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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I love my Cannon Cameras they have been nothing but AAA++++ for me over the years I love them and will always buy them I have tried Kodak but that was a joke and Fuji was also a joke for us. The one I am using now is the Power Shot SD1300 IS if there was one thing I would change it would be the self timer I would like it to have 10 shots like my old A Shot 550.
  2. Try calling Angling outfitter they have just about everything for the units. Hope the new one get there fast for ya Joey
  3. Jim we can meet up for eggs and I can get some tickets for you if you guys don't get them first. I am looking forward to seeing you guys again its been a long winter. Maybe we can work on Don to get down there also.
  4. Dang I am glad we booked our room last summer good heads up Dax. I know there is also a huge bowling tourney the same day
  5. That was my guess also Roy as I get that from buddies Vex when they turn it up to full power
  6. hope ya have a great night there Joe
  7. Nice looking Jim now watch out for Corey or you might be getting some added hole's in your arm maybe a 5/0 would fit just right
  8. If we have everything done I am sure the wife and I will make the long trip over for some egg's or better yet Lew I will meet you there at 4 for coffee and then get the wife for egg's
  9. good reminder again yer still on top
  10. Dang that was sure funny and sad at the same time.
  11. Mike there is not a set time that I know of as of now it looks like Jim will do two of them one in the am and one in the pm.The one in the pm Mike will join Jim on stage and speak.You are right Mike does not like to get out from what others have said and I will be there to take in all I can from him. As for the others I am not sure I would think they will have it nailed down soon but as of the weekend at our BOD meeting there was no talk of times. Joey I hope you and Paul can make it there is usually a good showing from OFC there. Big Buck stop into the booth and say Hi I should be around it all day but sneaking away to catch some speakers
  12. That is frolicking awesome congrats to the team. My daughter also tried out for this event but fell short this year she sure does try hard and made it to the Provencals once for high low doubles but they fell short I was so crushed for her. I hope they have a blast in SK Good luck to them.
  13. yep 12 more hours to vote again thanks for the reminder as I get busy and forget to vote the bumps help.
  14. Hey everyone I just wanted to let the OFC family know that I have advance tickets for the Odyssey they are just $15 if you get them from me or another member of Muskies Canada I know there are a few of us here on the board so it will not be hard for you to get ahold of one of us or $20 at the door. I thought I would just remind the members here of the event it is going to be a blast with these speakers. Jim Saric host Musky Hunter fishing show Mike Lazarus musky guide BOB MEHSIKOMER Simply fishing T.V. host SEAN LANDSMAN Muskie researcher, graduate student, and field editor of Muskies Inc.'s MUSKIE magazine Joselyn from Angling Outfitters in Woodstock will be doing seminars on electronics all day at his booth Also lots of great vendors have a look at the MCI site. I hope to see alot of members out there this year please stop by our booth and say Hi my wife and I will be there all day. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/general_information/odyssey.php
  15. Another great Tyler report thanks for sharing for us that could not make it I love the double header.
  16. Great pics Joey glad to see so many people out for teh day again.
  17. Sounds like a great time one of these days I will make the event but I just got home from a BOD meeting it was not near as much fun as the event looked.
  18. Welcome aboard hope ya can find some friends in the area out there
  19. Yep $108 here yesterday morning then $115 yesterday morning. I have not seen today but a friend said its now $120 WTH this is just not right close to over season boarders and use our own fuel I would rather pay $150 for North American oil then $120 for Bull foreign oil
  20. All I know is it sucks huge what they are doing here but I will just watch what we do if it means I dont buy alot of junk I dont need then all is good. They are teaching me to save $$$ on the crap I dont need and put it to good use like buying my fishing lures,rods,reels, and other outdoor related items for camping and boating so we can start saving $$$ by getting out there in the boat burning gas paying the launch fees drinking the bottled water paying someone to camp in there open corn field with newly plated trees. :wallbash: :wallbash: OH NO ITS OVER JIVE UP NOW. All kidding aside it sucks but like others have said just adjust. When you go some where kinda like driving across town for milk to save $.25 or choose walk to 7/11 stuff like that will make more of a difference. I know the smart meeter stuff has cost us more around here. Gas was $1.50 here a few summers ago we still went fishing but picked our days and watched our long distance travel.
  21. Wish I could but I will be in Peterbrough at a Meeting all weekend long hope everyone has a great time.
  22. It never surprises me to here that members of this family step up and help out cu-does to ya Albert. Glad to here the weekend was a hit for Off the dock toons.
  23. They have some very nice colors I could see doing well for other fish. Nice site they have there.
  24. Nice slabs for sure for the guys not catching them you are most likely fishing to low when you see on your finder a bunch of bait up high get your gig up there as you missing the crappie.
  25. Dang now that is a great sad story I can understand it first hand the fighter in him. Keep up the fight Kevin to bad we can not all learn to live like that daily before were on borrowed time.
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