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Everything posted by POLLIWOGG

  1. Eye witness weather for The County is breezy, broken up rain with hail, Yuck. Perfect to get them biting.
  2. When fishing the Athabasca we would do the "ling fling", we catch a ling and fling it into the woods to keep the bears back. when we got some eyes we go like ell for the road but sometimes we had to give one up on the way. Throw food at em.
  3. I fished a school off the outlet that looked like that. They were deferent from anything I'd seen on the graph before in the way they stuck together and moved as one like you would see in an underwater ocean video and like you have there. After fishing them for several hrs I finally hauled up a herring. AS whitefish are similar to herring and are in the bay this time of year and you are fishing right where the guys used to net them by the ton it wouldn't surprise me that you are marking whitefish. Now maybe the guys that fish deep water eyes will say thats what they look like but with the whitefish migrating into the bay I wouldn't take for granted that all those are eyes.
  4. If its been fogged you won't get a true reading anyway, so it should have good compression with the fogging oil in it or there is a problem.
  5. Your not going to plain the boat with either of them so the top speed would be the same, the only difference would be how much more control you would get out of a bigger prop if they are not the same. I run a 6hp on a 23', It will run it up to its hull speed all right and barely move at idle on a still day.
  6. Gater?
  7. If all those lines moving left to right at 45 deg are fish I'd guess they are whitefish not eyes.
  8. The C$ is not up its just less down. Think of it as a horse race, we are cheering on our horse because it is 5 lengths ahead of the last place not because its in the lead. Our jockey Alberta has jumped off the horse and is carrying it and the last place Jockey who shall remain nameless as not to offend has started a fire on the track and is roasting his horse. Meanwhile EUro is running strong in the lead.
  9. I use it when I can find it. You notice a lot of stretch on the 10lb if you get a couple hundred yards out. I usually use 15 on the riggers. It will go a season and a half before it starts to break.
  10. Hey ... word is the Royal has been sold and their going to drop a few million into it.
  11. Big old glass boat, upgrade--V8engine ,closed cooling, drive, stainless prop, trim tabs, sonar but its getting old, computer guidance system, full camper top = added value of aprox. $0 86 ford 3/4 t 4x4 aint worth much but fits my rule my truck works for me, I won't work for a truck. When repairs start to look like payments it will be replaced but so far I haven't spent much on it since I got it 2 years ago. So I'd say in todays market about even, I probably couldn't sell either of them.
  12. You got to remember its not the C$ rising its the US$ falling. Any benefits to Canadians will likely be lost as we will end up subsidizing the US economy by dropping the price of our exports to the US. It will be like the softwood lumber deal, as US gets more protective we will have to pay them to buy our products.
  13. I got a bud that buys off lease cars at the auctions and he likes the impalas. The problem with gaskets is mixing parts that expand at different rates. As if aluminum on cast wasn't bad enough they went to plastic intakes, its getting to be something you can't avoid.
  14. Thats their brand new police boat. Some of those marks might be whitefish.
  15. Sometimes see power trim units off outboards on eBay.
  16. Take the old gas and put it in my old truck. If you put mixed gas in an injected vehicle the oil won't go through the last filter and will eventually plug it. Fella was stealing gas from a boat where he worked and his filter was full of 2 stroke oil sludge.
  17. Hey guys , you can make a cheap pressure tester out of some hand pumps if they have a check valve, just put a few pounds in it.
  18. My bad , it must have been the laminating I was thinking off.
  19. I would take the line off the motor and put it in the tank and cycle it then put it back on the motor and check to see if the carbs have a drain screw. Check your manual about running with muffs on, will your water hose keep up with the motor running at 1500rpm?
  20. I think someone said photocopies aren't any good now due to some anti terrorist policy. Best tool might be to sighn up for a Power Squadron boating coarse. Bare breasted woman calms an angry wind and makes help arrive faster.
  21. Wow does that thing ever go........
  22. The vacuum operated speedo and wheel type on the ff. give the apparent speed, like when you anchor in a river with a 10mph current the speedo reads 10 mph and your going nowhere or where the log on the ff. clocks 20 miles when you know you have traveled 15, you went 5 miles up and down the waves. The gps will read actual speed over land. Use the speedo for trolling and gps for navigation and the faster one for bragging.
  23. He could have saved a lot of aggravation if he had practiced shoot , shovel and shut up. Takes about 3 hrs for the neighbors to catch their goldie he's dumb as a rock, the dog that is. Why does the media demonise farmers without the facts, just couldn't resist putting crying kids on tv. Next we'll hear from Bill O'Rielly and he'll set us right.
  24. I wish Paris Hilton would move to Canada so we could have some real news. They had some film of a little boy crying over his dead dog I'm surprised they didn't stick a mike in his face and ask him how he feels about it, the media can be such asses sometimes.
  25. I'm looking for a 24 -30' for a parade float, if it was bigger it would be perfect. I've got enough spare parts to put a v8 and volvo drive in it, if it was closer I'd look at it. Maybe a couple office chairs on pedestals.
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