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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. I was up to the point (L.Ont.)yesterday around noon. Had to lean into the wind to walk and my hands were cold enough to fall off in a minute. Waves weren't real high but they were breaking everywhere.
  2. "why did i rake leaves. im sure theyre up in london by now." Neighbors lawns are all covered in corn husks, no leaves there.
  3. Blew my boat off its blocks this morning, old 23' glasstrons aren't light.
  4. There is a new set of rules for administering the test that make it harder to do at shows, you can't do it at your home or online other than a class setting. whoever is giving the test must have a set of the rules etc. A lot of the new rules are being ignored same as the old ones. The card is a cash cow given to private organizations because no gov. org. wanted to do it, if they did it would be costing us a lot more in the form of a renewable license. The hope that it would be a gateway to more advanced courses didn't pan out and attendance to advanced courses actually dropped as people figured thats all they need. The commercial boaters card is far more advanced than the PCOC and should be up and running by now but I haven't heard too much about it. This is what the guides and anyone working on a boat would need.
  5. This anti anti Christmas thing all started from an American white supremest publication as a rant against well pretty much everybody that wasn't an American white supremest . So the greeting they really want you to use is a raised fist and "white power". If everybody tries not to get sucked into promoting it , it might go away in 10 or 20 or 30 years.
  6. Let them eat the coons first. WE trapped over 50 coons last year and less than 10 this year after a pair of coyotes moved in. You could see the tracks in the corn fields where they hunt coons and skunks. But as luck would have it the coyotes took a liking to one of the sweet corn varieties and helped themselves, good thing it wasn't a big seller and not a great loss. Never seen them eat a lot of corn before. Saw them run up the road out front last night.
  7. Navigating with gps brings new hazards, overconfidence in the accuracy being one. Tangledlines is right to make tracks and return on them because the gps is more accurate in reference to its own waypoints than it is to charts. A new one is the guy that sets up the gps to an autopilot and then goes below. These fellas were keeping poor watch and way too fast, like one off the guys said they could have hit any moving hazard like a log or canoe. I missed a canoe by about 5'coming dead slow into a harbor, 20' away you couldn't see them looking right at them. When I first spotted them they were paddling hard coming from under my bow, no light. As for the operators cards, in the boating education field, that proves that you guessed your way through boating kindergarten. Before the operators card this coarse was originally for twelve and under.
  8. Boating courses start in Jan. maybe you can get a deal if you all go together, it'll be fun. Buddy did something similar, he was trying to figure out what those goofy lights were when he hit the wake off a barge and got launched through the air at wot. The ladies still think he did it on purpose.
  9. The last time I hunted I put some guys on spots early and then went to my watch. There was a heard of em standing there looking at me but it was way early to be shootin so I just lay on the ground. One came over and licked my face. Naa thats not true, he just sniffed my hair. I let them go and watched one of our guys get one of them, that was his first deer on his first time out.
  10. WE did up an eel on a fishing trip once , put it on a spit over the fire and the oil dripping off the eel will keep the fire going. It was actually pretty good. My uncle used to sell carp to restaurants, they would take the small ones and pass them off as halibut. This would be around late forties.
  11. I caught my BSA on fire, big ball of flame, the gas cap wasn't very tight and we had flames fed from the tank. When you ride Brit bikes you don't bother getting off, just take off your jacket and smother the flames and your good to go. I saw a new Yamaha road star on ebay once , it had fell over and broke the running board off leaving the broken bolt in the frame. It was a write off because they priced it to take everything off and put it into a new frame, and the insurance co. could make $ selling it for more than they paid out.
  12. We'll find out, they want to put a bunch of them off shore of Main Duck wildlife preserve ( They always seem to want to build these industrial parks next to a conservation area, maybe they just don't want to pay the price of land already zoned for industry.) The shoal at Main Duck has the best small mouth fishing going so it won't take long to find out what spawning smallies think of wind turbines. I didn't think you could build cement seawalls anymore but I think thats the plan. They could put one on Scotch bonnet Is. and churn up a few thousand cormorants.
  13. The Star also reported that the car sales in Ca. are setting record #'s and the Ca. industry is doing well. Trucks were a couple K cheaper in the summer for a week or two but went back up. The add you see here was from U.S. Your going to see trucks built here selling K's cheaper in the U.S. than they do here same as snow machines. They had a new van in the shop here for a wheel bearing, rather than pay a fortune for the bearing here the owner got it in Florida for less than half but it had to be shipped down from Ontario. DUH!
  14. I've done it with the prop covered with weeds.
  15. Pinch your Ol' Lady's leg warmers.. You know the ones that the girls wear in the workout videos. Warm blood in your legs keeps the rest of you warm. tip # 2 Southern comfort and hot chocolate isn't half bad when its -40. tip # 3 when the whiskey freezes its time to check your fingers and see if they are still there.
  16. I don't have one but probably transmission fluid.
  17. I got the E-mail here somewhere, some homeland security type thing asking for suggestions on how to secure power plants and bridges . I found the whole thing sort of stupid, you put a big gun on your bridge or power plant and shoot anybody that comes near, or not, are the only options.
  18. Fish em while you can, its in the works to make hydro plants and bridges no go zones due to terrorist activity. No kidding.
  19. Experience in that area is the only way to answer that as we would need to know wind speed and fetch (distance the wind travels across the water)and local depth. Wind at that speed across the water would produce lots of chop and white caps pretty much everywhere and set up into big rollers. Close to shore is fine for an off shore wind but if the wind blows wave action toward shore its the last place you want to be. Waves are wheels of water and you only see the tops, as the waves get crowded in the shallow water and by returning surge they rise up higher and break more. And when the %$$ hits the fan you want to be out where you have more time to react. A bow rider in big rollers is also a big dipper and can scoop up a lot of water. Staying home was a good idea. Boating in heavy weather is something you want to practice your way into rather than a crash course.
  20. Get yourself into a Canadian Power and sail Squadrons weather coarse and do like Irishfield and predict the weather yourself. Its the best $ you'll ever spend because you'll use it every day.
  21. Whoa guys, JB is not buying the boat and trailer he's selling it. Transfer trailer from your mother to new owner, if you transfer to you even for a $ I don't know for sure but they might want to tax you on the value of trailer and there is no need to transfer to your name. As for the boat the easiest thing to do is check where it says sellers signature and I'm sure if you check your Dad has already signed it, if not check again. Or someone at Canada services must know how to do the transfer.
  22. I approached a councilor trying to get you guys a grate or something so you don't have to risk getting caught salting the ramp and his first reaction was lets close the ramp. Maybe I'll have to try again and see if we can get you something built.
  23. I haven't used the interphase much yet but I think it will record the screen. I thought I'd use it on LO but didn't get out this year.
  24. I got an interphase pc view last fall that scans and hooks up to a laptop. my biggest problem was not having time to learn how to use it. It took a while to get it up and running due to conflicts with the gps and touchscreen but the guys at interphase got me sorted out. I haven't fished deeper than 18 feet since I got it working so I haven't had a chance to see what it can really do. I'm hoping to take a run to BOQ and try it there before I pickle the boat.
  25. According to the bill windshield mounted GPS is still legal, according to the HTA they never were legal. The interesting thing is that there is a cell phone issue when less than 8% of the public have them, if you were to imagine what it would be like with 50 % of the public using them maybe its a good idea to address the problem sooner than later. When we use the roads we put a lot of trust into a lot of people we don't know and it would be nice to know they're looking out for us.
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