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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. They could claim you are disrupting the free flow of traffic, if the place is busy .
  2. If you put the boat on your house ins. will a claim on the boat drive up your house ins. or maybe they will drop you? I don't know, I don't insure the boat.
  3. A small marker left unattended could easily be considered a hazard to navigation , they're not that easy to see in the day. Learn how to use ranges and you don't need a marker or a gps.
  4. TIP ... If you drop the OL Lady off on shore for a trip to the bushes provide some paper, never tell her to use a handful of leaves if she doesn't know what poison ivy looks like. Did you know poison ivy can be a STD?
  5. Just to be a gentleman, usually slow down to around 20 , but if you loose her off the back and she finds out theres a head in the cuddy, look out.
  6. Thanks guys , Ive cleaned it and light oiled it before , maybe grease is the answer.
  7. I think the change in pitch would give you another 400 rpm and the change to aluminum would give bump it up a little more putting you close if not over your wot limit. I'd stay with the 17.
  8. The gear case is sealed with a 2 way seal, so it is possible for oil to leak out but not in if the seal is damaged. You can keep an eye on the oil level or have it pressure tested. I think ctc has a bike hand pump that has a check valve in it that with some modifying can be used to check the gear case. Unburned oil can plug up the exhaust if you use really cheap oil.
  9. I have a browning rear drag spin reel and the drag sticks, I have to give it a tug then it runs out smooth, but its a good pull to get it going. Any ideas on how to fix this. Thanks
  10. There used to be something big at Main Duck that would bite a lake trout in half, as far as I know it was never caught. My brother got a big pike with another pike down its throat and its tail sticking out of its mouth, he might have caught the small one first.
  11. Its not so much the weight as where you put it, when you put pedestal seats in these tinners and raise the weight so much higher than center of gravity you loose a lot of stability.
  12. First thing I do to fix a motor is tell them the gas is no good, drain it out and put it in my truck cause it will burn anything. When that doesn't work and it never does I clean the carbs. My bud had his do the same thing, when he had it wot and it bogged down, he choked it and it would take off. The main jets on these are tiny and plug up easily plug up, I cleaned the carbs and it worked good for a couple hrs. and bogged again. My bud watched me clean the carbs so he tore them down and found a dandelion seed in the jet.
  13. If your going to fish salmon you want all the help you can get from the guys that are out there every day. Can I promote my marine electronics business here? LOL Hey I got an old marineteck maxim that DOA .........
  14. I'm sorry I lumped all the cops together. Cops HERE will NOT come to a trespass complaint unless you have the bad guys or plate #'s and I don't blame them because they can't do anything after their long gone anyway. How do you pull someone over if you don't chase them? no wonder you got so many speeders up there. The cops here will chase you and pull you over for speeding, seat belts, and all kinds of stuff. Maybe your definition of "chase" is a little different than mine. In any case stop beating your head on the wall, it aint worth it.
  15. Cops don't come to a trespass or theft of crops call on a farm, the landowner is expected to handle it themselves by asking the trespasser to leave or the thief to pay. When a trained cop confronts someone they don't leave the gun at home or in the car because they don't know what kind of lunatic they might be dealing with so why should a landowner be expected to confront people. Have you ever seen a cop hot after a bad guy? Some cops get so exited chasing a minor traffic offense they are dangerous, so when you put the same pressure on an untrained landowner you can expect this kind of thing.
  16. What I find amazing is our soldiers go into some country and tell them we are here to bring you freedom and then have to tell them that back home its against the law to go fishing, no wonder the taliban put up a fight.
  17. C+R was illegal here till the introduction of licensing in what , the 80's.
  18. The spray shield came with the transducer because these are different and mount below the hull, it would be easy to make as its just a flat piece bent U shaped at the sides to mount into the 4 bolts. Its an interphase scanning sonar. I'd try like the Dog says and try to tweek it a bit, on my regular sonar as soon as I'm happy with the position of the transducer something hits it and I'm at it again, right now I loose bottom at 50'.
  19. Yeah thats right too, I forgot that would be the same motor..
  20. One less cruiser here, cop smashed it up last weekend. The problem with the racing law is that it was written by cops for cops and the politicians never read it all before passing it. There is all kinds of stuff in there that nobody knows about. Its like the biker law, if we held cops and politicians to the same standards as Hells Angels we wouldn't have any.
  21. The flat transducers could be siliconed to the hull to stop that. I just got a new setup and it has a spray shield above the transducer that is a piece of metal that snugs up to the boat and mounts at the 4 bolts.
  22. Will a 15 kicker plane the boat? If not, why so big? I have a 6hp yami on a 23' and it will bring it up to its hull speed, I couldn't go much faster with a 40hp. The only problem with the 6 is I have to rev it up fairly good for salmon and a bigger motor might give me a little more control on a windy day. The good thing about it is it will move the boat slow enough to jig on a still day and uses about half the fuel of the 7.5 merc that some long fingered ^%$#% took off the boat.
  23. Is it stiff all the time or just under way? If its just under way you may have to adjust a trim tab behind the prop to compensate for prop walk.
  24. The best way is to just change it yourself if you can, then it gets done. We take a flag to Main Duck Is. every year and change it out if somebody hasn't already. Sometimes the locals fly the Main Duck flag that is the 2 red bars with a duck in the center instead of the maple leaf, I don't know where they get it. Main Duck is part of Parks Canada but I doubt they've ever put a flag on it.
  25. The only time you can charge someone on the spot is if they are in a cultivated field. I have a neighbor who rides me over the bikes and 4 wheelers on the farm and the only one I could charge was his son in law sitting on his bike. Not to belittle misfish's misfortune , well , yeah lets do it anyway cause its fun. Wheres that picture of the angry little boy with his sister that caught the fish, it should be saved with the emotions.
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