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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Happy Bday Bly hope yer having a good one
  2. Never thought about bigger spinners for them we always used very small ones for the rivers. I guess if your fishing a lake they might do the trick. I did also learn today that some guys will use musky sized lures for walleye here on lake Erie looking for them big buggers.
  3. The vid is not working here but I can imagine it was nice just from the report. I sure do miss them spring ice fishing days heck we had our ice gone so long I dont remember when it left.
  4. Thanks everyone I hope to have a chance to get out and use some thins year myself for early season pike. Roy I thought about calling it frosty but after the picture it gave the color a new name. George its still fun so I can deal with the complicated stuff maybe not in two weeks LOL. I am just leaving the house to deliver the first batch of Ultralites.
  5. Hey all I have had some guys asking for lighter Handlebarz for pike fishing so I have done it here are the first of them they will be heading to Bass Haven to get ready for the spring fling on pike fishing. I am calling them Handlebarz Ultralights They are made with 0.051 stainless steel wire 3/0 treble hook the rest is the same lots of flashabou hand tied by myself,two size 8 Colorado blades and are a lot lighter about 1.2 OZ. Canada Day Bruiser Lemon Lime Transparent Chartreuse Angle Wings Kryptonite Fire Tiger
  6. Looks great Jim cant wait to see it next weekend
  7. Well I hope the weather is the same out your way Ron as its great here. I hope the day goes great for you guys and girls.
  8. I feel the same way about this Job I sure do kick my own for not taking these opportunities when I was in Hi school. I did how ever have a great time every summer with so many memories I forget half of them. If your a youngster take advantage of this you will love it and understand later in life why us older buggers tell you to get out there and do it.
  9. That is one of the biggest scams out there Shipping/Handling this way they can say its the Handling part. I don't know why some of our NON Friends from the south want to over charge us up here? Is it to make the extra cash for them selves or is it to save them the hassle of shipping to Canada? I know I always try and remember to ask and get the shipping before I give my credit card as I to fell into one of them traps years ago. shipping rates are so much cheaper from the USA to Canada I don't understand why some charge that much extra. I hope them lures work great for ya.
  10. LOL thanks for the plug I will be more then happy to sell this fella a few of the Hen catchers. If I get that email I will let be sure to hook him up. Congratz on getting out fishing that had to be way better then working all day
  11. Congrats Brian every time I read these posts it makes me happy I don't know if its because you old guys get a new grand kid to spoil or it makes me feel young
  12. Always look forward to this post then the ones to follow. I hope for great weather for you guys so that you can make the Odyssey Next weekend.
  13. Yeah about your photo's I guess my excuse would have to be the fact that some one thought 2010 would be the year of NO MUSKY FISHING Why would someone want to drive 24 hours or how ever long to fish pike and brook trout when they have amazing fishing in there backyard Some times I wonder about these guys maybe its to much time on there hands and they get board of catching fish so adding 24 hours to a weekend of fishing is needed so they dont fall asleep on the water catching to many fish resulting in less pics of MUSKY. It's all good Ron I know you just have to make them videos to kill the rest of us who are stuck here in no fish land whale your up there gallivanting with the moose's . Truth is I had a computer crash and did not know the files were on my computer so when I re did the section on my site i lost the pics and that section I will get it up again soon. See ya in a couple weeks. What colors would you like for pike up north??? call me before the weekend or LMK the colors I have been making some pike sized one that will rock.
  14. Sarina or London for me depending on work. My daughter and I had a blast last time it was great she saw the email today and was very stoked to go again. here are a couple pics from last time in Sarina. Jades favorite picture of Dave he posed a long time for her to take this pic After the show The resident camera man with the best job ever JP Paul Jade stoked to get into the show with the boat that we did not win
  15. Thank you Jacques I have been trying to up date it and just did some more today I have retailers now listed with some more to go as they pan out this spring and summer.
  16. I just got home with the same letter I still wish this shut down was during musky season. Oh well I guess it is what it is. Heres to good news Friday that it will not be to long.
  17. Hey Pete I hope your having a great day today. See ya next weekend
  18. Very nice Ben love them huge lakers wish we had them down this way that is one thing I sure do miss about ice fishing down here. I will be looking at the site more this week to take it all in.
  19. Thanks everyone I am just doing up some pike sized ones right now for a few people so I will get them pics posted shortly. Ben I like you new site I was looking at it last night but did not know it was just done it sure makes me want to head north even more as them lakers are killer.
  20. Hey everyone I just updated my site with a bunch of the New double 10's and changed a few other things. I just wanted to share the site here and get some feed back. I hope to get pictures up again soon. ZING THE BLING
  21. We have not heard anything yet and that is our only customer. I hope that it does not happen until musky season Last time there was a problem it was due to the dock workers strike in California they would not unload ships and that shut stuff down years ago.
  22. You dont just have to be a muskiot to come out to this show as there will be pike sized lures also along with rods/reels that are right for both musky and salmon use. There is also Joscelin from Angling outfitters who will have great deals on his electronics and doing presentations on them all day I hear he is also doing upgrades at his booth but have not talked to him to confirm this maybe Dax knows. Trojan tackle will be there with all there great boat products on display to help get your boat set up for everything from Walleye trolling to down rigging for salmon with multi rods on the big water to even have stuff for your boat to pull the tubes behind and of coarse musky rigs also. Yes this show is geared to Muskiot's but there is enough other stuff that if you need something to do on the Saturday stop in for a while then take the kids to the falls to watch the water.
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