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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. yes there are many different companies that make culling kits. consisting of a colored ball attatched to a clip. the ardent smart cull system is great but slightly higher in price then others. berkley makes a couple different kits, i grabbed one for 12 bucks at fishing world. one thing to keep in mind when selecting a kit, some tournament organizers have banned the use of the large stringer style clips. the kits that have these can be converted to use other clips. berkley again, has a new clip that goes on the fish's lip and is much safer to the fish. then when ur on the water, get a fish, weigh it, tag it, and record the weight and color for each fish, then u can easily cull fish during the day. a balence beam is also good for fish that are very close in size.
  2. This one will be a short post. I got out with the wife saturday morning, July 10th. Excitement and anticipation was overflowing! We got to our location and got all set up and let nature do its thing. After a couple hours, at exactly 2pm our hard work, and patience was rewarded!! We got a gorgeous 7lb 5oz beauty!! I wanted to get a replica done, but the wife insisted we keep her! So we named her Aubrey!
  3. Lol that's dam hilarious!
  4. http://www.wfn.tv/ambassador/blog.php?blog=406335 just go there and read it! lol
  5. its all free access to the area. only the private marinas and boat docks are restricted for access. tons of shore area to fish and a free boat launch
  6. OPG takes a lot of heat for this kinda stuff... but what they never report is the millions upon millions they spend on research to solve problems and make things better. Not just the nuke plants, but all the plants they operate.
  7. heres the best advice i can give u. forget about all the rods u have been told about here. because all ur getting is a bunch of guys telling u to buy the brand they use and like. so their opinions are all extremely bias. based on what u wanna use the rod for, and from what i believe i read, was just a versitile all around use rod. i would go with a med/hvy rod with a fast action. length is up to u. i know u need somethin u can travel with, but 6'6" to 7' would be best. trying to find a quality telescopic rod is not easy. especially the ones that fully collapse down. typically rods that telescope down are longer rods over 7'6" that only shorten by about a foot to fit in rod lockers on boats. i would look for a 2 piece rod. there are lots available and a lot easier to find a good quality rod. they are still great for travel as well. they'll fit easily into the back seat or trunk of ur car. if u have a reel already decided on to be used.... go to a tackle store with said reel, look at a few rods in the price range u want. whatever brand u like, st croix, quantum, shimano, etc. pick the ones that look good to u... then once u have 2 or 3 u like, put the reel on each rod and hold it. see how it feels to u in ur hands. go through the motions of casting, working a bait... do that with each rod. once u have done that, u can make a decision on what rod best suits u based on how it feels to u. its all about what is comfortable to each angler. what one guy likes, may not be best for the next guy.
  8. lol, yup... sometimes people are just askin for trouble!
  9. take a look at the quantum energy PT rods... they make a wide assortment of lengths and actions to suit ur needs, they run around 100 bucks depending on where ya go, have a good warrenty and the warrenty center is great to deal with, and they come in 2 piece.
  10. ive broken lips on 2 or 3 different rapala DT crankbaits. one was the first cast outta the package. contacted the company and was told to go buy a new one lol. so, guy was a dick... but i see his point on not being able to replace it. but i have 100's of other rapala cranks, live target, bomber, cotton cordell, and a host of others and have never broken a lip on them... just landed a bad batch i guess. with mass production, ur always gonna have few come through that dont last long.
  11. yup, go with that one... i have a st croix premier 7'6" med/hvy fast action rod 1 1/2-3oz rating. good all around rod. and i have an abu garcia C3 6501 cant go wrong, great rod and not overly expensive.
  12. u would think so... but they can spit up half or even fully eaten food with little effort. i have owned many snakes and have one columbian boa now... and watching a snake puke its food back out after a day or so is an interesting site.
  13. ur gonna be VERY happy with that combo john!
  14. a snake can spit its food back out. i think this was a case of the claws on the gator tearing through the side of the python.
  15. u'll be very happy with the cumara rod. im not a shimano guy at all... but they are nice rods forsure and that action will be just fine for what u wanna use it for.
  16. dropshot a small minnow, leech or goby bait. next option would be a shaky head worm
  17. Mike, nice to see u here! love the show bud! i could show u a few shore spots around hamilton that hold some good bass!
  18. ditto. spend a few bucks more, literally... and get a mojo. they are freakin phenominal rods for that price point. they are built on the same blank as the avid. seriously killer rods!
  19. was on pigeon sunday for a tourney... fishing was tough but everyone landed a limit and i had a 4lb 11oz largie for big fish. tons of water to fish. lots of weeds. really dont think u can go wrong with either lake, just depends on how u wanna fish.
  20. sorry bud, we were in caledonia. gorgeous weather. windy and that helped push a few balls a little farther then they would have gone lol, but not a drop of rain and it kept the mosquitoos away!
  21. exactly!! fish will adapt to survive their environment! some will die off yes, but others will survive. we have had several pirahnas in our waters and they always said they'll die in the winter... but when i;ve seen 3 caught in the welland canal, and one through the ice out there... yea... they dont always die!
  22. had clouds in hamilton... havent seen any rain or winds... its actually been bright and sunny for most of the afternoon. which is good... cause i have baseball tonite!!
  23. gonna head out tomrrow morning on hamilton harbour with my buddy and my son. gonna throw whatever i have to, to get them to bite. jigs, senkos, frogs, cranks, spinners, drop shot. gonna try to avoid a senko as much as i can and force myself to fish other techniques. gonna spend more time on jigs, and swimbaits. sunday ill be on pigeon lake for a tourney. jigs and frogs are the plan!
  24. yup, bass spawn is long over. they're not even post spawn now... its a summer pattern for this opener!
  25. Hall will likely go first. BUT seguin SHOULD go first. hes a better all around player then hall.
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