169 about half way down to Bala ... fish near the culverts into the swamp...not big numbers .. but some big snakes for sure !
  10. Mines right before my boaters card and right after my drivers licence in my wallet ... cant get there without it .. and dont want to get there without my fihing licence
  11. I am in Wayne if you are looking for a silent partner ... as long as we go chasin some Sturgeon toothies once in a while
  12. Not sure what all the fuss is about ... I been spending openers 'all-nighter' on a river bank most of my life .. and it has actually snowed on all but a couple of the 40+ years I have been out there ... a little rain wont hurt ya ... specially if you are already wearing waders
  13. Yep .. I am with Wayne 110%... the loyalty card has to work both ways - I have lost MANY nights sleep wondering how I am gonna take care of my guys through the tough times ... if you want to talk about your needs then do it ... but if you want to talk about walking ... I'll help you pack and wish you only the best.
  14. Wow, very very sad news indeed. It has been a tough month ! My deepest condolences to his family and close ones.
  15. You have no idea Wayne ... this was my weekend ... http://www.ofncommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=52580 This post is already too little too late for me ... but for you and your loved ones perhaps it can make a difference.
  16. http://www.heartstarthome.com/content/heartstart_featured.asp It just might save your loved ones life.
  17. In the old days it was cast as far as you could with a juicy worm on a #6 hook rigged off a 6 inch leader about 18" above a bell sinker ... for Heart lake Trout ...keep that line taught so the worm stays off bottom...get there early... have lots of patience and expect about 3 catfish for every trout Havent done that in 30+ years so I can't tell you if that has changed.
  18. Fix the rubber before you start messing with the metal ... much more likely that one of the screws needs a new rubber washer than a thread issue.
  19. Personally I do it the other way .... Magog smelt ... chasing a beadhead woolly Buggar .. chasing a small montreal dark ... and being the competitors that they are youd be surpised how often its the front fly that gets hit (especially in wild speck waters)
  20. Deepest condolences Dan to you and your family. Been a tough week for sure .
  21. Thanks Paul ... I sooo hope you are right.
  22. If only I knew it would be our last time on the town together ... as we shared an 18 year old Mccallum together going over old times and planning for next times ...I surely would have told him how much I loved him and respected him as a friend and kindred spirit.... and I surely wouldnt have let him go
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