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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. I searched the HTA yesterday and couldn't find where a video screen was illegal, I did find where a television receiver is illegal, so as far as I could find your gps is OK as long as you can't get Young And Restless on it and it doesn't block your sight out a windshield or window. FishnNAutographs, is the video ahead of the driver illegal or are you just trying to apply common sense to the outdated HTA. I thought they were illegal but can't find it in the HTA. Toronto Star reported today that no new law against a gps mounted on the windshield, but there is already an old law prohibiting them. This is how we get stupid laws, the guys that write the new laws don't know the old laws and the MPP's that pass them don't bother to read what they are voting on because the party leaders tells them how to vote..
  2. Well I was wrong about the video being illegal, its TV receivers that are illegal but you can bet that when they update the law any video screen visible to the driver will go. We had a girl go through the cedars about 8' off the ground when she abandoned the wheel to root through the glove box for smokes, maybe she shouldn't have a cell or gps. If 90% of drivers were good drivers it wouldn't be a problem but I think the scale tips the other way.
  3. Buddy didn't have his phone long before he wrote off a car, I'd like to see them gone because I ride a vintage motorcycle and need all the help I can get ( by the way an extended left arm is a left turn signal, it does not mean pass me.) Anything that blocks vision out the windshield is already illegal in Ontario and yes the cops are breaking that law too. I don't know for sure but I think there is a law that bans video screen in view of the driver . And using these could already get you a careless charge should something happen like when my buddy ran over the car while looking for the #'s on the phone.
  4. Is that the old 4 cyl chev , if you run it on a set of muffs it sounds just like the old farmall tractor Buddy had one that worked well.
  5. I can remember all kinds of useless crap. From the Star's Wheels section A: The provincial Highway Traffic Act prohibits having any object obstructing the driver's view through the windshield or windows. Section 73(1) HTA states that "no person shall drive a motor vehicle upon a highway, with any sign, poster or other non-transparent material or object placed on the windshield or on any window of such motor vehicle; or with any object placed in, hung on or attached to the motor vehicle, in a manner that will obstruct the driver's view of the highway or any intersecting highway." To avoid possibly running afoul of the law, it might be best to mount your GPS unit to the front of the dash (not on top) below the level of the windshield. For safety, motorists should only rely on audio directions from the GPS rather than watching the screen when driving. Charges under S. 73(1) HTA carry a $110 penalty. And, yes, before you write in, I'm aware that police themselves often have equipment (radar, large strobes etc.) mounted on their cruiser dashboard that blocks the driver's clear view of the road ahead. No exemption for police under this section of the HTA could be located. Ontario Transportation Ministry spokesperson Bob Nichols adds: Safe driving requires that you focus your attention on driving . Navigation devices, when used properly, can make driving safer by helping to guide you to your destination with audio instructions as you drive. The risks associated with these devices typically occur when drivers try to manually reprogram them while driving. Drivers who fail to pay attention to the driving task can face severe consequences. For example, a "careless driving" conviction under S. 130 of the Highway Traffic Act carries a fine of up to $1,000, six demerit points, possible jail time, and a driver's licence suspension. Alternatively, a "dangerous driving" conviction under S. 249 of the Criminal Code of Canada carries a maximum $2,000 fine and up to five years in jail. The ministry will further examine this issue to see what next-generation driver distraction legislation could look like. I remember one of the guys at work having a tiny tv in his truck back in the 70's and a cop told him it could not be in sight of the driver but I might be mistaken as it was a long time ago and this article didn't address video screens visible to the driver but did state more legislation on the way. I'm not trying to be preachy as I've done far worse than you ever will, I just remembered the article.
  6. I think they are not legal in Ont. if they can be seen by the driver, How long before Fantino impounds your car for GPS or dvd player.
  7. I think it was crap overload. With the American election running full tilt at the same time and Harper running attack adds against Dion for over a year everybody just ran for cover. Liberals should take a lesson from Harper and produce their new leader a week before the next election so they can't pick him to pieces for a year.
  8. When you put riggers on keep a pair of side cutters handy as it takes about 3 seconds for a following sea to swamp a small craft when the riggers snag bottom.
  9. 649 is big tonight remember you heard it here, I want a very large jug of Drambuie if you win.
  10. Get a motorcycle, they pull you over at any speed for that "routine" check.
  11. Go for it, you might have to drill out some screw heads or grind a seized bolt but your putting in the same unit that your taking out so how hard can it be. I've installed one and don't recall any problem.
  12. Fall fishing most guys are east of the ferry so they can run two lines, so if your in the area remember Prinyers Cove is there so if a west wind picks up you have an option.
  13. Experience around here is you have to be dead before they let you fish without a license.
  14. "For every fisherman on the boat with a sport fishing licence you are allow to keep one and be in possission of one. This causes alot of confusion if you caught a muskie and had it in the net or live well that was over 44" you would not be allowed to fish for another one until it was released. if you had it and caught another one you would be in violation of the MNR regs. and could be fined or have your boat seized." Doesn't matter if it was kept and released, once its kept thats on your limit, doesn't matter if it was released later. Same thing with Bay of Quinte turney if your allowed one big fish you have to decide if this is the one or go for a bigger one.
  15. AAAhh you haven't been there till you have one catch on fire, burns like a blow torch.
  16. The whole idea was sort of stupid as with the limit being 0 it doesn't matter if its over 44" or not it should be released immediately, and with the sport license whats the limit....1? So you catch 1 fish, have it judged and go to the bar cause your done for the day.
  17. First get them to show you where its cracked. They reject ours every year because its real old but then can't find anything wrong with it even the efficiency test checks out. Believe it or not you might want to check out going electric as they have them more efficient than the old heaters and are competitive again.
  18. Do like the guys say and get fitted by someone that knows their stuff. As for hunting unless your willing to put a lot of time into it do the critter a favor and get a shotgun.
  19. I sent them half a rigger stick years ago, I think I told them I stepped on it or something like that and asked to be billed for the replacement as I was at fault. They sent me a new half at no charge, WoO HOO . But I think they have changed ownership since then so they might not be so generous. Browning was another that was very good to me.
  20. You will never see mandatory voting because it would put too much power in the hands of voters and result in more difficult to fix elections and more social programs.
  21. "i just cant understand why people wont listen to the warnings. I pray that they will be ok." Rush told them to stay yesterday, they must be democrats. It was the first time a warning of Imminent Death has been issued, he said it was bull.
  22. Good thing is if we all die at once and there is no one to clean up after us we don't have to get rid of our porn and dope before we die.
  23. Canadian Power and sail Squadron courses start soon, basic boating, marine maintenance, seamanship, vhf radio, gps, all the way to celestial navigation. Check their site for your local squadron. http://www.cps-ecp.ca/
  24. I'm pretty sure its against the law to leave the decoys unattended.
  25. Nope, they asked if everyone had their permits and of coarse they all did and the first one to produce them was charged. The CO said there was nothing stopping them from shooting a moose and tagging it if it walked out of the bush. The fact that it was against the law didn't seem to rate as a deterrent.
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