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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. My bet is you are using Safari which is preloaded on iPhones etc.... Go to settings, Safari , block cookies , select Allow from websites I visit. This should fix you up. G
  2. That would suck if it was allowed to pass..... My bet is residents are sick of the slobs leaving garbage behind. This is going to become a common theme if people do not change their habits. G
  3. http://www.crtc.gc.ca/eng/info_sht/tv12.htm
  4. I heard the on the radio (CBC) that the CRTC has ruled that our content providers can no longer run their own ads in place of American ones that are broadcast as part of the Super Bowl and other events. It's about damn time! Sick of seeing Bell ads every commercial break G The link is not working for me.... Perhaps because I'm on my tablet?
  5. Sorry guys, I haven't had the time to respond, between work commitments, buying of new furniture,and a newborn my times been a hit stretched. I'll get in touch this weekend and thanks for the generous offer G
  6. Man awesome video.... Wish I was able to get south this year! Newborn baby put the kibosh to that for this year.... How does Jack like the south? G
  7. I like to switch it up from time to time as well, I used wood chunks in place of charcoal from time to time... Hickory, Apple and cherry are my favs. G
  8. Limited time unfortunately being a shift worker... Before shift work I would be on the Q 3-4 times a week. That little performer is a workhorse. G
  9. I know my weber performer has zero issues at -30 I have done it several times. G
  10. My next Q will be a big green egg. Saving up the nickles for it. G
  11. I switched to charcoal a couple of years ago, no way would I switch back to NG or propane. G
  12. I was hesitant to post to this thread for fear of transferring bad jojo... Talking about all the negatives. I am glad and happy to hear you are well. One word of advice? Keep your helmet on! But seriously, I'm thankful your ok. G
  13. Many are involved..... And rightfully so. I hope you get a decent settlement to replace your roof.
  14. BG.... I have seen him for almost 2 weeks now. In the field behind my place.... Out there munching happily on whatever scrub is left.... Closest he has has come is within 20' of my backyard ( I back onto a small field and then a provincial park...) Tieing my dog up Is not an option. Or even considered. ( he's on a electric fence) but I have seen him run if there is a threat regardless... Going to see if I can relocate this prickly sucker G
  15. Sinker that would be awesome, but I am working.... I have booked the next two weekends off though? If your in the area we could hit up glen Ross? Decent fishing and a mixed bag on the Trent.... Heated hut, Send me a pm if your in the area G
  16. If going sheet steel (cheaper) be sure they install bird stop.... My uncle spent 25k on a new steel roof 2 years ago.... Sheet steel.... No bird stop installed ( which I pointed out after the fact) hornets and black jackets love it. A few bats as well. Make sure you have a barrier to prevent insects and animals to entering you roof system. G
  17. Thanks for all the advice guys, I am seeing it almost daily... Looking into trapping it. G
  18. While a bit of topic, I have never had an issue with an LG product.... As much as I would like to upgrade my plasma, I can't bring myself to do it as this tv still looks great and works flawlessly after 5 years... It owes me nothing. I would purchase LG again. G
  19. Hey guys need a bit of advice here... Lately there has been a large porcupine hanging around close to my property, in the field behind my house. Seems to be getting closer and closer to the property everyday... How can I deter it from getting any closer? Tieing shopping bags to my hedges has not worked. My property is not fenced just cedar hedges. I'm afraid to let the dog out for fear of a hefty vet bill... Anything you guys have done. Or can suggest? Thanks G
  20. There was an informative post here regarding insurance in CR. Make sure u know the fine print. G
  21. I have written several responses to this post many times..... And deleted them before I hit "post" as this is a very touchy subject personally to me and others... Say what you will.... But mainstream scientific medicine does not mean those you love will survive. Regardless what path you take, when your time is up.... It's up. G
  22. This thread is full of sadness. That said it does have a place here. As a constructive discussion. The loss of a child is never easy. I won't fault the parents or the courts. This child chose what she wanted, very brave of her. To disparage someone for thier choices is of low class in my opinion, especially when it comes to the loss of a child. That said discussions regarding it are beneficial. I pray you are never in the position where you have to say stop! Enough is enough. Especially when it comes to your child. I have been there. Unless you have walked in their shoes you have zero idea the choices and decisions forced upon you. I pray you never have to endure this sort of loss... But to insult others, (parents, courts etc) is no way to get your point across when you have never experienced it for yourself. Meaning the choices made for a dieing child. Please show some class/empathy. G
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