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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Tried to recreate my Omas Hachee recipe last night, it turned out suprisingly good! Not as good as hers is but pretty darn close! Served with mashed potatoes and fermented red cabbage. G
  2. Normally burn in is not covered u see these warranties. Good luck
  3. Support your local farmer. I have and still do. Now that I have moved and found a new farmer to buy from. You will have a superior product, you know your meat comes from one animal, not hundreds or thousands... And your helping your local farmer who makes much less by selling beef at auctions or to conglomerates.... Win win... And from my experience, pay cash never any tax. Say what you will befriend a farmer your family will be better for it. G
  4. When I lived in hamilton we bought directly from the farmer. It was 2.00 per pound paid directly to the farmer. This was hanging weight. So 500lb was 1k.. Kill fee was if I remember correcfly was 60 bux Butchering as like 20-30 cent per pound. I saved a TON of money by purchasing directly from the farmer and the product was far superior, cut to what I wanted and I supported the local economy not some office in Toronto or the states.
  5. Yup keep it, or don't keep it. As long as it is legal... You'd be surprised what some folks will consume. Sheepshead chowder for instance... Might not be my cup of tea... But it is someone's. G
  6. The day I took a good whopping from my dad was the day I began to dislike the wwf.... Went like this.... Be a young kid, watching your "heros" on tv... All the big names.... All promoting a kid at home to call "their" phone number to talk to a live wwf wrestler! Some 976 number garbage... Phone bill comes in... It was around 800 bucks... This was in the 80's.... Needless to say I was unable for sit very long on one cheek. I got my ass handed to me that day.... Literally. Taught me a valuable lesson though.... Don't put your hands in the way of the belt... G
  7. Panels degrade upon age.the older they get the less efficient they become....
  8. I have made it a policy long ago.... To never deal with companies that telemarket, it has served me well... Add political parties to this list as well. If I am in the market for something I will shop around and ask for advice.. I do not need Omar in Istanbul calling me telling me I need new windows and a roof job. If you want to go solar do yourself a favour, call around, do your research and make an informed choice. Don't be taken by some telemarketer. My 0.05 cents. G
  9. Have you considered a natgas unit? They come in various sizes and as direct vent.... No pellets to buy and lug around and no wood to buy and store.. Pennies an hour to run. G
  10. Steve, I just went through my pension package for the company I work for (non Union factory) I had some choices to make... I could go with either a DB or defined benefit package Or A DC defined contribution package. The difference between the two is that the DB package the company administering the plan makes all the calls where my money is invested. The DC package I can direct where my money is invested, after speaking to a financial planner the DC option was a better option in terms of return. That said I can change to the DB plan at any time. And visa versa. My pension is 100% company paid. I can contribute additional funds as I see fit ie. Company stock which are match to a certain percentage by the company (free money!) I am also given a percentage of my wages based upon years of that I can put into rrsps, tfsa, company stock or into gics etc.... I chose the rrsp route but have directed those funds into my wife's rrsp account. This is a tax savings for me, as I still get the tax write off, but pay less taxes when they are used based upon my income and the other monies I will be receiving. Speak to a financial planner. Speak to several of them if need be. Tell them what you think you will need to retire monthly. They will tell you what is needed to achieve your goal. Just advice from a normal guy that just went through the process. G
  11. Joey a suggestion? If you don't care about local channels, and care more about series and movies etc... Take a look at xbmc or a gbox or similar unit. No more cable bills
  12. Call up your local handyman. Most roofing companies could care less about a couple shingles.
  13. Stay away from the solid fibreglass caps as well, they are a pain in the winter, and not the friendliest to remove if you need to carry an oversized item. G
  14. If their cable service is anything like their cell service.... I would run far far away... Sadly I'm locked into a contract... Only 22 payments to make... Ohhh and if you want a paper bill expect a 2.00 fee... A fee for the bill you are expected to pay... What a joke... I have to pay 2.00 just to get my bill.. Once my contract is done rogers will kiss my hairy big toe. G
  15. I see TSC has the big buddy on sale again 139.90 I think it was G
  16. For the love of all things good post the pics! And the recipe might help as well
  17. Well seeing as how we are talking about eating out, that is completely different! I thought we were talking about what is cooked at home... I really enjoy Indian I mean really really enjoy it. Lynds and I make it at least twice a month, buying the spices, veg and sauces needed... Not to mention we also make our own naan... Love it. Chinese, love the stuff but after moving out of Hamilton "real" Chinese is hard to find here... But I still love a bowl of Singapore noodles.... Nothing beats them. Curry and Chinese ingredients? WINNER! One thing I miss from living in Hamilton is the Pho places... Good god that stuff is good! Not to mention cheap, there is one in belleville I have yet to try it though. Went out for Thai last week had a roasted duck red curry and spring rolls. It was amazing! If your ever in downtown Belleville check out Thai house... A bit upscale but great food. Given I am dutch I grew up in mostly dutch and Indonesian fair... A lot of dutch cooking has indo influences. Curries spices heat it's all good to me. Now will someone please pass the chicken vindaloo? G
  18. Mine is probably my Oma's Gehaktbal, or her roast beef (made that yesterday) slow simmered in butter and cloves, served with garlic mashed, sourkrout and pepper corns. Rookworst stamppot is another favourite in my house. G
  19. Bang on Landry, open an estore no overhead, no insane energy bills or property taxes, no employees... And a few write offs for a home based business... Fill orders after school and homework. If you want to get into business start here and go from there.. Going to be very hard to turn a profit with 50items in a traditional brick and mortar. Start small and think big. I wish more kids had the drive this youngster has. G
  20. Maybe a bit of an odd question... But if it can't be done without damage to your Reno, why not go electric? Just a thought G
  21. Yup and all boneless as well! God forbid meat has bones!
  22. People believe their meat comes from foam trays.. We are so out of touch of where our food comes from it really is sad.. Growing up my grandparents had a hobby farm, cows pigs chickens.. We knew where our meat was coming from... As the animals were named after us. Fresh butter, cream and whole milk were a norm. I understand the need to hunt and kill for substance...I am pro hunting... But to kill for the sole sake of killing is something I cannot agree with. G
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