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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. A scattergun is a scattergun. I'll stick to what works tried and true. If a shinny piece is what you like that is fine. I know you could put the best up against the 870 and lose only because the guy pulling the trigger has a shinny piece. Just because you’ve shot guns for forty years doesn’t mean you can hit anything with them. The scattergun included of course.
  2. My father has been a collector of guns for 60 years. I have shot ones with value and ones with out. I know what I am talking about when it comes to a shot gun which will hold up and shoot with the best of them. It's the person who aims the gun and not the value of it. The guy wants to buy his first time shot gun. Not to start a dust collection. You can keep going on about what you know now.
  3. 870 Express hands down. From price to reliability it is number one. Put it up against the most expensive out there at a range and watch it ink ball targets. From Birds to big game at close range it can't be beat. Enjoy
  4. Replace the hose. What do you have to lose?
  5. Find out which(white and orange) wire is your power with a tester. The other will be your switch leg. Test for continuity on your switch leg of the circut. It will be one of the wires which has the bad connection. It is not as hard as it sounds or confusing.
  6. Oh Yes. OF COURSE THEY DO. Everytime they eat another fish and get the sharp pointy fins into them. They say ouch! Then they spit it out, starve and die.
  7. Only good for speeds less than 3 mph. I never had any luck with it.
  8. you have another messege
  9. Mactierites would have had it off the base before you got home.
  10. Poacher or he can't read. He is fishing above HWY 2. I have friends who fish that river. Bronte Creek - City of Burlington and Flamborough Twp., from the C.P.R. track in the Village of Progreston downstream to the south side of Hwy. 407, including part of Limestone Creek upstream to Steeles Avenue in the Town of Milton. Fish sanctuary - no fishing from Jan. 1 - Fri. before 4th Sat. in Apr. & Oct. 1 - Dec. 31.
  11. How was the walleye fishing at the river? I hear there are 100 people an evening out there doing good.
  12. What's the last thing that goes through it's mind when he hits the windsheild head first. His butt.
  13. Foul hooking and snagging are two different animals. Snagging means you are purposely hooking fish the wrong way. Foul hooking is by accident. So when you say that people are unintentionally snagging. It's none sense.
  14. Wasn't the 'Williams ice jig' designed for Lake Simcoe orginally? The side hooks were added just to help catch whitefish with how they feed off bottom.
  15. Bill has taken offense to what you have said because he practices what he preaches. I agree with you. It is very hard to snag something you cannot see when it is 90 feet away from you. Just because you see a fish on your fish finder does not mean it is right under you.
  16. Foul hooked maybe, but I can't for the life of me see how you can snag a fish that is a hundred feet away from you that you cannot see.
  17. http://www.optimumenergy.com/how-to-test-your-smart-meter-for-accuracy/ watch this. read this too.. http://www.hydroone.com/RegulatoryAffairs/RatesPrices/Pages/default.aspx
  18. Try stuffing a Meegs into a white tube with a treble trailer hook.
  19. That is great Crappy fishing. It is grood that you keep places like that to yourself.
  20. If it's in Lake Simcoe, it is all through the Severn system and more than likely all ready through the great lakes.
  21. This new unit looks great. The best of both worlds in real time You can use it all summer/winter and it has gps as well. http://radioworld.ca/more-fishing-products-ice-flashers-elite-5-icemachine-p-10069.html?osCsid=ec906f09a834966c60d2504477486ecc
  22. They call that Pilot error and planes crash all the time. You just don't hear about it.
  23. Don't fool yourself into thinking that the wind won't push it around. Ask Rob Hyatt about wind and bungalows disappearing after a good wind storm. Conditions will dictate when you can and can’t move that thing around.
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