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then there was this they say Rumors persist that Bob Marley was murdered by the CIA (among other theorized assassins), with assistance from Dr. Issels, who has been reported in these accounts to be a former Nazi. The most common version of the story is that the CIA had an operative give Marley a pair of boots as a gift, and the boots had a radioactive wire hidden in them, which caused the cancer on his toe. A 2011 article from High Times magazine details this theory further.
You're very correct on that. Smoking it did not help his cancer that we know of... Now ingesting it on the other hand... I guess we'll never know if it could have.
what's he adding to the sap?
only Medical Marijuana is legal. sorry for the confusion Shane.
There were two pictures. One was inferred as Moonshine in the form of Maple syrup. The other was what appeared to be MJ. Both must have been illegal to have been taken down. It's kinda sad someone would actually post illegal moonshine on the site and pass it off as Maple Syrup. There is nothing legal about moonshine. Now MMJ on the other hand is legal here in Canada. To post illegal MMJ would be on that same line as well. Funny how back words the ideals of some people are in this regard. More hypocritical from a lack of knowledge really. cheers.
What is legal and what is illegal? It's legal if you are sick and it has been prescribed to you. It's illegal if you buy it from anything other than a high priced system the Cons tried to set. A 'new MMPR system' which handed the whole market over to the BM.(they'll never admit that) It replaced the MMAR which allowed patients to grow small amounts of their own medicine which was put in place back in 2001, by court order I might add. The MMAR was made legal under court injunction after the new MMPR system was put in place. Health Canada threatened the sick with by sending the RCMP to their doors if they did not comply and jail. Another recent court order was that the sick can ingest their medicine rather than smoke it. Epileptic Children don't need to smoke their meds when they can take it other ways with no high what so ever. There is CBD as well but I wont get into all that. If you'd like to read more about this, its all over the WWW. Take it or leave it..it's a choice most would like to have and a right they have been given by court order after the cons tried to get it away. They see money in this little plant and they don't want to let anyone control it other than themselves. It's the peoples plant after all and it will treat the ones badly who try and control it. It will work well for the ones who don't try. cheers
Please let the ones know who are at fault by PM Thanks Art.
Just know it will never go the other way. change can be hard sometimes.
It's not all about getting high... Cannabis used for medicine, food, fuel, paper, rope, maps, bricks, oil, paint, furniture and much more. CANNABIS IS THE MOST VERSATILE, EFFICACIOUS PLANT ON EARTH Go to the Index 'Efficacious' means effective, or productive as regards the desired effect. This is particularly concerned with cannabis biomass (explained soon). Cannabis is versatile because it has so many uses. It's uses can be traced back to thousands of years before Christ. PRODUCTS WHICH CAN BE MADE WITH OR FROM CANNABIS (for more details see below) medicine, fuel, paper, food, rope, maps, clothes, nets, lace, soap, sails, shoes, plastics, explosives, caulking, fiberboard, paint, sealant, methanol, gasoline, fibre for fuel, bricks, charcoal, auto bodies, packing mass, lubricants, oil for lighting, oil for fuel, oil for lights, animal food, furniture, mats, varnish, lotions, ointments, lacquer, salad dressings.... There are an estimated 50,000 commercial uses. Until about 100 years ago almost all the world's bibles maps, sails, clothes and books were made out of cannabis. Much of the world's population has survived by eating hemp seed, cooked into a porridge called 'gruel'. CANNABIS BIOMASS Biomass is the amount of plant material which can be converted to fuel, usually by gasification. Biomass is biologically produced material. Methanol is a biomass substance. Biomass can be converted into virtually any sort of energy. World production of biomass has been estimated at 146 billion tons a year. The thermochemical process which converts organic material to fuel is called pyrolysis. This consists of applying heat with little or no air. It can produce charcoal, gasses, acetone, methanol and other organic liquids known as pyrolitic fuel oil. When the biomass of cannabis is converted to fuel there are no harmful waste products (compare with radioactive sources of energy) and there is no environmental pollution (as with fossil fuels). The FCDA have produced their 'biomass equation' which shows that cannabis biomass is the most efficient (and potentially the cheapest and most reliable) way to produce energy. It is estimated that up to 90% of the energy produced by the use of fossil fuels could be produced from biomass. Hemp can be converted to methane, methanol or petrol. Br ridding ourselves of the pollution factories and the resulting sulphurous smogs which are released into the atmosphere we could dramatically reduce acid rain and begin the reverse the Greenhouse Effect. Henry Ford's first Model T was designed to run on a methanol petrol produced from hemp seeds. PAPER 75 to 90 percent of the paper used for books, maps, bibles, banknotes and newspapers, was made from hemp until about 1883. Hemp paper had been used since the first century AD, by the Chinese, and it was used in Europe since the 5th. Cannabis can be harvested in 3 to six months as compared with 30 or more years for trees. It can produce double or more fibre as wood chippings and requires no dangerous chemicals in the paper pulping processes. No chlorine is needed for bleaching and no deadly dioxins are thrown into the environment. Hemp paper will outlive even the best quality wood pulp paper or papyrus paper. FOOD Hemp seed is one of the easiest to produce and nutritious food crops on earth. For many centuries it was the staple food crop for most of the world. The oils produced from the seed contains the highest amount of essential fatty acids in the plant world. Hemp seed oil helped clear the human system of cholesterol. The seed itself can be ground to make a porridge - gruel - or baked into cakes or bread. Hemp seed is the single most complete food on the planet and can be grown quickly almost anywhere, yet the world is allowed to starve as a result of the often total prohibition of cannabis. During recent years, some countries, notably the Maldives, have given life sentences to people found with even three seeds, whilst in the Western world it is readily available for use as bird food and fishing bait. That alone reveals the real evil behind this senseless banning of foods BRICKS, PLANKS, PLASTICS Hemp is for replacing wooden materials. as it can be pressed into a variety of forms. It can be used to make furniture and beams, being stronger and more flexible than timber as well as more financially and environmentally beneficial. Isochanvre, produced in France, is a method of making a building material from the hurds of hemp, which sets into a very hard mineral state ideal for construction. Archaeologists have found a bridge in the South of France, over 1200 years old, made from a similar material. Several house have already been built from hemp bricks. Hemp can also be used to make plastics for pipes for plumbing etc and almost any item made from plastic at this time; however, the processes involved are far less polluting. As well as using hemp fuel for his Model T, Henry Ford used hemp plastics to build the body work. TEXTILES Approximately 90 percent of sails and most rigging, nets, rope, flags and sealant was made from cannabis until this century; even nappies and towels.. Even the sailors shoes and socks were produced from cannabis fibres. The original hard wearing Levi jeans were made from cannabis. In 1938 Popular Mechanics, a USA magazine, stated that hemp was the "standard fibre of the world". Clothes made from hemp are more durable yet softer than those made from cotton, a plant which requires much pesticide and fertilizer to grow. Of course the huge pharmaceutical companies who profit from these chemicals would suffer if hemp was re-introduced widely into the markets, which is one reason such a process may be slow. This profit is important to remember when examining the true reasons for the prohibition of cannabis. PAINT, VARNISH, LACQUER For hundreds of years hemp seed oil was used to make paints and varnishes. Some of the greatest works of art were created on canvas (incidentally a Dutch word meaning cannabis), including works of Rembrandt, Van Gogh etc. OIL FOR LIGHTING Until this century hemp seed oil was used to produce most of the light in the world. It burns with an even light and odes not produce the soot characteristic of modern oils. It can also be used as a lubricant. For more detailed information on the industrial uses of cannabis / hemp, check this out. Back to Index
The truth is people. There is a huge reason why this is being legalized here in Canada. Medical and recreational is only one little piece of the giant puzzle. This is a multi trillion dollar industry which anyone can do. That is the real problem behind this little green plant. There are lots of natural plants on this planet that see people killed every day in the name of money. Time to wake up.
Maybe the people you are referring to don't know your thoughts here Aplumma. Please just say what you have a problem with and we can have it stopped. That way the ones who have been trying to destroy this topic will know. cheers
There's Very Good News for the Lungs of Marijuana Smokers By Matt Essert January 18, 2015 LIKE MIC ON FACEBOOK: The news: Conventional wisdom generally says inhaling any kind of smoke is bad for your lungs, and, to that end, smoking marijuana is just as bad for your health as smoking tobacco cigarettes. However, according to data recently published in the journal Annals of the American Thoracic Society, inhaling one marijuana cigarette a day over 20 years is not associated with adverse changes in lung health. In the largest cross-sectional analysis study of its kind, researchers at Emory University in Atlanta found that cannabis exposure and inhalation were not associated with negative spirometry changes, just FEV1 (forced expiratory volume) declines or problems with small airways disease. Additionally, the researchers found that vaporizing marijuana users reported even fewer issues than those who inhaled combusted marijuana. In other words, unlike tobacco cigarettes and their well-documented highly negative effects on smokers' lungs, marijuana cigarettes cannot be said to have the same correlation. On top of that, the researchers concluded marijuana smoke exposure could be "associated with some protective lung effects among long-term smokers of tobacco," reports NORML. However, the study found that inhaling marijuana smoke led to an increase in symptoms of bronchitis-like coughing, sore throat and shortness of breath. So, some risks are certainly still present, but they pale in comparison to the same risks when smoking tobacco cigarettes. "In a large representative sample of U.S. adults, ongoing use of marijuana is associated with increased respiratory symptoms of bronchitis without a significant functional abnormality in spirometry, and cumulative marijuana use under 20 joint-years is not associated with significant effects on lung function," the study's authors concluded. "The pattern of marijuana's effects seems to be distinctly different when compared to that of tobacco use." Growing science: Previous studies have also shown marijuana to have health effects much different than generally expected, including its effects on pulmonary functions and similar studies on the effects of marijuana smoke on the lungs. Not only does this data show marijuana smoke isn't as dangerous as tobacco smoke, but that cannabis could potentially be an effective method of treatment for a number of medical issues, considering the myriad of potential uses. Already, many state have legalized marijuana in one form or another, though most have approved cannabis for medicinal use. And as the body of science behind marijuana's positive aspects grows, you can expect even more states to be jumping on board and legalizing. h/t reset.me
You don't have to convince the world. It's their loss.
just like the clowns ... they're already here Money talks!
urban Myth. More likely mold. People did not know what good pure hash was back then. So they said it was opium that did that to them. Like they put strychnine in LSD. along the same lines
yes. that is what I was trying to point out. Thanks.
OTTAWA -- Several Canadian manufacturing companies announced that the domestic robots that replaced thousands of Canadian workers will be replaced by temporary foreign robots. Canada’s new and controversial Temporary Foreign Robot program will allow Canadian companies to hire robots manufactured in other countries - mostly Japan and China - to work at a lower upkeep cost and longer hours for a predetermined amount of time before returning to their home country. “It’s so expensive to employ a Canadian programmable machine,” explained CEO Victor Jamesh of Dynamic Synergy Industries, an automotive manufacturer that recently announced the layoffs of all of its domestic robots. “They only work 18 hours a day, require more maintenance and is much less productive. Now I have 50 temporary foreign machines that can do the same work as 200 Canadian machines.” But many out-of-work manufacturer workers were not happy to hear that the robots that replaced them were now going to be replaced by robots from a foreign country. “At least I could sleep at night knowing that a Canadian manufactured robot took my job,” explained Michael Gerivatso, an unemployed tool and die maker. “But now our country is overrun by these robotic immigrants. “The government needs to end this program immediately and give these patriot robots their jobs back!” a joke maybe?
It's sad to see prohibition and the lack of knowledge here. That said. Taking opiates is a far better option and driving is it then? ..May cause drowsiness after all, and "to be careful operating machinery." It's an adult decision Not one that gets decided for people by others who think they know better but choose not to look into the who deal. They have laws for impaired driving and tests for such but that's not enough I guess.
100% fear mongering
still on about this?
no one will take something worth 100 dollars, add another hundred dollars to it and sell it for 100 dollars. When they can sell each separate and make a killing. That's how business works after all.
it's a rather moot point. it's just not done.
no ..it wouldn't but it's more like they don't sell things for less than they make far more off of.
www.youtube.com/watch?v=dw1HavgoK9 that works hope it helps
if you think for a second that people who felt like you did, get behind a wheel and drive... How.. It does not happen like that but...... Maybe that person should have warned you that taking other peoples meds are not a good thing, not to mention, against the law! Just saying cheers id post a video for you to help with this but it wont let me lol