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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Randy dont tell just go out there and take a pic with that camera phone you have. Oh wait I dont think you have cell service up there eh!! Well that is what I tell the wife when I head up there fishing.
  2. Dang Ben those are some great fish I love that Pike pic. I sure do miss Laker fishing not much of that down here in the deep south.
  3. Sorry Ben I missed your reply when I was posting the other one. I think Andrea (wifes friend) is coming down here from Soux Falls I can always send them up with her if you need some if not I can send them with the NW chapter after the BOD in a couple weeks to save shipping.
  4. Thanks Joey to bad we could not hook up in the fall but there is alot of season left in 2011 for us to make a trade Dax I am looking forward to the event the wife is coming with me she sais its for us to get away for a weekend but I know she just wants to hold the master card!!! To bad she does not know its all cash there Thanks Vinnimon Outlaw I have seen your christmas tree it is covered in snow so its not hard to beat that one Yes I can do that for sure. The first run of Handlebarz they were made with size 8 blades they are about 2.5 oz and 7" long but I can keep the weight out of them and use smaller beads that will get them shorter and down about 1.5oz any colors you might want? have a look at my site and see what I have to offer if you dont see it I can do custom stuff just pick your colors from the ones you see in my lures and LMK what you need. Did you want them for musky or pike? I do have some smaller wire which is still big enough for musky but a lot of pike lures are made with it. http://web.me.com/handlebarzmuskylures/Site/Lures.html I will have a bunch of other colors out soon Also some show special's that will come out at the show then be released on my website. If you want to place a order you can PM me or just shoot a email but be sure to LMK that your from the OFC board so I will get the discount on your order. Stop by and say Hi for sure. I will be building right up to the day before the show better to have to much then run out
  5. Glad you pointed out the words i was watching the river flowing by It looks great Brandon but it did seem short for my eyes by the time I focused it was over. I do like the idea alot.
  6. SH I have a red/silver and can do it with pearl I do have yellow and green in the 8's Lew thanks for the good words I do put all my best into each one. WMC I should have posted that info above but I will add it here about what goes into each lure. All my Double 10's are made with .062 stainless steel wire, heavy split ring, two large clevises, Solid Brass beads, 1oz weight, One 5/0 treble hook that is shrink tubed to keep it from tangling. Finally they are dressed with 2 musky sized magnum flashabou skirt that are hand tied by myself. Through testing we have found that hook up's are not lost with the single Treble hook and it lessens the chance of a second hook getting into the eye of a musky or into its gill plate or worse your hand. There is enough room for anyone to add a second hook if requested I will add a second hook for special orders.
  7. Very nice Sam like the others have said you have some great talent there. Yet another reason to be pissed for missing the GTG
  8. Welcome aboard again Sam. Looking forward to the posts
  9. Hey all here are some of the new HANDLEBARZ I have done over the last month. I have been so busy building bodies I have not had time to get out on the ice for some fishing but did take some time to complete a few new lures. I thought since I have built so many bodies its time to show off a couple that I will have at the Muskies Canada Odyssey.These will also be for sale through my website or through PM here. Either look for my banner here on OFC or click the link in my signature to be directed to my web site. Midnight mojo has 2 black coils and double black 10's for blades Electric Black has 2 Electric Black coils and Black Nickle blades I have no tseen anyone else with this color of flashabou it looks amazing in the water and in the sunlight its a lot different from the Holographic Flashabout the others are using. Halloween Electric Blue Gil this is one of 2 different blue Gil patterns I will have this one has a Chartusse and copper blade. Cisco Copper&Gold ICE Black/Silver Electric Black Chartreuse/Orange blades Electric Black Orange blades Holo Texas Tea Battery 10's If anyone has some ideas or color patterns they would like to see built please feel free to ask I will be building right up to the weekend before the Odyssey. Thanks alot Mike Here is a link for my site I will be updating it closer to April. ENTER DA BARZ
  10. Hope it works out for ya I wish I had known about them last year before i bought me Sony HD cam it works great but this looks alot easier.
  11. This is Canada guys what do you expect for most cases the only time we see our neighbors is when some one yells out there front door FREE BEER MY HOUSE TONIGHT or when we get heavy snow. That is how my neighborhood is I just met Frank today we have both lived on the street over 11 years and never met always said Hi when passing or waved but never stopped to chat until he caught me doing his driveway today LOL. I will always do the sidewalks here and end of driveways after MR. Plow comes by just to help out. It is sad that there is a lady living next door to me with twin 20 year old boys in great shape but they will not get out to do there side walks or back driveway to lazy or cant get the long pipe from there mouths to help her out. But across the street his son drives over to do there place after doing all other family members houses I try and get there first. Cu-does to all who help out after all that is what were supposed to do I guess.
  12. LOL I was supposed to head to Fleetwood today and pick up two loads I called the office and let them know I was not driving in this stuff that was at 4am. I waited until 8am and ran the snow blower for 3 hours doing all the side walks and ends of the neighbours driveways. I did get a small break when i went to get some more gas. I hope things are better tomorrow we will be back at work for sure. Anyone who has a sled in the chatham area please pass by my house I love to here them it brings back great memories
  13. Great looking site Tj as always this site has come through.
  14. this one here might be good on gas but a little chilly when heading out fishing
  15. Hey Ryan I had that same Phazer II back when it was just out what a great sled a buddy had the other model which was reverse paint we switched side covers and she sure did look wicked all white. One of the best pasts about this sled was she NEVER got stuck I was always the one to break new trails one of the best sleds I have owned. I also loved my 650 INDY but she was not any good in very deep snow if you stopped it was fun to try and get going again but she was great for trail ridding and also lake racing which we did daily in Sudbury, all kids of people would show up to moonlight beach on Lake Ramsey in Sudbury and race out to the first island all day no rules just great times. I like the look`s of some of the old girls but would never want my elan or olimpic back.
  16. Welcome aboard Hoppy you sure are in the right area with alot of members to get you out fishing.
  17. Dang sorry to here of the damage you guys had. I am just wondering how Keith got out with out that Ron fellow Glad to see that some have time to enjoy the fishing
  18. Hey Brandon that is cool That would be great to have out musky fishing watching the battle all over again but knowing the end result before hand. I wounder how well my HD Sony would do I just need a new roll of duct tape LOL. Keep us posted on the shoots.
  19. Not sure if I am right or wrong here but this is my way Boat I always run marine stabil and leave it full at end of season. 4 stroke gas mower sits out all year right now its covered in snow nothing added to gas and oil is just topped off has been running like a charm for 8 years when I bought it 10 years ago I had problems after changing the oil and spark plug and air filter the second set worked great and has been in there for the last 8 years heck I think the spark plug will break if I try and take it out LOL. Dad has the same mower and has trouble all year but he empties the gas in the fall and changes the plug oil and filter yearly go figure???
  20. Dang Dan that sure is a great prize to win hope ya have fun and all kidding aside dont start in net unless your ready for a pounding but then again your moves of fear could be better then the goalies they have already. Cheers and I cant wait for the report maybe you can twitter it here for all of us to follow you on the ice just keep updating the thread for us.
  21. Ok all was good until Turn left toward 県道275号線 I think that is where I messed up? Any help was this a left or right turn? Dont hurry with the answer I need to catch my breath before I continue. And watch out for the
  22. Dang Wayne that is a good deal FREE parking do you have to call ahead or just land and pick your spot to park? You could get dang close if there is no reserve parking.
  23. I found mine in the front porch I dont know why it did not make it all the way into the house with the rest of the mail??? Any way I found it and I am sure the wife will be happy about that LOL
  24. For shopping its a good thing but we just lost another 30 drivers here where I work as our company opened another yard in the Detroit area just to save $$$ last year we had over 100 drivers here in Chatham but were at 69 now a couple years ago we were at 120 in Chatham and around 40 in Barrie/Aliston but they are all gone the rising $$$ sucks to keep us working in Canada the longer it stays high the more jobs head south.
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