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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Knowingly leaving that person/accident with a pile of tools on the street that it may have caused another accident. Could have made you responsible as well for any accident that may have resulted, just laughing and driving on by. Specially if you were in a cruiser.
  2. "My question is about pain levels and recovery times." The pain will subside and you will recover. Are you sure you did not take to many pain killers already?
  3. Best deals going!
  4. http://www.ontariogunshows.com/
  5. Right Lew. The Feds just want the taxes. No thought of real criminals who could care less about the law. Forcing Medical patients to buy or risk going to jail as most will not be able to afford buying from large scale businesses.
  6. Certainly not. You Harry Dick and Tom are already there.
  7. "steelheaders have always had an element that thought they where the greatest and latest, and the second coming of Jesus himself" Prostaff are cheap people looking for free stuff.
  8. The Ruger 10/22 all around great rifle that will last for years of Plinking. http://www.ruger.com/products/1022/
  9. That is very nice. I have never had a failure with a made or bought leader ever as well.
  10. One 22 cal and the nightmare it can cause. Disgusting bunch of trash all three are and should be dealt with accordingly.
  11. It sure does make you second guess the actions of any police officer. Cal size means nothing. A scape goat at best!
  12. C&R should be banned. No one should fish unless they keep and eat what they catch. Then we would not have stupid topics about dead fish floating around. JMO.
  13. Looks like a tame wild Bear to me Booboo.
  14. If guides are willing to take people out for money to their best spots. They are willing to have those spots taken from them for that amount. Is that not what a guide is for after all? To show off the area and make others good fishermen as well? cheers.
  15. Not sure how you get "to much money" He's very fortunate if you ask me and I'm happy for the guy. cheers
  16. sucking air for it's air bladder. They need ballast to suspend after all. cheers
  17. Where's STclaire ?

  18. Georgian Bay has some giant Gar in it. What is the record for Gar? That Silver one looks much bigger and different than all the rest. Thanks for posting.
  19. Moosbunk has posted a few Gar outings. Try asking him for some pointers.
  20. That is very nice of you to set up rods for your dogs as well.
  21. The Biggest Sucker Minnow You Can Find.
  22. Must be Global warming!!
  23. You forgot to bring your friend along who has the real equipment?!
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