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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. If you get the aluminum marine extinguisher take it inside for the winter. The one I had didn't make it a year, I figure the expanding and contracting of aluminum made it loose its charge.
  2. Replace it and you can trust it not to seize up again when your on the water.
  3. How much anchor rope are you using in lets say 10 ' of water?
  4. Americans are up at the dealer auctions driving the price of trucks out of site because of the dollar being low, dealers can make more sending them to the auction than keeping them on the lot so it might be a hard time finding one unless you go private.
  5. Yeah once he broke through the first time you would expect him to clue in a bit. A few years ago we had two cops ride their 4 wheelers out to tell the ice fishermen that the ice wasn't safe, on there way back to shore they went over mouth of a creek and broke through. One of them had a hard time getting out weighed down with gun and stuff. If you don't know the area it can happen to anybody. But the dumbest thing was guys playing chicken with two 1000 yamaha sleds, the guys bailed and nothing recognizable left of the sleds. Just imagine jumping off a sled at over 100 mph Oww...Oww ...Oww
  6. Some guys here will run out into L.O. I guess the trick is getting turned around so you can get back.
  7. Outlaw asked "where's our government" I think they just passed legislation that will make it easier for foreign takeover of Canadian companies, they might want to re think that.
  8. Anthrax !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tape up all the windows and doors, stay inside and don't come out till we tell you!
  9. Under the new guidelines I'd bet 80% of us have illegal cards.
  10. Fish Farmer ...If you can still read your card make your own copies. Its not a license you can make as many copies as you want.
  11. Used to do them for $20 , you snooze you loose.
  12. They don't want the operators card getting in the way of those trying to make a living so they have a form like an on the dock test for renters, since those that rent boats rarely qualify as a tester they are only allowed to give out a day pass sort of thing. This would work fine if everybody is on the up and up. Since the card has come out boating deaths are down but it doesn't mean we are all good boaters it just means we have a tiny bit of knowledge that makes us less likely to kill ourselves and others. The one thing that worked best was the age restriction on pwc. What started all this was young kids killing themselves on rented pwc. Cost doesn't seem to matter much here because most have taken the most expensive way to get the card through online testing. Some CPS squadrons are talking about raising the price of their boating courses to better reflect the value of the course, seems by keeping the cost down they are not being seen as a serious course when they're actually some of the most detailed courses going.
  13. The commercial operators card was supposed to be out a long time ago. They had to wait for the cops to get theirs, somehow those that work for the provincial park got exempted but I know a few guys that have it. Word was that for some reason the RCMP was going to enforce it but they had to build some boats first. If they ever do get it together it will be an eye opener cause you got to know your stuff for that one. They had asked the PCOC providers for a copy of their data base ,that sorta smelled like renewals but the gov. doesn't get any money from the card and providers weren't required to keep records. AS the card is not a license but proof of competency and they don't have decent records I don't know how they could do it.
  14. Actually he did a sort of bail out in the fall before our election. What they did was buy up gov. insured loans from the banks saying they would be on the hook for them anyway, the banks were to help the gov. pay for them by selling GIC's to get the cash so the hole operation wasn't supposed to cost anything. The idea was to provide cash to the banks and free up some lending. But I think our banks are using the money to buy your banks.
  15. My boat is flared out at the back like a built in wave waker so I have to add a few inches onto an outboard bracket to be able to lift the motor. with the motor way back from the hull I can get the prop out of the water when its rough. I found if I trim the motor all the way forward with the prop thrust pointing down into the water it helps a lot. Give it a try, I think it would solve your problem at no cost.
  16. What are you trying to do with it? I get away with running a short shaft kicker by trimming it in all the way. I answered an add for a long shaft Yamaha and when I got there it was a short shaft but it was in such nice shape I thought I'd try it.
  17. You sound like the guys that experience their first Ontario economic slowdown after moving back from Alberta " Ohh My God.. Were All Gonna DIEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeee........................." Its never been this bad, almost as bad as it was the last time it was bad or the time before that.. Maggot soup or a job in Fort McMurry ........... What do maggots taste like?
  18. The last I heard on getting a capacity plate. There was a place you could send the measurements of your boat to get a capacity plate. Now the problem there is that the guys that do the math are like.. engineers that charge themselves out at like.. $500. an hour, so there is nobody sitting around waiting for your letter to give you a capacity plate. So now you are supposed to send your information to a place where they will send you a letter saying they can't help you and you are supposed to use the letter when the cops pull you over. Isn't that swell...I don't make this stuff up...really I don't..
  19. If you lived in the US at the beginning of the fast food boom you've eaten rooo. The US used to import all kinds of it, suspicion was it was finding its way into fast food burgers, don't know if they still do.
  20. My understanding of fuel stabilizers.... If you put your face over a bucket of real old gas and breath in you can hardly smell compared to new gas that will pop your eyes out. This is an additive that they put in to create vapors for starting the motor. If you have a car with old gas that won't start just dump a little fresh gas down the motor and it'll fire up, once warmed up it will run and start on the old gas, as soon as the motor cools down it won't start again. The stabilizer gives gas the ability to vaporize for a longer time and make for easy starting.. I used to use the stabilizers but now I just run late in the year and early in the next one and switch tanks to keep the gas fresh. But I run a carbed inboard and it aint fussy. I wouldn't use stabilizer in every tank but I would put a water separating filter on your outboard for sure, and dump it into a glass jar at least twice a year to check for water .
  21. Guys laugh at me when I tell them they shouldn't be dumping 90 lb of salt on the boat ramp. The fine is two hundred thousand dollars.
  22. Take a good look at it and ask yourself what have you got, is motor good, body, brakes etc if the cost of upkeep starts to = payments it might be time to consider something else. Cost to rebuild the C6 in my old ford was 600, its the cheapest tranny to rebuild.
  23. I had a motor do the same thing but I can't remember what it was. If you can turn it 4 turns .... whats on that motor that turns at a ratio to the crank ....has a bolt backed out of the stator or starter......the fan is belt drive so it would be at a ratio to the crank is something catching in it. Can't be in the cylinder or it wouldn't get through a full stroke. Maybe if you gently bump it up where it stops you might be able to here where it is. Hard to guess without hands on.
  24. Buddy had to stick his finger in the flyswatter, that was cool but what if we change the capacitor, the next fly blew a hole through it.
  25. With the motor on it it would have to conform to all the regs, I would think it would have to be permanently anchored with no means of moving it to be a swim raft. The safe thing would be to call the office of boating safety.
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