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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. I too believe they have outlived their usefulness and are now just head down in the big food trough making sure they are well fed. Along with the rest of the upper clown crust, Theresa Sham, Patti Babble, etc.
  2. No, never tried it, maybe I will give it a go. Sometimes a bit of crumbled up bacon.
  3. Jesus, I just about dumped until I realized this was a joke.
  4. That's a summer camping favourite for me, bully beef, onion, fried potatoes in a cast iron pan with a dash of oregano. I just fry it like a hash. Damn, I need to go camp.
  5. Ahahahaha, ya, tried that once, lost 36 hours of my life. Maybe just a bit too intense. I don't use it for fun but to dull the back pain enough to get a good nights sleep. I'm CBD and a tiny bit of THC.
  6. Hahahaha, that's my milestone too, damn cigars and pipe. Now I have to figure out how to smoke the green stuff, used to mix it with pipe tobacco. I'm sure the kids will know.
  7. Well I'll have to check that out, maybe takes a prescription from the Doc. I'm about 1/2 way through, down to the red box and a week and a half or so to go.
  8. Well here's wishing you luck. I going through the slow weaning off by the patch. Not cheap unless you find them on sale. But I hope once I get through this, the damn cravings will subside. Put a Sargent & Greenleaf padlock on the cookie cupboard, so far I'm not sneaking any extra chow to make up for the craving.
  9. Go get your fish at the fish counter at your grocery store.
  10. It's the originating point that's more important, not how it was hopscotched around the planet.
  11. You know those steam launchers they use on aircraft carriers, well don't forget to turn down the pressure a bit otherwise you might make contact with the far shore.
  12. Tell your buddy the police are coming to round up all the extra TP. It will be an offense to have more than 3 rolls.
  13. I think this niche item has a very limited group of users, the rich and lazy and then maybe those that are not able to crank the winch. For those, a simple 12 volt winch works wonders. Friend of mine has one on his trailer, free wheel out, power in. The power source is the 7 pin connector at the back of his truck, takes about a minute for full retrieve. When I'm no longer capable, that will be my option.
  14. That's going a little too far if he was by himself. Next time tell him to carry a bag of donuts.
  15. Oil doesn't magically disintegrate when your oil meter hits zero. By the looks of it you won't hit the zero before you can get an oil change by any stretch. Going over the "recommended" change isn't going to cause any catastrophe, especially if you're running synthetic.
  16. Is that comparing the same group size and amps. If I was going to go AGM, I would probably go with either DEKA or Oddysey. They seem to have much better reviews.
  17. I've always been of the opinion that Optima batteries are priced like Sears, way out of this universe.
  18. Check that Grillspot place that Crimsongulf mentioned, I've used them twice and my neighbour once, 2 days to get my parts.
  19. There used to be a place called Slyville, now you make find a place called Noville, how the heck are we supposed to find it, lol.
  20. You realize it's a discontinued product and probably won't get any new updates.
  21. I bet you won't find too many hepa filters soon. Good video.
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