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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. That is a deal for sure heck where else can you go for FREE parking and family admission for $15-$20. To all OFC members please stop by my Handlebarz booth you cant miss us.
  2. I just thought you needed to be reminded that it was just this week for your last purchase. I have a bunch of them DD's and they work great I had a bunch custom painted for LSC and dang they are great.
  3. Wayne if you dont want them double D's to sit in your box let me know LOL
  4. Happy Bday Brandon I hope them ice flows give you something crazy to shoot today.
  5. Happy Bday Beans hope yer going to have a great one.
  6. Ryan email me a copy of the flier I will print it off and display it with our Booth at the Odyssey
  7. Dang good post I had forgotten about this device I think I might hit lowes today as I need new 1 lbs tanks cool reminder. Thanks for the chuckle Terry
  8. Dang Cliff sorry to here this. As a new dog owner this is my first and he is 1 1/2 I am so attached after this short time I understand why dog owners love them so much. They sure do bring alot of great times hold onto them memories. Mike
  9. Happy Bday Wayne I hope you get your wish. Have a great day
  10. Thats just Awesome Dan glad to here it all worked out and I to would think this was alot better then hitting the ice with him. Any true blue leaf fan would die to get into that room for just a few min. I still wish it was a M&G before the game so we could swamp you for your autograph that would have been great.
  11. For the OFC members when you stop by my booth be sure to let me know that your from here to save extra on the baits if you buying. If your not buying please be sure to stop in to just say hi and shoot the breeze about fishing. The wife and I are looking forward to the event this is our first booth that we are doing so I hope it goes well. For the members that have placed orders to pick up there Thank YOU ALL, they are all ready for the Odyssey. Just a couple more weeks to build and YES I am building right up to the week of so I can still get custom stuff done before the show. Cheers Mike
  12. That is just sick and I ask my self each day am I just messed in the head when I worry about the kids playing in the driveway? I guess post like this make me feel a little better that I am not totally messed in the head. I hope that people like that get what is coming for them. I can understand when kids do this kind of stuff but adults that is not right at all.
  13. Roger stop by the booth and say Hi the wife and I will be there all day long. I just got done some new colors and hope to post pics before the Odyssey I just need to get the rest of my blades in so I can put these ones together.
  14. I am sure that our CTC has marked them up 100% before they take that 50% off I hope you guys get some good deals on them our store sucks.
  15. I reloaded it and it worked fine. Great fight Jones was killer I can not wait to see him again Thanks for the reminder here of the fight it helped pass the night for putting together baits.
  16. freezing up here is there another link???
  17. 244? I think but I dont have that many fingers to count where I was but yer done
  18. Well thanks to this thread I have now started my waiting process I wonder if Mike Parker can get it before who ever Obanion or O'Banion or what ever they last came up with LOL. Heck I dont think I will need mine before you Rick but I do think they will get me hooked up first.
  19. Done dad and I spent many nights way up north with just the CBC playing for us late at night.
  20. Dang that sure is looking nice Bernie it would be nice to have the time and skill to do that stuff.
  21. Great reminder guys and Billy that is a good idea always nice to have that backup as you never know when that bunny will take a nap and not work. I just changed dads Friday but will be doing it again this week as he bought $$$ store batteries. Heck he was the one who always told me you get what you pay for and he never bought the cheap stuff.
  22. Very nice looking makes me want to get my fly rod out and try some pike fishing on a fly again I think I may need some new fly line after 15 years of not getting used. Dont forget to show us the finished product.
  23. If Ronnie sais stay home it must be a bad day for fishing like Wayne said he will drive anywhere just to have a shore lunch then head home
  24. I had this problem years ago when I first started driving transport I had no house so I would just pop into mom and dads when I was in town every 2-4 weeks and use that as my home for the time being. I would bring the truck home after 10am and only for the days I was not leaving early in the am. I had a city guy come over due to a compliant about the truck being there I was looking at the same driveway as him and asked if he could see the truck he said NO I then told him it only comes here to be cleaned out and if I am getting home later in the day and not leaving early so I did not bother the neighbors. He gave me a warning anyway even thought he did not see the truck there but had 1 compliant. two weeks later I was cleaning out my truck in the drive way and a local cop showed up due to a complaint and asked me in a funny manner his words (you dident just drive your truck up this road did you???) I was puzzled and he asked again but this time he was shaking his head side to side trying to get me to understand him I answered NO Sir I did not he was relieved and said He had to ask me and hopes that I am not leaving when he passes through the street or he would have to stop me due to the compliant. This OLD BIRD is not long dead but before she could she had one last stand with our neighbor hood she called the cops as she did daily or at least weekly on Bull stuff but this last one was the best new people had moved in and were having one Heck of a party the cops showed up and were looking to have a great time dad said as they went to bust a retirement party for a cop non the less the party did not stop. Sorry for the long read I guess I was just trying to say there are in every neighborhood.
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