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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. Thanks guys, ended up using ImageShack works perfect, quick and you don't have to register.
  2. Yeah I just used flikr after I posted this and it wouldn't let me show the actual picture only the link, It's weird I tried to register at photobucket over 20 times and kept getting errors so I couldn't open an account there either. I always uploaded them streight to OFC before and had a ton in my profile but there nowhere to be found, did the OFC site stop hosting pictures directly ?
  3. Hey, it's been a while sinc I've been around I either can't find my picture folders or can't remeber where to look and how to load pictures to the site, can someone refresh me please.
  4. Your blackberry should have came with a software disk with the tools needed to export pictures onto your computer, if you lost the disk you can download it for free on the blackberry website.
  5. Hey Jarred, Yeah maybe next time your up there won't be a blizzard, I pulled my boat out that next day, lol. Ciceri, you guys got some monsters out there too, you'll find one eventually. I got my trolling motor at Backwater tackle and seen pics of all the monsters they get in the south end, frig there even invading Wasaga beach now, lol, that guy a couple years ago got a 50 plus incher trolling for salmon at the mouth of the Notty.
  6. Thanks guys, yeah G bay. Squid I actually just got some off a guy on this site in the classifieds from North Bay for 22 each, no tax. I'm going to have to get a couple more cause that musky demolished that one, huge holes all in it now, lol. I got some of the big salmo Fatso cranks too only 6" long but super fat, they are nice as well for real shallow fishing.
  7. That's awesome, a rare adventure for sure.
  8. Sweet one, looks like the dirty weather is paying off for the musky guys.
  9. Thanks GCD, yep the 20 centimeter they call it, it's about 8 and a quarter inch in your hand, you can jerk'em, twichem and troll them. I'm a big fan now usually I like wood lures but these have some crazy side to side wobble action, probably would work good on lot's of saltwater fish too.
  10. She was actually pretty fat (fatter than the pic lets on anyway,lol), my pics always come out like that long snake style, must be the angle I hold them or something, it's funny how the same fish can look twice as big in a different angle but she'll definitely be much fatter come October, I'll keep feeding them these salmos hopfully .
  11. Beauty, this weather must have got them stirred up, it was brutal here all weekend too.
  12. Do you self a favor and pic up the 8" salmo skinner in shiner pattern these have great action for a plastic lure, the fish seem to love them too. The first time out with this lure I picked up a 29" walleye and a 41" pike and tonight a 51" muskie, versatile lure. I was trolling 3 mph along a sand/rock break line in 14' with the lucky salmo and picked up my first musky of the year before the storm front blew in. She swallowed the lure deep but I managed to get all hooks out with little effort or stress on the fish, revived her for a bit to see her swim away.
  13. Thanks AP, I have a big sense of humor in real life just have a short fuse for corporate gibberish on occasion, we'll try to turn this around positively, lol.
  14. I can see this tread will be locked up soon,lol. Don't know why I bother ranting it get's me nowhere. On a lighter note here's a nice little piker from last night, a slender 41" surprise fish that hit a salmo skinner twitch bait musky fishing, also a 28" walleye hit the same lure in 3 feet of water. First time using it they seem to have great action that the fish like.
  15. I would wedge your looser underwear over your dumb head and hang you by a tree untill they ripped and you can eat a banana with extra whip cream as well. With angry as your handle I would say your the one who needs to chill, this is a perfectly good argument for people with no credit cards that have been supporting Ebay for years. I've sent 300 money orders with no problems, you can see why I think this is Bull and sure paypal is convinent but Ebay does profit off of it and that's the true reason they changed their so called polices which is the true reason I'm upset, people without credit cards should be able to purchase especially if they have a clean record over all these years.
  16. I thought he was a smart kid regardless, sort of humorous and entertaining, it was like a little game, even if it wasn't all truth it was impressive that he came up with little stories for each body of water with at least a little research done prior.
  17. Yes but the new money orders are bullet proof, the clerk has to type everything into the computer now and they have more security prints on the paper as well. The point here is that Ebay is forcing people to use paypal, some people don't have credit cards or also refuse to use credit cards for similar reasons, just the fact they are that greedy is what gets me. Only 10% of ebay purchases where made via MO, but that adds up to millions of potential paypal profit for Ebay. I've also googled tones of very unhappy customers using paypal, apparently they don't like to deal with problems just like any insurance companies, they tell you one thing then when you actually need their help they do everything possible to not help.
  18. So I've been purchasing items off Ebay since the site started years ago and have purchased over 300 items all payed for by a Canada post Money Order with a 100% rating. My most recent purchase was three weeks ago and had no problems. I go to purchases some new musky reels a Curado 300, and a Calcutta 400TE yesterday as usuall I had to PM the seller to see if they would accept a Money Order payment, they both declined and said Ebay no longer prohibits Money Orders(that was news to me apparenty since June 14th). So anyway, that's it for me and Ebay, I refuse to get a paypal account and that's the only option they have now other than another sites they own like paypal or a credit card but most sellers can't take credit cards. Just another corporate company squeezing every penny they can forcing garbage down people throats.
  19. Thanks boys, yeah I'll let you know if I get anything going. I already have the locations picked out for the boards that's why I want some in the first place, I know there not the best presentation for a lot of things, lol. I cast a lot too for the tight spot on spot locations , this will just be another weapon in the arsenal. I have some large 8-10' weed flats, sprawling gradual sloping shoals and a river or just follow a shoreline in mind where I would use them. I'm looking into these mini 3 foot masts that plug into the seat hole now might be a better option. Stealth is the key motivation hear, I want to creep up on these muskies like a Ninja:ph34r:
  20. No worries Randy, I got my panties in a bunch, I know you know your stuff. That's a good idea,I'd like too see that set-up.
  21. That's not the case for me, I've personally raised some monsters here that got spooked by my trolling motor prop so It can only help if anything. I can see this is turning into a musky bible school like most musky threads do, I don't need another lecture on musky survival techniques. I'm not worried that the fish will die if I was I wouldn't do it. I don't want a Internet fight either, all I asked was for a planer board that will work for big baits? not another survival techniques lecture or how far out line needs to be. Sorry, I'm just tired of it, I've been fishing muskies for a long time now I know the basics, thanks.
  22. Thanks Raf, yeah I got some nice woodie type st. clair style baits and the salmo skinners should be good too in shallow. So I found this link Planer musky he uses these "Offshore Tackle OR-30 Muskie Release Clips (These even hold 13” Believers)" but he makes his own boards and has a planer mast. So my question now there any store bought inline planer boards I can get to add these clips on ?
  23. Roy, I want to start using planner boards because I think I'll hook into more fish. I have a old loud, noisy motor and fish Georgian Bay in Crystal clear water so I think they will help ( I understand they hit baits in the prop wash but I find there real spooky up here ) . I can't find the link anymore but theres a guy that's been counting fish trolling Georgian bay with planner rods and down rods and he claims in the last 5 years 90% of the fish hit the planner board lines, and we know it works on St. Clair. Also I have a narrow boat the only way I could troll 3 rods comfortably would be with boards but I don't need 200 feet probably more around 100, anyway I think the muskies will be fine. Raf, I had a feeling they didn't make any for Talonz or any of the huge shad deep divers, but I was thinking 10" believers, 10" jakes ect. ? I know lot's of guys use in line planners I just need to know what's best suited.
  24. I need some planer boards, I should have got some a long time ago. What are the best boards available for big drag on big lures ?
  25. My good friend fishies with me in a power wheelchair, I just have a 17' boat with a flat floor, he seems to be fine, we just lift him in. Another friend has a boat where the whole front of it folds down so he can pull up to any shore or dock and just load stuff, that type of boat would be perfect but also expensive it's a 22' Stanley I think.
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