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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Tj and Monique that was a very cool idea for the draw congrats to the winners my daughter was watching and cheering for each draw then placing a curse on each winner LOL.
  2. We stayed there in about 1990 it was great there are so many places to fish and the camps are on there own island no one to bug you great people back then. For eye's we used mr twisters mustard yellow or motor oil color or just a jig head and chub minnow. The eye's are everywhere and always hungry just look for rock points or drop off's from sand bars where they will come up at night to feed on the minnows along the shore. Pike are big at the north end or I think its the north end its a good drive up there but they are big and many out there. For pike you can not beat 5 of diamonds or spinner baits I always loved heading up there.
  3. Dang that sucks as usual I have plans that can not be broken I have a BOD meeting but will get some things together for the prize table.
  4. Very sorry to here of your loss Rick our thoughts are sent your way I also hope that your grandmother has some peace in her last days. Mike
  5. I must stick up for Tackle Industries as they have never claimed to not modify other baits they usually try and make them stronger then the original but sell it to customers at a fraction of the other baits out there. They have also always stated that there stuff is made in China they don't hide where its made or how tough there stuff is. I have a couple of there lures but not a lot of them. I don't think it was fair to include them as they are not ripping people off for huge $$$ which this thread was started about. JMO
  6. guess I should have replied yesterday after I read the thread I did read all comments and agree with many of them. My thing for replying depends on the time I have most times I am reading I dont have alot of time to sit and post replies I just read and go, or I dont have anything to add so I read and go. I usually check in here and a few other places and then try and get away from the computer maybe I should be posting more kudos for the reports out there if for no other reason then to let the person know that there time was not wasted. For me and lack of threads heck last year i only got out fishing 4 times since July 5th alot of family stuff and it kept me away from the lake all is good now but the ice is here so the boat will be away until who knows. Cheers Mike
  7. Woo Hoo great recap of the year Rich congratz on such a great one hope 2011 is even better for ya. Cheers Mike
  8. Dave 3-4am was the original Lew O'clock. But no for some odd reason I slept in today and did not get up until 6am it was kinda weird. Hope you were up just because you were excited to get out fishing or something cool like that. Well its off to the shop time to tie some lures hope yer day goes better. Cheers Mike
  9. Aaron I also think you have made the right choice who knows there might be a day in a few years where you can get the family involved in a show together. I made that same choice 11 1/2 years ago I was a over the road trucker but my daughter was on the way so I made a change and have been making day trips 9-14 hour days but I get home every day. When my daughter was 3 i was getting home at 9am and we would head to the lake daily to watch the perch and walleye boats come in and catch some perch for fun also. Cheers enjoy these years Mike
  10. Check out the Bass haven web site Dennis gives good info with all the warm water flowing out the Thames and the pumps running right now I dont know how clean it will be to head down here if your looking to get out fishing I would head else where for this weekend but if your down in this area you can find some spots. The cut at Bass haven is closed right now and there is alot of bad ice out front where a truck and quad went through the ice this week. Call first for sure I guess is what I meant to say LOL
  11. Great show guys it was a blast I sure do love the cast count it shows others that just because you have two great musky fishermen on the boat it still takes a lot of work. After Dave and Ryan get out for some more musky action they will learn that shakers dont count unless the kiddies are on the boat So Pete when does your version of the show come out with dave taking you out bass fishing you could always add some vampire teeth to the bass before putting them on camera after all vampires are in according to my daughter. All kidding aside great show cheers
  12. Bunks also I love them and will not go back to rollers I launch myself all the time and have no problems. I also agree with alot of the others points
  13. Very nice boss I cant wait to see it I hope its the musky shoot from LSC.
  14. Happy Belated B days guys hope you were thinking of toothy critters or down south fishing them
  15. One other good reason to get it before it makes it home is you are covered when someone steals it the first night home I have seen it a few times when I lived in Sudbury guys bring there new sled home leave it on the trailer over night and gone in the am before they can get to use it.
  16. Wayne when your typing with one... Ahh never mind I just fixed it LOL.
  17. Nice lookin ride guys and that second driver is a hottie. Good luck on the hard water
  18. Dang Joey at least you got to give them a good piece of your mind most just leave and keep it bottled up until the cows come home and others leave stress free by parking in the front lobby. I hope all is better today and you guys got out fishing. Happy New year
  19. Happy New Year hope yer full that sure did look good
  20. very sorry to here of your loss Phil sounds like you have many great memories to keep him alive in your hearts.
  21. Welcome aboard Moxie like others have said why did Roy not through the key away a long time ago it would have saved us all alot of money but cost us some great life long friends. I am sure you will enjoy your stay here
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