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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Easily removable in case of breakdown? Blowing a track etc?
  2. That sounds a bit extreme to heat your place in the winter.... I am curious about its construction and why you need electric to supplement your furnace G
  3. Awesome report man, good to see you caught some fish to boot! G
  4. Common Canadian terms... Really? G
  5. Agreed.... And the folks that work there should receive 16 weeks "severance"....... But they have to work to get it.... Severance my arse. More like you work even harder then you had to before as we have to empty our warehouses..... And appreciate it. A giant slap in the face, especially to those that are just getting by.... Target came here with a lot of promises and brouhaha ... They screwed us plain and simple thinking their American model could work here, without the American prices or the supply chain or logistics to see it through.... Brutal! Target came in.... Bought up a Canadian company and failed. Horribly. I see a class action suit in the making. And the Feds should use this farce as an example of why America should not be buying up Canadian firms 17,000+ out of work..... The people that need these jobs the most..... I blame the Feds for this farce, for allowing this to happen. There should have been conditions..... Much like I blame the Feds for the Stelco crapshow..... Makes no sense to allow this to happen. Sick to my stomach.... G
  6. I always had good luck and good conversation with the boys from bills bait and tackle once they took it over.. Sadly I moved 3 hours away and small tackle shops like thiers are just not in my area.
  7. True, Belleville does have a great CT as well with a huge outdoor dept. I wander around in there for hours.... No fish tank though lol GP having any luck on the ice this year? Seems everywhere is slow.... I have tried most of the usual haunts including Bain last weekend..... Thinking up heading up to Glen Ross this weekend to give it a go.. G
  8. Alot of these units come with a battery backup. I would call to verify.
  9. 401 westbound closed at Whitby

    1. gaspumper


      Reopened at 8:30 this morning.1 killed another arrested for impaired causing death.


  10. I prefer my Android box, others Apple, others Roku, western digital, sling or other brands. They all work.... It's all a matter of preference.... Be careful before you cancel rogers to make sure you can handle the limitations of a streaming device... ( live events, local news etc) Perhaps you can downgrade to basic service for these essentials Feel free to ask away here, lots will offer advice. G
  11. Those look deadly!!!! And a decent write up. Thanks TDunn
  12. I will second Kingstons CT.... What an awesome store compared to other CT's I have been in. I like shopping for stabby things while viewing thier aquarium.... G
  13. Nothing worse the a thief. The lowest of the low.... I hope this scumbag sees jail time. G
  14. Event... My bad lol! That said we are being hammered still. I live 500-600 metres from Lake Ontario (Quinte) I can see the public launch from the end of my driveway..... Sometimes the lake protects us.... Other times it dumps on us because of it.... We're being hammered as I type this..... And in my opinion its time! We need the snow in the bush g
  15. Pickled herring takes me back to my childhood great post! I still buy jars from the dutch store (with onion of course!) G
  16. Much like Bill I dont take my phone on the ice.... Just so I can fish in peace without constant texts mostly from my wife lol I leave it in the car G
  17. Busted another shear pin on the secondary auger during our last storm (3 days ago) damn newspaper delivery throwing papers onto the driveway during a snow event....... G
  18. We have gotten well over a foot of snow so far from this storm and it's still coming down, these are the winters I remember as a kid! G
  19. I would think the solids would settle to the bottom of your jar. Much the same as solids sink in beer/wine making. Let the jar rest for a week or two. I think you will it see it has cleared G
  20. I have what is called an anxiety disorder... And as I'm told a form of PTSD.... I don't talk about my mental health much. But those of you know me... Know things are not as they were. I tend to always speak when I shouldn't. Or speak my mind when it is not prudent. Laugh at the wrong time, and cry when I Shouldn't .... Yes I cry. I have a loose wire somewhere... I don't have very many friends... Because I have pushed them away... Out of fear that they will see who I am... Or ask the questions I don't want to answer. Is this the life I imagined?.... No. But I have realized my shortcomings, and am seeking help. Help started 2 weeks ago... To deal with my demons... So yes look at those around you.... You have someone you know that is in need, but had zero clue they have been hurting for years. Be a friend... Be forgiving, but most of all just be there. It means the world. G
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