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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. I would use corregated sheet metal attached you your 2x2 frame to save on weight. For both the walls and roof. Can still be insulated with foam. And is fireproof should you add a wood stove.... Keep the foam away from the opening in the roof of course. I would also add vents at both gable ends. You could get away with 1/2" ply to save on weight adding reinforcement to the frame where needed. As for the height? I wonder if you could set up a locking pin system to drop the springs. Lowering it's overall height... Or just pull the wheels if you plan this to be a permanently placed hut... Place the trailer on blocking and wrap the hubs.... When you want to move it jack it up and put the wheels back in place. Just a couple of quick thoughts that have popped into mind.... G
  2. Thieves are creatures of opportunity..... If they think a certain house might be more difficult then the one down the road, they will choose the one down the road. That said I have a dog. A gentle giant that would rather lick your face off.... His bark though would certainly make you think twice.... However I have no doubt he would act if he felt we are in danger. Make yourself more difficult then those around you. As FnA suggested a beware of dog sign, a few stickers on the windows letting otherS know your alarmed.... Even a few conspicuous fake cams will help as well...... Your making it difficult, remember? That said be sure to keep everything lite up ( outdoor lighting) Should you want to I stall a system be sure if the phone line is cut... It will still work. Thieves as the lowest form of scum in the human gene pool..... They will take the easy road... The more difficult you make it the more they will avoid you. G
  3. I had this exact sled.... And sold it this summer. It HEAVY!!! I mean insanely heavy. Also known to burn up the piston on the muffler side. This is a common problem on these sleds and is exactly what happened to mine. New piston, new rings and a sleeve were needed. I would look at a different machine for ice fishing imho. G
  4. Ohhhhhh only 20k from me.... After selling my last sled this year... My thumb is getting itchy..... Damn..... Happy valentines hun lol!........ Nope that won't work..... Something though seems to good to be true at that price..... G
  5. Meat comes from foam trays and cellophane.... Didn't you know that? People are so far removed from where their food actually comes from its mind boggling. G
  6. Wicked! Mind if I ask the rules? I bought my boy a ATV last year, and while I have what he says are "Anal" rules I have them in place for a reason...
  7. Mmmmmmmm curried goat... I miss city living only for the food. G
  8. LOL Lew so true!!! If I encounter that I will push 2 for French.... As I know I talking to a canadian that has better English then those overseas. G
  9. I get things need managing... But nature has a way to manage itself. It always has, long before man came along and discovered black powder... I'm on the fence with this one... While I see the views for the need of management.... I also feel this is nature and it should run its course, as it always have before man started meddling... http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/topstories/b-c-wolf-cull-will-likely-last-5-years-deputy-minister-says-1.2952556 Should encourage a healthy discussion G
  10. That was very smart of her. As it would come directly off the principal reducing how much interest she pays to the bank over the lifetime of the mortgage... A smart lady. G
  11. Welcome to the forum! I am sure you will be given a lot of suggestions and info, also be sure to check your PM inbox as some might not want to post publicly. Hell someone might even be willing to take you out and show you around. We have a lot of good and generous folks here. Good luck during your stay. G
  12. MB2... Here is a good article..... Perhaps you can also voice your opinion. http://www.intelligencer.ca/2015/02/09/petition-captures-unexpected-support G
  13. I hunted since it seems before I could walk... I also fished for the same time period... Hunting and fishing was a way of life in my family.... Often it was what was for dinner on the table.... Right from the lake or bush. My grandfather made sure we knew and respected the outdoors. We hunted to put meat in the freezer. Not for the party or the drinking... Mind you I was a young boy/man at the time... I was included till I was around 21 maybe a bit earlier.... Then my grandparents sold their property on lake St. John.... Haven't hunted since.... (Even then it was about brand names, patterns and $$$$..... Hunting is a lot more expensive then fishing imho. I can buy a cheap rod and reel for 49 bucks.... Try and do the same for a cheap firearm... Then add the bling. G
  14. That said, and you are correct.... Is not what hunting was meant to be.... It was to put food on the table. Now it's about bling, camp patterns etc.... Anything to sell something.... Consumerism. G
  15. This is true.... Sucks for the buddy I brought with me though lol
  16. Dave Bailey, sent you a PM G
  17. Yup we sure did.... Thanks to this. A buddie from work keeps his hut there and has yet to use it this year.... We put it on the ice and made a couple holes.... Hotter then hades in the hut.
  18. On a different line of thinking, my wife an I make meal plans for the week. We write them on a white board.Located on the fridge. Saves us a LOT on the monthly grocery bill, not buying unnecessary items. We would easily spend 200-300 a week on groceries, with a lot of the frozen goods being tossed in the garbage after freezer burn etc. or running out last minute for items and not buying on sale... We look at the flyers and what's on sale and base our weekly meal plan off those item on sale. We have cut our monthly grocery bill almost in half buy shopping for only what is needed to make our meals for the week. It also stopped the "what should we have for supper tonight?" And running to the grocery store to buy all the items needed. It has saved us a ton! We also only do laundry, run the dishwasher etc during off peak hours. Mostly hand wash but sometimes we use it when company is over. We have lowered the temp on our hot water tank. I don't need scalding hot water to have a shower. We have cut cable and our home phone. Who needs a landline when we both have cells. Pay in cash. We both have credit cards... They are barely used, if I don't have the $$$ now we can't afford it. So we don't buy it. Only having my income right now as Lyndsey is off due to the baby... The items above have helped tremendously while still allowing for savings. G
  19. It would have been the perfect size for the table. However I let swim. G
  20. Hit up a somewhat local fishing hole that has produced in the past... Today was not that day... 5 hours+ of fishing... 1 fish lol and not the target species... Ahhh well it was a good day out regardless spending some time with a good lifelong friend. For those of you that don't know Glen Ross is located on the Trent just below lock #7 I didn't take too many pics well only one really. Anyways here is the one measly fish for the day. Hopefully you guys did better then we did. We tried everything.... And this sucker hit a 1/8oz jig tip with a small minnow.... Go figure.. G
  21. That's friggen cool man, it's different then what I thought at first I assumed the rear wheels were powered as well, which could easily be done with spocket and chain I would imagine.... Either way it is friggen cool! Keep us updated on its progress please. G
  22. opps.... Nevermind lol! I thought this was about augers for a snowblower lol! G
  23. I head she has more then one tooth also! A huge step up. G
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