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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Congratz Paul it must have been a hard long journey you have a lot more strength then most people.
  2. Welcome aboard Colin as others have said welcome to Canada also. You have alot of great fishing in your backyard and as others have said the locals will get you out for sure. If your ever heading down to the Chatham (between London and Windsor) area please drop me a line we might be able to get out for some fishing on Lake St.Clair. Cheers
  3. Well my daughter is happy as the Thunder bolts swept the caps. Yes that is what she calls them LOL
  4. Very cool stuff its amazing to watch and help out with these projects. I was lucky enough to help out and witness this out in BC on the Vedder river years back I lost all the pics but did make a detailed post here I wonder if its still around as it was very cool to be there.
  5. If you can not make one yourself they sell them at Janns Net craft here. http://www.jannsnetcraft.com/powder-paint/
  6. Yes another vote for Dave over at Trojan tackle he sure does make some great stuff http://www.trojantackle.ca/
  7. Hey all I would not give out results from the east I was looking for them with my daughter and found that there is a $25,000 fine for anyone using social media like facebook or twitter giving results and many have already been doing it. I would think that with OFC being bigger well better then the others we would be under the watchful eye of big brother. The east coast is blocked out here on Bell.
  8. This trip still sounds amazing and would be something to do before I die just not in the books this year.
  9. Well I was kinda sad tonight as we usually bring the kids and Yes my 6 year old has seen way to many Fed elections already in his life. But this time he was sick so both kids missed getting to go and see how things are done.
  10. Thanks for walking us through the rebuild again Matt its always nice to watch progress when working on a project like that.
  11. Matt where is the Motor After all the work you did last year this boat will be with your family for life now.
  12. Yes this board is amazing love the smile on Jens face.
  13. awesome pics you sure do live in a great place
  14. Nice ride for sure Paul here to hoping that you get her slimmed right away. Cheers Mike
  15. I took a walk along the Thames river and only found a pool of mud and some left over chicken nuggets I guess they can survive anything. Very nice find and great day to get out side for sure.
  16. GSP all the way I hope you remember to let us know where to watch it online tonight as I will forget by then LOL.
  17. Well I think I will stick to Musky fishing it is a lot easier and better for my health. Oh yeah Very cool vid
  18. what about cow gates or cow grates or cow guards depending where you live and call them. When I lived in BC there was a lot of them out there they are just pieces of pipe in the ground along a fence line or a t a bridge to keep the cattle from leaving there fenced in areas I know there are a lot of them back of kamloops. I hope these people keep up the fight and win it sure does suck when this stuff happens.
  19. Well before they will delete any account you will have to produce your birth certificate the original not a fake scan.
  20. KEEP YOUR RECEIPT Yes I was yelling that as every time I have bought any boat I have had them (insert not nice word for government person here) send em a letter asking for my proof or else payagain I have been lucky to have had my receipts each time and make sure to keep my copy.
  21. Yep as most have said we have all seen Adam around but your getting left behind what gives there???
  22. I have to say thanks to everyone that came out and supported the Odyssey and Handlebarz musky lures. We had a great time and sold alot of lures which I hope the people will return the pictures to us from there trips this year. It was great to have so many people passing through the event I had lost my voice Sunday morning if you can believe that LOL the wife was happy The amount of families that were there was also great to see I know with the ones I talked with they were all happy to spend $20 for the family to get into the show and no charge for parking it was a HUGE hit. Lots of young musky hunters there and it was awesome to listen to each of there stories. Some may have been over excited and have VIDEO to prove it LOL. I am looking forward to it again in two year time. Thanks again to everyone who put it on. Cheers Mike
  23. The Belle River Chapter of Muskies Canada ran our kids fishing clinic for years it was a 1/2 day thing. We had the OPP,Transport Canada,MNR,Local people talking about fishing, Games,Clown and face painting, Different areas where the kids would learn about fishing and helping them cast. We also had BBQ and prizes for the kids. It was all we could do to keep there attention for 4-5 hours we also needed a lot of volunteers to keep things going smooth. We also did and still do run the Belle river Kids fishing Derby in July during the sun-splash weekend. I don't know what you can do to keep the kids happy and involved all day long it is a hard thing to do. I would think starting with a day idea might be better or have it a camp for the kids and parents but the parents can go off on there own at different times of the day when the kids are at camp. I would like to volunteer but my summers are always so booked up we don't have to many just family weekends as it is. I hope that things work out for you with this adventure. One other thing that you might want to check out is kids Copps Canadian Tire they help out everyone.
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