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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?app=core&module=attach&section=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=20251 A Bay of Quinte Walleye. An arms length 22 pounds was it ?
  2. Nice to see the best make in units comes up with a key app like this one. I am sure the cheaper units(hummingbird) will come out with it soon .
  3. That is ok. You do not need a license to rent a boat. So a person who has never been on a boat can rent one and go boating!
  4. Silly Sally's and the WWW have done lots of damage already ! I heard someone once say. "everyone wants to be a hero"
  5. 6 to 7 pound georgian Bay Whitefish. Average size for Simcoe as well. Nice fish.
  6. If the guy spent a little more time driling his holes properly he wouldn't have had to drag a shovel or the slush copter out with him. Would also have helped if he did not fill his holes back up with slush after they were cleaned out by the auger in the first place. Way to much time.
  7. Buy a Flasher or graph/flasher combo and you will not be dissapointed. Either one is worth every penny you chose to spend. Tell your friend to enjoy what ever he buys.
  8. 3 piece Bathrooms cost between 5 and 10 g's and more. Last bathroom I worked on was 35 g's. Tile, fixtures. Very expensive! Unless you want to do the work yourself and save half or more with the cost of labour.
  9. One week is no biggy. They should also reduce the limit to 2 fish and have a slot as well ontop of that.
  10. Congrats Julie. Very nice fish!
  11. Any pictures? Of either the ProCaster or the fish?
  12. It would be great if they brought back the Original Shinner Minnow. They almost stopped making the shad but they started making more after they changed its finish. The original finish/color was the better one. $20 each when in mint condition. I have a box full of them still. All shapes, colors and sizes. They are not for sale!
  13. Wow! That is one amazing fishery. You make it look easy. Great Tiger you got there. It's facial markings and round fins give it away with out a doubt! WTG!
  14. Many will say that Mellows do not work and that they are indeed for flossing fish. But they are very very wrong. The Salmon will jam that mellow right down their throat. Not sure how that would be considered not eating. Rainbow will eat them as well. Yarns is a good one too.
  15. Right! Not all are as fortunate!
  16. If you want roe. ,gently rub the belly of the hen and she'll release eggs! Milking Fish is illegal in Ontario.
  17. Kemper. If this river fishing makes your life so miserable that you think posting something like this will make your worries go away you should take up Bass fishing instead. Don't let your day be ruined. Walk away and try another river. or stay and fight.
  18. 100% Normal.
  19. note to self. Never lend Whitespinnerbait anything!
  20. What about quear deer? A Doe with a set of horns? What is with that? It is a good thing they are mostly found down in the southern parts of Onatrio because I sure hope they don't start showing up here.
  21. I wonder why no one ever takes pictures of them measuring the fish ? I mean they did measure it no?
  22. That just seems Ludicrous. Only one spawning site in all of southern Georgian bay???? I feel the OMNR have fallen apart when it comes to doing real studies. They just do not have the money to do things the right way anymore. I think Glen has the right idea here. Either way it would be drastic to allow Georgian Bay levels to fall below what they are at now.
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