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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. cover water... look for marinas with docks if ur fishing the river for bass. they are tough to come by in there but theres some around.
  2. i use a 6'3" medium power, xtra fast action rod. i use a baitcasting rod, only because i prefer a casting rod. dont worry about looking "professional" out there. i know some great anglers who only use spinning rods. go with what is most comfortable to u. some guys have trouble with a casting reel. if ur confident in using one, then do it, if not, go with a spinning rod and reel.
  3. thanks guys! i appreciate all the good comments! and ohiofisherman... thanks for the areas, sounds like a good place to check out sometime!
  4. yea we seen a good 10lb pike there a couple weeks ago, i had him hooked for a second but he shook it, prolly for the best considering the gear i was using lol. if ya ever wanna go down for a few fish bud let me know! i need someone to show me how to get them pike, as much as i try i cant seem to get one in there, can catch everything else, but not a freakin pike. and i know where a true 50+ inch pike lives down there, absolute monster i would love to get one day.
  5. yea man, we knew the lake was a good place. we just happened to hit a day when the fish were WAY off lol. we wanna go back in the fall for a crack at it again. beautiful place. not just muskies there, known as a great crappie lake too. thanks for the heads up on the lakes! ahve to look into them.
  6. well, i finally managed to get out and do a little fishing this week. On thursday me and the wifey ditched the kids and headed to the harbour for a little while to see what was happening. i was shocked to see how thick the weeds have come in, in just over a week or so! seen lots of cruising carp and a few big bass as well... they just had me drooling for opener! started tossing a big swimbait hoping a pike would be around but no takers, also tossed a crankbait in hopes of a scrappy sheepie... but again, NUTHIN! so, picked up a spinning rod and tied a small jig on and decided to try for some pannies. lots of bluegill in the area, and as one was nipping at my jig.. he took off!! i was wondering what spooked him... when i looked back down to see a nice chunk largie come out and grab the jig lol. after a pic and release, i moved along the shore to a shallower area to look for some bedding bluegills. fished for them a bit when i spotted a nice big rockbass. pitched the jig to im and wham. managed to get 3 nice big rockies that insisted they come by for dinner. couple guys beside me were fishing for perch and caught a couple they deep hooked so they gave them to me as well, and then he caught a monster perch. easy 13" fish if not a bit more. the wifey even got in the action after she got bored catching gobies and landed a nice rockbass too. we packed up after a couple hours and headed home where i cleaned and cooked up my fishies! it was SO nice to have a feed of fresh fish. kids got in on that action too! On Saturday June 19th, we had a club tourney on Lake Chautauqua in NY state. its about 2.5 hours from Hamilton. For any of you with WFN, this is the lake where the Scott Martin Challenge was filmed when he went up against Bob Izumi and Bob slayed him! the lake really looks and fishes like a kawartha lake. long narrow lake, with a deep end and a shallow weedy end. we elected to fish the shallow end for largies. it turned out to be a gorgeous day, but the fish didnt wanna play. we seen a lot of fish, but they were tight lipped. no matter what we threw, they werent interested. we fished a tree lined shoreline in the morning and tossed jigs and senkos up under the overhangs. after tossing to a tree 20 times or so... my partner tosses a god aweful colored senko in and smashes a 5lb 9oz largie. that turned out to be our only keeper of the day lol. i managed to get a short 11" largie later in the day... along with a catfish on a senko, big pumpkinseed on a dropshot and a rockbass lol. Had 2 fish blow up on frogs in the lilypads but missed both fish. turned out we only need the one fish as everyone had a tough day that day! we beat out second place by 2 lbs lol. so we won the tourney plus big fish! it really is a gorgeous lake, and the drive out is quite nice too. much nicer then goin through Toronto to the kawarthas. I look forward to going back there later in the season. Next week is the ontario opener. dunno where ill be saturday, likely close to home with the family. but sunday ill be up on pigeon lake for a tourney!
  7. u can use just about any kind of soft plasitc to dropshot with. i like using slammers, and jackall products. but i use other things from time to time dependinng on how the fish are acting.
  8. i have a 5 year old daughter that loves fishing. always asks me to go. my gf is due with another girl july 5th. i promise by the time summer is over, she'll have had her first fishing trip! haha
  9. really though... why would u wanna keep a 20"+ bass?! let her go make babies!! as someone said, theres lots of better tasing fish then bass anyways. and even if u were stopped and charged... again as someone said, its up to u to prove u were fishing in US waters, the MNR has to prove u were fishing in cnadian waters... which they cant do either unless they had photographic evidence of u in canadian waters fishing.
  10. Rockys tackle repair in orillia is a quantum service and warrenty center. they are your best bet. awesome to deal with and very fast service. (705) 325-3526
  11. the rainshadow blanks are nice. lots to pick from. i have several rods built on rainshadow blanks and i have no complaints.
  12. u run the tag end back down through the eye. when u tie it, hold the line tight and see how the hook sits, then u can run the line back through the eye of the hook to adjust how its sitting if need be.
  13. actually, the kings and blues have never won a cup... so its not really a drought. AND if u wanna get really technical, the kings and blues began play in the NHL in the fall of 1967, the leafs won the cup in the spring of 1967... so they still have a few months on top of the kings and blues. lol
  14. i run straight 8lb flouro on a spinning rod. using braid with a leader, either tied together or with a swivel just adds more knots and places of weakness in the line. tie ur hook on with a palomar knot, leave about 24 inches of tag end, that way u have lots of room for adjusting the distance of ur lead depending on how close or far off the bottom u wanna be. i use a 6'10 inch medium power rod with an extra fast tip. baits vary depending on what u like to use, but i highly recommend strike zone slammers made by mark kulik, they are just an amazing bait, that account for many of my bass in the year and what i put on when i need a kicker fishin in a tourney.
  15. as long as nuthin bursts into flames!! lol love seeing them big kings! still waiting for my invite though!! haha
  16. lol 3 1/2" tube gets my muskies, always when im fishing a bass tourney its a given i hook up with a muskie.
  17. Politicians suck. Plain and simple. On a side note, its not that it costs anymore to produce hydro at any point in the day or nite, its a matter of consumption. The more that's used, the more and faster it has to be generated. Clearly during the day there is way more megawatts or power being used then later at nite. Which is why daytime is considered prime usage time and nite is not. So while it costs the same to pruduce, its the demand that causes the issues with producing more when needed
  18. quick picture for proof and a license plate number is all it takes...
  19. never used that particular brand, but used many like it. i personally like the strike king goby. deadly bait on a football head jig. lots of ways to rig and fish it.
  20. The energy PT is one of the best reels I have ever used. I have a few of the older ones, that have the trippy rainbow paint coating all over the reel, prolly the best reel quantum ever made. I prefer them to the tour edition PT even. Enjoy bud!! U won't be disappointed!
  21. Well, I know where I'm taking mykids tonite!! Haha
  22. i HIGHLY recommend bob devine! spent the weekend in windsor fishing walleyes with him, hes a great guy to spend a day on the water with and will put u on fish!
  23. haha, yea... i have this thing for catchin muskies when im fishing for somethin else! i seen ur post last nite about the pike tourney!! if i was in town u KNOW i would have been the first to call ya and come out! how'd ya do in the tourney anyways?? and Bob, thank u. its always a pleasure hittin the water with u! and good call on the resturaunt! that ming wah or whatever, awesome place! cheap price and awesome food. we will for sure be back! just gotta decide what to fish for! haha, that muskie spot u showed me looked fun! maybe i can talk her into a day of muskie fishing and a day of walleye fishing!! lol
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