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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. It can be done, however, when factoring in the cost of a 1500-2000watt inverter, at least 2 good deep cycle batteries and having to run the vehicle for a long period to replendish the batteries, it makes much more sense to acquire a 2K genset.
  2. Hey I recognize that little coleman stove in the corner, it's got a strong return spring..
  3. Musta been a pretty big downhill ditch..
  4. I don't think that "hut" would last 1 week on Simcoe unless someone stayed in it full time. That would be a prime target for the cretins that cause havoc on Simcoe in the winter. Can't leave a hut locked or anything in it. If they can't steal it, they smash it, or run into it with an old poop truck.
  5. I don't know if I'm 100% accurate on my reading of his situation, however, I went through the same scenario when I left the CF 13+ years ago. The severance package has to be rolled into a RRSP or be fully taxed up front. So, if he did put it into a RRSP to postpone the taxman, I believe he's still better off to leave it where it is and pay the mortgage down by using other means, pension, work, whatever. If he cashes out the package now, he stands to get wacked big time on tax, at 30%+ so he looses another 7-8K to the taxman. I don't have a crystal ball and I'm defitnitely not an optimist, but, I believe things will slowly start moving forward and upward towards the end of this year. I would think that by the time he gets rid of his mortgage in 3-5 years through other means, his loss will have come back, maybe not 100%, but pretty close.
  6. I got one of those about 20 years ago from the bait shop in the little plaza in Gilford, maybe see if you can photocopy it in sections and laminate them or put them in the soft document protectors.
  7. I caught the odd pike just by being in the right place/time, although not targeting them. As for musky, no, I have no interest in catching any, they stink, and I can just imagine what they taste like. If I'm going to catch it, I'm going to eat it and no, I'm not related to Darryl, but I like his fish fry batter.
  8. Thickness and condition of ice, weight of vehicle, all factors considered, I like to leave at least 100m. Speed also plays a critical role, keep it slow to prevent too much of a wave.
  9. I think I would have to buy 2, one for each cheek, I think they are made for those of a skinny stature.
  10. There's a white out snowstorm about 10km west of Barrie right now, might be hard sluggin tomorrow.
  11. Good for the girl, never hurts to start them early in the outdoor life, keeps them off the couch. I was fortunate to take both mine out to do a bit of range practice when they were that age, it seems to have stuck with them.
  12. Welcome to the board. It not that you're doing anything wrong, sometimes just a matter of time before you start getting them. Maybe try a little deeper such as Big Bay Point, about 7-8 miles east down the bay.
  13. It does work well, the only thing I would add is to use a sharp knife with a very short blade, something like an X-acto blade.
  14. For the life of me, I can't understand why everything for sale is always listed MINT, the only thing MINT is when it's in new or near new condition. By your description, it needed a new motor, so the obvious question is, unless the owner purposely blew up the engine, then the rest of the machine must have been subjected to some nasty abuse.
  15. Why would anyone stay home and loose a days pay. I don't see what's so historic about it, if he's the 44th, then there were 43 before him. It will be on the news at 5 and 6 and probably later. Now if you could claim a fishing day like Jer, maybe..
  16. Yes you are correct that there's nothing in the ORV Act about carrying passengers, it's in the bowels of some damm regulation I can't find at the moment. However, Reg 316 outlines that Trappers and Emergency workers can carry passengers in the line of their work or duty, it doesn't cover the rest of us. Trusty me, I read the blasted thing and unless it;'s been amended, you can't ride double. It's a big sticky point with ATVers, you buy a machine with a double seat but can't use it. Anyway, unless you're riding like you're on a double dose of nut juice, most should be okay.
  17. Unless I'm completely wrong on this one, I'm sure the regulations have NOT been amended to ride double unless on private property. It's a thorn for the ATV'ers, sometimes the fuzz turns a blind eye(don't know which direction), but you get caught, pay the piper. The rules are there for everyone to read and heed, ignornace is only for les ignorantes.
  18. I went with my two sons and a friend of theirs from the 15th to the 18 Jan, stayed in one of their cottages and used a day hut. This is the second year with Idle Tyme and we'll be going again next year. The two bedroom cottage had all the amenities other than bring your own sleeping bag, no problem. The ice hut was huge for 4 guys, 10x12 equipped with a sweet wood stove. Friday morning there was a power outage in the local area, packed up all the fixins for breakfast, off to hut and did the cooking out there. No inconvenience what so ever. Friday and Saturday had good numbers of perch, a few herring a couple of small walleye and 3 bite offs, never got to see them, probably pike. Took home 45 perch and 2 herring to smoke. Sunday was a little slower, didn't really mind, we were pretty much fished out. We had a great time, Warren came out and checked on us 3-4 times a day. I would recommend this operator without hesitation. Should have taken a few more pictures but when the lines are going up and down you tend to forget.
  19. Dead stick, #6 hook and minnow and a couple of small splitshot about a foot above, minnow about 6 inches off the bottom, or small 1/4oz jig yellow/orange with a minnow gently jiggled.
  20. There's a Canadian dealer list on the Otter website, however, be prepared to rob a bank first, their price was nuts and shipping crazier. I ordered mine direct from Otter last Friday, here this morning at 11. It is the Ice cabin 2 person model.
  21. I got the first version 2 years ago, works like it says, got it from Tromblys in Orillia.
  22. Canadian Tire=Debbie Travis home fashion center, need nuts&bolts, they're way the hell in the back corner. Go to Marks WORK WEAR, ya, turned into another womens pyjama store, need work clothes, there's one little rack way at the back.
  23. A little 5HP will have you buzzing around the lake like a mad dragonfly. I remember when my youngest got is first free 3HP 2 cylinder Jonson, 1950's vintage, still runs.
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