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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. this is the best read i have had on here. Thanks for sharing.
  2. woke up sunday in pointe au baril and it was 4...the water was still 17.6 though. Made for a lot of fog, I have a feeling the ice is gonna be on really early this year. Snowmobiling is gonna be great!
  3. I cant say that I am not a fan of the idea of this "internet lynching" idea. I wish no harm or anything upon this individual, but in this day and age, its a great deterent for others to not conduct themselves in the same fashion. Hopefully someone else out there that likes to illegally kill fish will reconsider after seeing this. If it does happen, then this is all worth it.
  4. are these types of PFD's no longer valid if you take them off?
  5. Serious question, does anyone know the rules about manual vs auto inflatables? Are manual inflatables considered "valid" if stopped by the OPP?
  6. yet apparently climate change isnt happening? Whether its man made or not whatever...this weather is pretty wild, but being a weather nut its kind of interesting and fun to watch. I can also thank the ridiculous amount of rain we have had for filling GB back up so no complaints there! I say keep on bringing the rain/snow etc etc (and yes the ice storm did major damage, which included an insurance claim and me losing all of the mature trees in my yard) Its mother nature, you are along for the ride weather (see what i did there) you like it or not.
  7. the guy "apologized" whether it was sincere or not who cares...its up to the ministry to make sure justice is served, and to make sure this dink never does it again. Aside from that, he killed a fish, not a human. I hook fish in the face, break their necks and then eat them. Try do that with a human
  8. I wear mine when i head out in the tinner because the thing is not stable due to its size. Ive nearly flipped it over backwards hitting a wave and catching a gust of wind at the same time so i dont trust it very much. Aside from that my dad and i always wear them in the late fall or early spring where swimming wouldnt be an option even if wed like it to be. Having worked on the docks with the ice on the lake, i know that attempting to swim anywhere in that kind of water means that you are going to drown. Aside from that I never wear them on the 26 footer because if you ever fell out that boat, you are probably dead anyways.
  9. new one as of this past saturday Biggie Smalls
  10. Just announced the new iphone 6 will have a baramoter...time to start developing!
  11. ya if he ever gets cleared for contact...apparently hes going to miss camp. Not a good start.
  12. Hopefully Lupes can find his form again, bit of a grind last year but the guy plays with the most heart on the team. The team overall is a bit more well rounded up front. Clarkson will be better this year (cant be any worse) but once again will disappoint for what hes being paid. Look for Bernier to further solidify his place as a number 1 goaltender in the league. There are a lot of haters as normal because hes a leaf, but I think the move to get will go down as one of the best moves they made in a long long time. Leo will be fun to watch, the leafs defence will continue to struggle and I expect Carlyle to last no longer than December. Its not going to be a fun season overall to watch and I would be surprised at a playoff birth. They still need a more defensively minded back end. Gardiner and rielly will impress as normal, but the defensive side of the game will still lack. Dion although everyone hates him, is a good D man (maybe not so much captain), hes just not capable of doing it all alone.
  13. youll be fine, the water level is friggin high as hell on GB right now. Our dock cribs are literally underwater. The water hasnt started going down for the fall quiet yet. If the boat launch has been fixed since the early 90's when water levels were still high, you will be fine because the water is the highest its been in 10 years.
  14. killin err baaddy well done man, some piggies there.
  15. If this past weekend was "slow" I cant wait to see what a "fast" weekend will look like for smallies on GB what a weekend!

  16. had a pb smallie on but i lost err on the prop of my boat after a timely gust of wind! ughhh Lets see what the fall brings!
  17. I literally had this conversation with my dad this weekend after i Questioned how Lawrence could ever justify giving a fantastic GPS with such a small screen, but never providing you the option of simply having a GPS unit and then connecting whatever the hell screen you want to it. Here is the solution! As someone mentioned, why wouldnt you want a nice big screen, the days of navigating on a 6 inch monitor are over!
  18. I personally just wear cabellas private label hunting rain gear. stuff is durable as hell, has all the pockets yould could ever need and the boot strap system in them is bar none. Throw them on with a pair of rubber boots done deal. Ive fished in complete downpours, was cool comfortable and dry.
  19. ughhh biggest fear driving to pointe au baril every weekend. 3 years ago i was following a guy towing a boat near go home lake rd, was doing the standard 110 in a 100 in my mazda speed protege (lowered oh boy) plenty of space between the boat tower and me...following a sweeping right bend with the standard rock rock faces on the right obscuring any vision...next thing i know the guy towing the boat slams on the brakes, Ive got plenty of time to slow down and proceed to switch lanes to pass, when i realize the mistake ive made, there standing right on the middle line covering both lanes is a full grown bull moose antlers and all...fast maneuver hit the shoulder doing 90, the mooses head misses the corner of my car by less than a foot, i might have even skirted under its head since my car was so low. proceeded to nearly go into cardiac arrest and I am only 23.
  20. something tells me the fishing isnt so great in this spot, but you make frequent trips anyways. Havent named too many but I am going to start after reading this thread. It actually is a great idea just for future reference with the family. Ive only really got a couple and they are simple The buoy Channel Bay The river
  21. ughhh this cold front is gonna make for a tough go saturday!

  22. you have yourself some competition. To this day it is still the only pickerel my brother has ever caught in Ontario lol!
  23. Matty it was a verfied 7...it was weighed in at the theona trailer park bass tourny. Ive fished Stoney once and I will vouch for the fact that it really holds fish. That one morning i fished, i saw 40+ largies boated, 3 5lb smallies boated and a musky on a spinner as well.
  24. Google Maps GPS works like a charm...I have an iphone and opted to not get navigation in our recently purchased car. The iphone recently just took us all over Nova Scotia including backroads absolutely no problem. Get a used Iphone with Google maps, done deal.
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