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Everything posted by Gerritt

  1. Yup.... A comedic icon of a generation gone... Heard rumours he was working on mrs. Doubtfire 2... Truely a family friendly funny actor. G
  2. Hey Clive! Thanks for the advice! Looking forward to this trip and I am starting to get anxious I will be sure to post a ton of pics. G
  3. Stupid question.... Do I require a NS license? Answered my own question only need a license if I fish fresh water. G
  4. Thanks Bruce, I was thinking of bringing one of my trolling set ups which have okuma saltwater line counter reels in case we rent boat, and something to jig with, any suggestion on line? As all my setups have braid on them (power pro) will braid be ok? Hopefully there is a tackle shop near this little hamlet of around 200 people, otherwise I'm heading to Dartmouth. G
  5. Heading up to Musquodoboit Harbour for 8 days with the family. I plan on getting fishing in. However I have not done this type of fishing before. What should I expect to catch fishing from shore? What should I bring in regards tackle? Any tips on fishing this area? Thanks in advance, G
  6. If not most... This is a vital artery from the US and the Niagara region, a lot of economic commerce begins along this route. To say this is major would be an understatement. This will cost a lot more then just the repair to the bridge itself. The federal government should get involved as this is a major trade route. Hopefully mister Singh is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, loses his license and is made to pay restitution.. I travel the 401 daily for work.... And the crap these truckers do should land a lot of them in jail... Hopefully they get this sorted out soon as I can see the oil companies having yet another excuse G
  7. Ever try Celebrex? It has helped a lot of folks with arthritis. I know it is not a fancy tool, it is a medication... Seems to help a lot for those suffering from arthritis related inflammation. Just a thought, G
  8. Eastport is not an option? Probably packed though.....Or 53 in a pinch... I would avoid the red hill and the linc during the rush.. Just my opinion having lived there. Thankfully I no longer do. Any word on charges for the driver? Company? G
  9. Wellers bay, brighton bay and possibly out of belleville
  10. http://news.nationalpost.com/2014/07/25/child-in-critical-condition-after-car-smashes-into-a-costco-in-london-ont-causing-waterfall-of-glass/
  11. I keep meaning to build a uds, my weber is a good all around cooker, but the possibilities with a uds are limitless..... Thanks for the reminder that I need to get one built up G
  12. You Said it right there...... Don't blame the bike. Can't blame the car either.... Idiots are idiots.. G
  13. Having grown up in a biker family, as well as the culture one thing is certain, bikers are more wary then those in cars then anyone else! My father and all my uncles are bikers, as are many in my extended family. All drive Harley's. Given the number of vehicles on the road, cars etc outnumber bikes many times over. Most bikers are very cautious drivers based upon this, one of the reasons you have clubs... Safety in numbers. I learned how to drive a bike before I even hit puberty, I have owned a Harley and many dirt bikes etc. I was 6 with Honda trail bike... That said there Are many nut jobs out there, and I would lay dollars to donuts most of them are on crotch rockets, wearing little more then shorts and a tee shirt... They have no clue about fear or biker etiquette. I lost a good friend in highschool who bought a 1100 ninja as his first bike, never been on a bike in his life... In short I am trying to say not all bikers are idiots, and they are more aware of the cars around them... Then the people in the cars are aware of the bikers near by.. Bikers have a saying.... Loud pipes save lives. It forces/helps the texting/ cell phone talking morons In cars to take notice and say HEY I'm here! Just one guys opinion has been on bikes since I could walk. G
  14. Don, having known you for years I know this burns your backside... That said growing up my mother always said this to me, Two wrongs never make a right. Be the bigger man, don't make a scene and never trust this person again. Somethings are just not worth it, especially when I know hot under the collar you can get. G
  15. Not knowing you fished tournies with them you can see why I was confused.... Talking about exchanging money etc... I was very confused lol Regardless great guy(s) G
  16. Given you only have an 18g nailer here is my advice.... 2-1/8th 18g which is more then likely the longest your nailer will hold... And PL adhesive.. Put the PL on the joists. G
  17. No. Sorry to hear hun, as suggested tape it to the other toe, not too tight though. Ice 15 on 15 off. Ibuprofen to reduce swelling, wear loose fitting flexible footwear (flip flops) so you are able to not put pressure on the toe. After all that, watch where you are walking for the next couple weeks... As the slightest bump will make your toe sing! Rest will help this more then anything. G
  18. I have fished with both Mark Kulik and Karl. Spent one awesome day on the water slamming smallies, I learned a ton and got a boat load of free swag, including a brand new St.. Croix bait casting rod. I would share a boat with either of them anytime! Truely great guys. G
  19. Agreed, I feel you have for the most part been always fair.
  20. I will be the first to say that Bernie is correct. Him like most of us here (I hope) make judgement upon what we think is fact, and what we have experienced as history. Not race. That said there is a history involved here... Which is leaning towards a group given previous incidences, eye to eye occorances, as well as rights no one else has. As well as a clear defiance of the law ie. smoke shacks History and real time incidences I believe are fuelling this indifference.... Not race. And certainly B is the furthest from a racist from anyone I know.... Opinion based upon seeing it in real life and history have merit. Art, for someone to stifle the speech of those that have a stake in this fishery, being those that live there and those of us that are tourists, yourself and I included, would be detrimental in my opinion... As then no one has a voice, and the same old continues. Are you or I attending meetings in Regards to the fishery? But perhaps by voicing our opinions here our voice may have meaning when it is mentioned ontarios largest fishing community is not happy? Just my meaningless 0.05 cents G
  21. Skynard Tool OLP The Hip Bruce Cockburn Kim Mitchell The list goes on and on
  22. Steve, then that's all that matters. That you are happy with the deal. I was just giving you my opinion and it means little lol! I just picked up a new vehicle myself, given the new addition to my family. Wish you all the best with your new boat puller G
  23. Steve, haldimand motors is brutal, they normally sell high mileage ex rental vehicles, or off lease cars... At a premium! I would strong suggest you look elsewhere.. But everyone has an opinion... G
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