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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Hence the Time will tell although my roomate who is not one for Bull...actually said the apology sounded sincere and that she was definitely upset.
  2. UPDATE**** The lady actually came by my house this morning after I left for work and spoke to my roomate. She sincerely apologized and notified my roomate to inform me that she will no longer be bringing her dogs to the park and that she will be taking them to obedience school until she can be assured that an incident will not happen like this again. To clarify with everyone, the one dog that did clamp onto my dogs neck and not let go, which i ended up kicking in order to get it to release its grip was actually on a leash. During the process of the owner attempting to control her off leash dog this dog was able to get close enough to mine to bite it. I believe she was aware of the issue with this dog and therefore does not typically let it off leash. She has indicated that the other dog only recently began having issues. Hopefully she will understand that the issues stem from her lack of authority and leadership with the dogs and not from the dogs themselves. Time will tell!
  3. never been much a kadri fan TBH Although maybe the leafs have finally handled one of the prospects properly and forced him to develop his game to a level of his full capability. The guy always had the skill to be a point a player game, but he completely lacked the work ethic, drive and grit it takes to be that kind of player in the NHL. Theres a lot of guys that cry and cry about how kadri has been held back, i personally think he has been handled very well. Now in the final year of his entry level contract he has his opportunity to become a top line centre. The kid is only 23 years old, he is just coming into himself now. If he can prove that he is a bonafied top line guy scoring a point a game this season, then he will get the money he deserves. Next season you have 15 million to sign franson bernier and kadri. They should be able to work it out. Kadri needs to learn how to win a faceoff though if he wants to be a #1
  4. i could see your point if I was putting myself in this situation. But walking freely through public space, and then having someone come and engage you unprovoked is a hard sell. It isnt much different than if she somehow ran into me in a completely different location, in no way did i enter into the scenario, i was placed into it. I even attempted to remove myself from the situation prior to it occurring and was followed and attacked.
  5. got a response from animal control, they have told me to either attain a license plate or the owners physical address. It is a shame that bad apples ruin the bunch. Theres a lot of great pet owners that I see every day. their dogs are well behaved and very friendly. Unfortunate that one trouble dog owner, the whole party gets ruined. To be continued....
  6. sounds like animal control might be the way to go. I wasn't sure if "reporting an incident was even a possibility. Like some have you have mentioned, getting the attack on record might be the start of building a case. I have seen her other dog charge another bigger dog as well before, so yes Bill you are correct its not the first time. I dont think she really gets it. Its sad how empty some people's heads are. I am not sure how much power I have until I can get the person's exact address. I will keep an eye out for her in the upcoming days to see if I can trail her back to her place of residence. Until then it will be challenging. As mentioned before, the last thing I would want to do is have By Law enforcement crack down on the 4 other responsible pet owners that I converse with on a regular basis before sunrise at the park. Sure enough the people who are there consistently every day and never have a problem will be the ones who end up in trouble.
  7. try the pigeon side of the bridge at buckhorn. It seems to always bee doing, good mix of structure, weeds, deep spots and rocks. I hear fishing is tough this time of year on em though, but this warm hold out might help.
  8. challenge with By Law officers is that they arent "real cops" either. All it would take is for her to walk away and the by law cop would have no way to stop her. The second problem is that as you mentioned, they would ticket everyone, including the couple of people at the park that I do know and that have well behaved harmless dogs that come every morning early before the crowds. The last thing I would want is the by law officer to harrass these people who are doing what they should. I guess I will just have to wait until one of the dogs actually visibly injures either my dog or me...sigh
  9. anyone seen the one where the motorcyclist rear ends a car on the highway, does a flip and lands on the roof of the car all while moving?
  10. this is my problem, calling by law on her wont solve a thing because their response time at 6:45 AM is probably non existent. Yes my dog is off leash as i typically play fetch with him in the outfield of the baseball diamond away from the playgrounds etc. when this happened though my dog was right beside me as I was walking away from her and her dogs. I know where the girl lives as its a small neighborhood and I live across the street from the park. I am not sure reporting her would help at all because I couldnt prove that the incident happened. Going to a different park is kind of out of the question because this park is basically in my front yard. Hence wake up and go walk the dog before work. The dogs were not playing...i wish that was the case
  11. Hey Everyone, Looking for a bit of insight from the members here as some of you may have past experience with this. I own a Lab/Cocker Spaniel mix name cash, he weighs about 38 pounds and loves going to the park directly across the street from my house every morning with me at sunrise. Hes pretty low key and doesn't care much for other dogs. Generally he will not go out of his way to interact with other dogs but when dogs approach him he generally has no issues. Some times with larger dogs he will avoid them especially if they are over excited. Last week while at the park a girl with 3 dogs, A german sheppard cross of some sort 60lbs, a large lab cross of some sort probably close to 100lbs and a boxer mix were at one end so i maintained my distance and stayed at the other end of the park. The German Shepphard mix then got away from her ran all the way across the park took my dogs ball and proceeded to run away. Luckily the owner noticed but being a poor owner she had no command over her dog so it took her 15 minutes to trick the dog into finally allowing her to grab it which she was then able to get the ball away. She gave me my ball back and i proceeded to walk away when her dog ran after mine and attacked him. (I still had the ball) Needless to say I wasnt too impressed but didnt think much of it as we were able to break up the fight quickly. Fastforward to this morning. I just arrive at the park when the girl with her 3 dogs came to the park. She immediately let her german sheppard cross and boxer off. The Boxer never does much but stand around, but the german sheppard dogs starts sprinting around and approaches cash who remembering last week then gets close to me and starts signalling to me that hes a bit worried. I attempt to guide Cash away from the girl and her dogs but of course this dog follows and so does its owner until...The dog once again attacks my dog. I start to fend off the dog with my boot and she begins to run over with the big lab cross on a leash as she is attempting to control the german sheppard. Cash gets behind me and the lab immediately snatches onto cashes neck and starts wringing him...I tried to grab the dog but it didnt let go so ended up giving it a kick and the dog finally let its grip go. I immediately told the owner that she shouldnt have her dogs off leash if they are viscious to which of course i got no reply at all. What I am looking for is some advice on what avenues I have if this happens again. My girlfriend told me to call the city bylaw officers or animal control, but what help is that when the dogs are actively attacking my dog. I pretty much have to defend my family in my own hands. I feel kind of helpless because clearly this owner is a complete idiot and doesnt learn her lesson as I know for a fact her dogs have attacked others as well. Really shes the one that deserves the kick in the head but what can you do? Does anyone know if there is some way to stop this girl? My dog cash is tough but what if its a small child next time?
  12. nice piggy sad I wasnt up on GB this weekend! Pigeon and buckhorn hold some nice piggies for sure.
  13. damn pete i wish you told me about this when we met this week! awesome job man!
  14. wow i am encouraged by seeing that there are salmon that are alive in GB still. I thought they were all dead by now.
  15. lol at the kessel bashers. I have a friend who does their fitness assessment in training camp. Let me assure everyone Kessel is the most "i dont give a crap about anything" guy on the team. So all this talk about kessel being mad, kessel being upset blah blah blah. The guy doesnt care. Last year he came into camp and was fat as heck, this is a direct quote that kessel told my friend "meh i dont think ill get cut" The guy is an elite scorer, more goals than crosby, more points than ovechkin, he gets to do whatever he wants and no one argues. Keep it that way. and the guys bashing the leafs are probably all sens fans anyways...so their opinion is worthless.
  16. For all of your shipping into America and pick up needs http://www.cbiusa.com/ Ive used them for multiple high ticket items, and the transaction and ease of use, location, rules and pricing are unbeatable.
  17. so insightful, ive saved this thread. Great write up for us rookies.
  18. And fishermen get a bad name for not caring about nature! This proves that maybe we are more in tune with nature afterall.
  19. dont be discouraged, the pike have been picking up!
  20. the markings on those pike are incredible. This has to be the best northern pike fishery in the world. I am jealous beyond comprehension. Thanks for the report...super sweet
  21. mega jealous of this fishing rig, the downrigging gear is a steal anyways!
  22. Byng is well marked in the river itself, the ice fishers like to set up right in the navigation channels in the winter as this is obviously the deepest part of the channel. The water is still relatively warm but as this weather continues to hold I imagine the pickerels will start making their way in. As Bill said, dont even bother trying to navigate without charts unless you are looking to purchase a new boat soon. Take err really slow and be aware that if you head out into the bay, the weather picks up quick and if you are in a small boat theres a very good chance that you could end up in 10 footers smashing directly onto the shoals that protect the area. Bring Rain gear, if the forecast says theres a chance of rain, it will rain.
  23. this is why i dont even bother for eyes during daylight. I either wake up before dawn or am out past dark because I have no luck with the darned things anytime after 9am or before 5pm. I keep hearing that deep trolling with planer boards or even dipseys can work though, yet to try it myself though.
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