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Everything posted by uglyfish

  1. anyone? anythin?
  2. hell of a team we have! it was a tough bite. congrats to everyone!
  3. hey guys, my brother is takin a trip up to bernard lake, and he wants to do a little fishing with he friends while hes there. hes not much of a fisherman at all, so he came to me. now, i know its not a big lake, but is fairly deep, hold lakers, whitefish, smallies, perch... just waondering if anyone has tips on baits and presentations to use while hes there to hopefully get them into a few fish. thanks for the help!
  4. i would go with a quantum kinetic or catalyst. both are great reels and a good price point. the citica is also a good choice. but u'll get a better reel at a better price with one of the quantums over the citica.
  5. for tubes 7' medium power rod with a fast or xtra fast tip. jerkbaits, both hard and soft jerkbaits... 6'4" medium power xtra fast tip. shorter rod helps get the rite action on the bait, longer rod gets in the way, end up hitting it off the water or side of the boat while working the bait. dropshotting is my specialty. i catch more fish in a day with a dropshot then all other techniques combined in a year lol. 6'10" medium power fast or xtra fast tip. 6 or 8lb straight flouro. u'll get way more fish with straight flouro then with braid and flouro leader. if u prefer braid, that fast tip will help slow the hook set down and will help u get more fish.
  6. fishmaster for this end of lake erie outta port maitland. www.fishmastersultimatecharters.com bob devine for the other end outta windsor. www.chartertalk.com
  7. Mudcats and catfish are one of my favorites. As for the rest, not for me. I won't be eating them anytime soon. I did have a buddy tell me he ate a sheepshead and said it just tasted like a bass.
  8. usually keep some perch and other pannies for some snacks. try to get a few walleye to keep in the freezer, a pike or 2 if i manage to get some, silver bass in the spring, a couple rainbows or salmon, and a few bass. usually just keep the bass that die in the live well during a bass tourney.
  9. shimano, shimano, shimano... BLAHHHHHHHHHHHH. lol
  10. bob devine in windsor. www.chartertalk.com
  11. yup, all depends on the lake ur fishing and the time of year. we fished a tourney on erie sunday and caught most of our fish in 28' of water. but we also found cruising fish in less then 5' and caught more in 40' of water.
  12. 1/0 circle hooks, or 1/0 octopus hooks. the trokar dropshot hook is a good choice.
  13. had some of my best days in the rain. largemouth bass and pike tend to raom a lot when it rains, can make for some exciting fishing! its callin for rain tomorrow, and ill be fishing a tourney on erie! cant wait!
  14. good points garry. however, i have never accidently changed the brake setting on any of my reels. the way it is designed, it would be really hard to accidently change it. its still comes to to one thing.... which reel suits ur needs and ur preference most.
  15. garry explained it great! basically, both breaking systems are there to help, but learning to use ur thumb is the best thing u can do. that way u have control of the spool from the start of the cast to the time it hits the water. i rarely even use the breaks on any of my reels. unless in throwing into heavy winds, and even then, i only use minimal breaking. one thing to add though, only because i know all the guys on here will just tell u to buy a shimano reel cause they're bias and thats what they use lol... to access the breaks on shimano reels, u have to remove the side plate and manually adjust each break. gets really annoying. some companies, quantum is the best example, has incorporated a dial on the side of the reel to adjust the breaks. saves a lot of time when fishing, and can be dialed into the exact spot u wanna set them.
  16. 7'-7'6" medium/heavy casting rod. good quality casting reel, 6.3:1 ratio, hight line capacity and a good drag. 50lb braid
  17. heavier line makes a larger knot. no need to go that heavy. my leads are 6-12' of flouro.
  18. 7' medium power fast action rod, quantum energy pti 20 reel, 20 lb spiderwire braid, 10-12 lb flouro leader.
  19. its nuthin to do with the reel. light braid on any spinning reel can have this problem. when ur using a reel designed for 6-10lb line and u put 10b braid, that has like 2 lb diameter, its gonna happen. i have had the same issue with a quantum reel. make sure the reel is not over spooled, and keep ur eyes on the spool while ur casting and fishing. using a light lure and tryin to fire a cast out, especially if theres some wind, will cause this problem. braid doesnt suffer the same fate as mono or flouro when it comes to line twist. u have to severely twist that line to hell to cause problems with it.
  20. drop shot is the best way. but rigging them on a jighead works good too depending on where ur fishing. i like using them on a football head and dragging them in place of a tube sometimes.
  21. unless the leafs are a serious cup contender, they will trade kaberle at the deadline. because thats the time of year your gonna get a team giving up a ton to get a guy like him. hes a free agent at seasons end. so, keep him and get nuthin, or trade him and get a great return? pretty simple to figure that one out. kessel was a good trade, keep in mind on a team with less then stellar offense, he managed 30 goals and 55 points in 70 games... which was tops on the team. had the leafs finished higher in the standings and the draft picks were late picks, no one would be whining about that trade. burke has done a great job dumping salary left by his predecessors. was sad to see some guys go, but it needed to be done. he wants to make this team a winner, and hes one the rite path with that. we have sonme great young talent on the club, and more to come. they will be a tough team this year and the playoffs are a very good and real possibility for them.
  22. Giants and Buccaneers!
  23. well, the bigmouth buffalo has been listed as a species at risk for many many years. when i cought mine, i was informed it was only the 7th one reported in quite some time and the first reported since the 70's i believe. the smallmouth buffalos... look identical to carp. weird.
  24. hey, thats my fishy!!
  25. ditto, give fishmaster a call. u can PM him through this site too.
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