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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Well, whoopie do da, 🤪 no I checked, it doesn't show them selling accessories separately from the camera. I'm going to drown a roebag or two tomorrow.
  2. Well fuddle, hit the buy button, if it doesn't work out they will take it back up to 90 days.
  3. This is what it says is in the box: Included: GoPro HERO7 Black camera Rechargeable battery The frame Curve adhesive mount Flat adhesive mount Mounting buckle USB-C cable The Handler Headstrap 32 GB SD card
  4. If it's not your primary residence, short of doing a trip to check for damage, etc, there's no reason to be there.
  5. Why are they sooo expensive in US, we can get them here for well under a $1000.
  6. Well check some of the stuff at Back-bone.com quite the assortment of lenses.https://www.back-bone.ca/
  7. Yup, just keep smiling, drives them crazy.
  8. What Art said about something slowly running. My Bro had a basement toilet that had a slow leak in the flapper, couldn't figure out why a single homeowner used that much water. New flapper, no leak.
  9. Events like this is pushing me really hard to go buy one, now it's between GP 7 and 8, only advantage is the 8 has much better stabilization.
  10. I can remember going to Lake X with dad about 50 years ago and catch a pile of them off his friends dock in early May. I learned how to clean fish pretty quick.
  11. Long time ago, I still remember it quite well, just off Liverpoole Rd in Frenchmans bay, there was that dock to the east side of the road. Long before the Nuc power plant was built. I was 5 years old. First bullhead.
  12. Some things are best left untold, but that's the only brand of bread I've been buying for the past 10-12 years.
  13. A lot of that white bread should be called "wonder bread", wonder what they use to make that junk. It's a rare moment that I use a while bun to hold a hamburger, most of the time it's 2 slabs of real rye bread. Rudolfs, not Dimpelmeiers.
  14. Next we will be asking a rebate on fishing licences because we weren't allowed to run around willy nilly.
  15. They're trying to reduce the output, no where to store what they have already pumped out of the ground, so they put a negative number on there to avoid further pumping.
  16. I spent the last couple of hours reading and comparing, some info I surmize must be taken with a grain or two of salt. A lot of the off brands appear to be getting better in one thing or another, some getting better stablization, some better video and low light conditions, etc but not all features together. I would say that features are no doubt related to price and how much you want to fork over for your pleasure and grumble a little more or less. No doubt Go Pro is still the leader with a couple of similar priced ones nipping their heels. Go Pro has a couple of good sales until you peer closely and see it's listed in US funds, poof goes that idea. Akaso Pro SE, seems to be another of the ones that will give you reasonably good features and end results. The only thing I would really want(not need) one for is ATV riding and maybe in the boat.
  17. Well, chewed wiring or worse, enie, meenie, minee, mo. Maybe if you put some peppermint oil in there, she will move them out without you being the executioner.
  18. I've got a couple of the older model CTEK charger/maintainers, an old VDC charger maintainer and a CTC 4/1 amp Eliminator that works for both LA and AGM. Cheaper to buy and maintain than buy batteries. Most are on sale for 20-25% off right now.
  19. I think that store was stocked with everything you never wanted.
  20. Well that sounds like a bit of an oxymoron, fish finder says it's putting out too many volts and you say it has no alternator. Regardless of the type of battery, they don't go much above 14.5 volts unless your voltage regulator is shot on the black anchor.
  21. I would have called it an "impurity removing tool" otherwise MIB will come knocking, lol.
  22. I too believe they have outlived their usefulness and are now just head down in the big food trough making sure they are well fed. Along with the rest of the upper clown crust, Theresa Sham, Patti Babble, etc.
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