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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Had Goodyear utragrips on my last car (Saturn ion) they performed well enough that I am putting them on my new car (Kia serento) G
  2. I have yet to read the rest of this thread.... I have lost my 2 year old son due to E. Coli... Due to well water.... Do not mess around, do not wait, do not drink the F''ing water.... Trust me... You don't do not want to deal with what I went through. Do it right. G Edit to add, that I am still dealing with... Do not take a chance is all I can say.
  3. JDS, I think we need another meet and greet.... Like we all did way back when this site first started.... Just folks that like to fish together... Perhaps then You would understand.... Cliff is probably the most generous person I know here. G
  4. The base in Trenton last night, light up the skies here last night.... The sky glowed red and orange... Went on for hours. At first I thought it was a fire close by..... It was the base honouring Nathan in their way. It was cool to witness and at the same surreal. G
  5. Thanks Bill, I was at an overpass here in Brighton, a lot of folks were here.Shed more then a few tears today. Last night the skies were a glow with Trenton setting off flares... It was something.. But at the same time... Needless..senseless..... I want to say a lot more.... This is not the correct venue I wish peace to his family.... Thank you for your service. G
  6. We are allowed a certain amount of personal days. As for N days.... We have 4shifts A/D follow each other and B/C follow each other .... Should a stat fall on a B/C rotation we as A/D get a day off in lieu of their day off....and visa versa... Hope this makes sense.... G
  7. Based on how many shifts? We have 4. A/D and B/C.. The idea behind this schedule is to not get used to it... Circadian rhythm is fickle, the idea is to reduce tiredness by not having a set pattern. Don't get me wrong after 3 night shifts I am tired, more physically then mentally ( feet mostly) it works for me, as the body is in a constant state of change. G
  8. I can use my schedule to take my 120hours and turn then into a lot more... Use 2-12 hour shifts and get a week off... Works for us. Add holidays, N days, personal time etc etc.
  9. Horrible! (Insert sarcasm here) good luck with the huge move!
  10. Pics, I'm lucky I guess. We shut down for Xmas and Boxing Day, (paid) we also shut down for 2 other stats a year to clean out air washers etc.... All of which is paid I work every other holiday I can get my hands on. Triple time I would be stupid not too. I also get N days so if another shift B/C rotation have a stat that they have to be off I also get a day off... Makes things fair. I am enjoying shift work, especially because we can afford the wife to not have to go back to work. G
  11. Wow man, count your blessings! A lot of us could only dream of that life. Congrats on your new homestead. G
  12. I work continentals. Works like this.... 630am-700 pm (days) 630pm-700 am (nights) Monday Tuesday DAYS Wednesday Thursday OFF Fridays Saturday Sunday NIGHTS Monday Tuesday OFF (1 day and a half turn around.... Ugh.... I find it hard once a month) Wednesday Thursday DAYS Friday Saturday Sunday OFF Monday Tuesday NIGHTS (basically 3.5 days off once a month. Wednesday Thursday OFF Fridays Saturday Sunday DAYS Monday Tuesday OFF Wednesday Thursday NIGHTS Friday Saturday sunday OFF ( Monday start the cycle again....) I like it, I work 14 days a month, days off during the week.... The only PIA Is The 1.5 days turn over from nights to days... Black out your bedroom window to sleep during the day. I also find a small fan in the room helps to add "white" noise should the family be up and making noise while you are sleeping.. Picked up this tip from a member here when I first started. I have a ton more time home now then I ever did working straight 8's G Any questions for me..... Fairly new to this myself... >2years.... I learnt what works for me..... Be sure to take care of you feet is my biggest advice..
  13. Agreed.... But not at Art directly.... In high school we are taught Canada is a melting pot.... Different cultures, different religions and different political views all melt into one.... The Canadian economy needs immigrants in order to survive and to keep all the "benefits" flowing.... The US is much, much different then us... They have what 350 million+ people to keep their economy going? We apparently need these folks to immigrate here... That said as a melting pot we are supposed accept them a fellow Canadians.... To all "blend" The problem begins when immigrants choose not too "blend" although they came here for a better life. We are expected to accept them... When they do not accept us. Or our customs. Remember I am a first generation Canadian... My family chose to come to canada chose to become citizens. Much like Cliffs parents did. They did the best they could and learned English reading the phone book ... Why because it was free! This would not happen in America. America is not a so called "melting pot" as was taught to us In Highschool politics class. Comparing Canada to America is like comparing apple to oranges. Most Canadians are taught this from an early age from so called professionals G.
  14. Not ignorant at all. Women wanting to wear nambiqs( sp?) for id pictures, not removing them for court dates etc... I am for freedom of religion, but they left their country for Canada In Hopes of a better life and yet you won't abide by our customs... Christ we can no longer even say merry Christmas anymore. In our own country! I say if you move here you adapt here. I come from an immigrant family, and that's exactly what we did! This nonsense has to end , Quebec is taking a step in the right direction. G
  15. Certainly beats the salt cod I am soaking now:...
  16. After years of construction, construction management and owning my own business it was time to get out.. very hard on the body and I was sick of working in the elements year round. While I value my time as a carpenter, It was time for a change... I used my technical skills/training to apply for a position with the worlds largest manufacturer... after an exhaustive interview and testing process I landed the job I was applying for. A total carrer change @ 37 years old and I gotta say I should have done it much earlier, great company to work for who really value their employees, great benefits and constant challenges. I thrive in this environment. great topic. G
  17. Yup same here... My and my sis would battle back and forth as to whose wish came true.... Stupid birds.
  18. http://www.intelligencer.ca/2014/10/15/fish-contaminants-on-decline G
  19. Orange is the new black..... Best show I have seen in a long time. But out of the shows you listed... I would choose breaking bad. G
  20. Well I went out today to a no frills in belleville, they have a "wholesale" section... Anyways I picked up my 100% peanut oil. It was 49.99 for a five gallon pail. Should last me quite awhile I imagine and I can pour the oil back into the pail for storing it Thanks for the inspiration B I will be sure to post some pics. Now..... What to cook!!! (Other than turkey) G
  21. And how was it compared to the oven equilivant? Sure you don't get the stuffing... Or the gravy drippings.... But how was the bird itself? Better or on par with the oven toasted? I hope to test mine out next weekend, on something other then turkey.... Ate it yet again today for lunch.... Ugh! G
  22. Litter is a hot debated topic here and despised by most outdoorsmen. The CBC has filmed a spot for The National concerning it. Just thought I would passed it along. http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/topstories/illegal-dumping-why-do-so-many-canadians-trash-canada-1.2795046 G
  23. I work in manufacturing... For the worlds largest. We have fulltimers (myself) temps ( 2 yr contract workers) and labour ( working for temp agency companies) I have several tattoos. All are hidden with a pair of jeans and a t-shirt as will my new piece. Problem is I see these "kids" with these giant massive holes in their ears, some are to the point they are a safety hazard and have to be taped back... As well as large neck and face tattoos How will these "kids" fair once they are in their 30's? 5" holes in their ears and neck tatts they can't cover... What will their kids think? Their grandkids? Prospective career employment? Some of these kids are very bright, but I fear they are destined to work for these employment contractors for life... Based upon their choices. Make me wonder of their upbringing. G
  24. Freaking awesome! Dieing to use mine! Thanks B! Yup ps TY wallyworld. G
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