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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Then you know about the world class Specks located outside the forest?
  2. Try calling "Halliburton Forest". It is private property Has a couple hundred miles of wide, 24/7 groomed trails.
  3. feelings go out to the ones he left behind.
  4. Open it. Check the Voltage on the ballast. Could be 347. I have to ask why you bought a used light? They do not cost a lot and the hassle of picking it up at a certain time?
  5. Charters and private Salmon boats with multiple lines out can see over 1000 feet of line out with different set ups. Dispy's, lead core. copper etc. That is how they catch Chinny's on the Great Lakes. A Tyee can take out over 1500 feet of line. Then it dies and you reel it in.
  6. You sound surprised.
  7. Poptimax. No thank you. Verado. Better Yamaha. Now that is an engine doubted from it's birth into the water. Not many doubts anymore.
  8.     What a dog does.
  9. That was easy. Google is your friend. lol http://www.lakesimcoeoutdoors.com/lakemapscharts.php
  10. Size limits are dictated by the OMNR. I follow their Regulations and do not need OPO's Cheers
  11. There always has to be a Hero.
  12. 'little guy like Whop' There's only one little guy at OFC. His name is ChrotchyHouse
  13. "claimed as a record then it was released then it weighed 70 now its down to 60." The one and best reason why you don't see it right away.
  14. If it was easy Lew. We would not have addiction in the world. Ask Mr Ford.
  15. It's sadly not that simple. Everyone is different. I wish you all the best.
  16. "they didn't want the attention good guys and don't want any issues' Yet here it is on OFC. IW's! Can't wait to hear the Giant Tale.
  17. 'name calling, flaming or baiting' It is the Drama that brings them all to read. You above all should know that. Your added threats are part of it as well. cheers!
  18. Two small fish from 4 years ago and no link to his guide service. You might be on someth...on to something.
  19. foreshadowing with the second shot. You could see it coming. I just didn't think he would get it in the head. That guy wins the Darwin award hands down!
  20. Nancy. Pdeez The size of fish caught with those spinners? Not very impressive. Those fish could have been caught by anyone with any lure. Terry is correct about your Spam.
  21. I am sure one of the regular pin heads on this site will chime in and tell you what they think.
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