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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. A lot of good lakes here in the Quinte region with some real nice properties and dwellings selling for the high 200's and up. I have been looking to make a move myself... I would like to be closer to work. G
  2. I'll be getting mine again this year... I touch too many door handles, tools etc to not get it... All it take is one person with it and not washing or sanitizing their hands to transmit it.... The gate at the plant is the worst.... Nothing is 100% but it doesn't hurt. G
  3. Should be a good one if the skies remain clear... http://www.cbc.ca/m/news/topstories/leonid-meteor-shower-peaks-tonight-1.2837658 G.
  4. Ok makes sense! I was thinking the same thing, how in the hell would I get mine in and out lol G
  5. Last winter wife picked me up from work, it was about 7pm pitch black... I warn her of a pot hole that was coming up as I knew it was there..Sure enough she nailed it... A couple words were exchanged... Needless to say once we got in the 401 I knew it was flat.... Problem was the trunk was full of crap, crap I ask her months ago to deal with... So here I am on the 401 in Belleville emptying out her trunk on the side of the 401 so I can access the spare and jack etc... I won't lie it was a little nerve racking changing that tire with crap on the side of the road, the car up on a jack and non stop transports flying by.. Not something I wish to experience again. G
  6. Basement? Seems like a strange place to store a gas powered snow blower? G
  7. Mine are going on this afternoon. We got about 3" here.... But now it's raining... Supposed to get a bunch weds & thurs... And then plus 10??? What the hell.. G
  8. If a guy cannot change a tire he needs to hand In His man-card.. (Disabilities aside) but come on! 4-5 nuts a wrench you don't even have to adjust! So simple.... To the dads out there... If your kid cannot change a tire... You are the one to blame... Not the kid. Insane to think something as simple as turning a nut requires HELP... What a bunch of lazy folks we have become. G
  9. Wayne that's good to know thanks. They were priced about the same as the Goodyear WRT's and blizzacks and lower then the gsi's and ws80's... A middle of the road tire that has great reviews and well recommended by most shops I talked too... I called around and spoke with 9 dealers. Hope to get 2 or 3 winters out of them with proper rotation. We'll see. G
  10. Well I bit the bullet, and ordered my new snows... After the suggestion from James and reading the reviews from tirerack.com I have ordered a set of General altimax arctics. Figured why not give em a try... It's funny when I first called my local tire shop he suggested general's I told him I would rather stick to a name brand like Goodyear etc.. I always considered General an "off" brand, if that makes sense.. (Seems I may have been bitten by marketing...) I will be sure to post how these tires do this winter.. G
  11. Thanks James, I did call crappy tire in Trenton and they wanted 171.00 per tire for my size before rebates and 59.99 for the rims.. More expensive then my local independent. Thanks for the comparison. G
  12. I also saw those on tire rack.... Mind if I ask what size your getting? And at what price? I was quoted 160.00 per tire and 49.99 per rim this at 235/70/16 G
  13. Been calling around and there seems to be a run on the Goodyear ultragrips WRT's no one has them and suppliers are out of stock... Looking at Bridgestone WS80's and Toyo gsi5's anyone have any experience with these? Crappy tire also has the Goodyear Nordics on [email protected] before rebate. I have never known anyone with these tires... Are they any good? Snow and ice? I drive the 401 back and forth to work... About 35 km one way, the stretch between Brighton to Kingston is BRUTAL in the winter with several closures last year.. Anyone have anything good to say about these Nordics? I currently have 235/65/17 on the car now... Any benefit to dropping to a 235/70/16(other then price?) Thanks for answering my questions. G
  14. Having said that, I would suspect the power supply in the tv to be suspect... I have an LG 56" about 6-7 years old.... Plasma... Has never caused me an issue. I'll do some digging for you
  15. Agreed I have the same book... Got it as a Christmas gift. Awesome resource
  16. Could be a sticky remote button... Have you tried to turn on the tv manually? From the power button on the tv itself. G
  17. Mobile version loads fine.... On my desktop however... Lag-city
  18. Wicked tuna? What network ?
  19. All my uncles served Canada. They were Canadian first. With a Dutch heritage. They understood the benefits. G
  20. First generation Canadian born here... On my fathers side it goes like this.... My Oma and Opa decided long ago that Europe was no place to raise a family ( Netherlands) post war Holland... so they packed their belongings and moved my father and uncles to Canada landing in Montreal.... Seems alot of immigrants landed there during this time. My Opa was an engineer ... Working for various companies. Several years later would up working at Darlington for Ontario hydro. They became citizens as did my father and uncles. They saw themselves as Canadians first, and embraced Canadian ideals.. With a dutch heritage. Being Catholic this was the norm... As for my mother... We know she is adopted... And we know she is from Portugal.... (We have the papers) However she wishes not to find her birth parents or possible siblings (this info is redacted from the papers)... As she fears it will upset the balance of things. This is her choice and we respect it. Needless to say us as kids will never know the hardships our elders experienced... A war torn Europe or an unwanted child they all came here for a better life... A chance at something better. But everyone needs to remember one thing in our opinion... This is our land, not your land. Leave our Canadian customs and traditions alone. Even immigrants such as my family understood... And embraced. If we wanted the crap life in holland we would have stayed there! Our family assimilated and adapted... The fear is a lot of these new comers are not at all interested in adapting. It is the Netherlands all over again happening here in Canada G.
  21. Working days this weekend... and after getting an extra hour of sleep last night I am more tired then usual.... go figure. G
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