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Everything posted by GbayGiant

  1. are you sure ?
  2. How about this scenario... "if" you had to make this choice? would you rather have your daughter be in a room full of drunk guys.(it's legal after all) .while drunk herself? or with a bunch of reefer mad people ? Which one do you feel would likely have the better outcome? Should have some interesting opinions here!
  3. Derivatives are legal for med patients right now as of a few months back. There was a 7 to 0 supreme court judgement for the sick! Which granted them that right. It's not about getting high in this regard. Although most would like to think so. Specially the ones who do not know better and have never had to deal with an illness as such.
  4. and you know this how?
  5. It wasnt face book. Try this one it may help with what I meant. http://www.cfweradio.ca/on-air/blogs/dustin-mcgladrey-351668/entry/283/ watch the interview. It will answer your question that this would indeed, not happen! and its funny that he laughs it off.
  6. Yes for sure targeting fish in deep water this time of year will see dead fish Like walleye as well...Muskie. Bass. etc all suffer from being brought up to fast.
  7. nah I doubt that much https://video-ord1-1...ba3&oe=5632DEB0
  8. there is no controlling "the peoples plant" She'll just bite you in the rear every time.
  9. you forgot. ... Burning one with the PM
  10. Two words of advice. Lotto Tickets!
  11. nice chemtrail sky
  12. https://video-ord1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hvideo-xpl1/v/t42.1790-2/12183342_767239826731199_282386145_n.mp4?efg=eyJybHIiOjQyMywicmxhIjo1MTIsInZlbmNvZGVfdGFnIjoidjJfNDI2X2NyZl8yM19tYWluXzMuMF9zZCJ9&rl=423&vabr=235&oh=6fcfa6e0d86c7c26ce73c81518e3aba3&oe=5632DEB0
  13. Mister G, on 29 Oct 2015 - 12:01 PM, said: I donno.. I think about people like ...Steve Jobs, Mr Branson Paul macartny....Snoop dog Carl Sagan, jay Gould the kind who sat around all the time............. and got high.
  14. I meant by all the side effects, all pharma meds have in comparison. so sorry.
  15. Addiction does that. Sucks!
  16. well said.
  17. that kind of thinking just gets you in trouble
  18. "It's no different than alcohol" ... Please, explain how Alcohol helps people. Then explain how Ativan or Valium would have been a better choice for your bros wife.
  19. you know these people do you? Please...give proof! Ive been around a wee bit. oh and please... dont compare alcohol to pot. Thats just silly talk and we want to be adults here right?
  20. as I thought and I would have got there and explained that. Thanks
  21. Please explain Cliff, please explain the problems it has caused. Please, let us all know the real issues of Pot and the harm it causes? Don't just say someone had issues. Explain yourself .,, That way I can try to show the error in that kind of thinking. It's been drilled into everyones mind. the truth is coming out. Please explain the issues at hand Sir. I'l try and quench each thought as you go. Fair enough ?
  22. families ruined by buying pot? Please name a few ..... your prohibitions views are old and outdated.
  23. doubt that all you like. That'd be your loss sadly.
  24. comparing Alcohol to Pot is sadly hilarious. but done none the less. How many families has Pot destroyed? How many people have died from Pot? If these two questions can be answered with knowledge, that would be a great start!.
  25. ya don't say Always comes down to the last thing to try. then there are the ones who 'THINK' they know better
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