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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Like Wayne said, hope you were typing with a lollipop in cheek...you blame the Government for your auto mfgr's demise, maybe Toyo and Honda paid attention to minimum requirements and made the appropriate changes and are reaping the benifits while you cry foul. In my opinion, about the only place that still makes land yachts to haul your similarly sized butt around is North America, you just can't get away from large, more power, more gas. It's been nothing but a "one upmanship" for the past decade if not more, my truck makes 300 hp, next year, the other one cranks it up 50 HP, etc, never ending. If your companies had been paying attention and listening for the last few years, the multitudes have been screaming for more fuel efficiency, but no, more power. So guess what, sucks to be in the Big 3, and I drive a krautmobile, 'cause it works and it's cheap on gas.
  2. And which Marina would this be so the rest of us can avoid this place like plague.
  3. The last noise he makes before he thunders in, I would have thought it would sound more like, oh oh!
  4. Well I'll definitely have to agree when it comes to frivolous options, carpets, they get dirty, use rubber floors like the basic ones, after all, it's not like you're sitting on the floor, power seats, hmm, little too lazy to adjust manually...dual heat zones, suck it up and compromize.
  5. It's the ones that are oblivious or simply don't care about the dangers of not seeing huge pressure cracks or other bumps and lumps and get launched into the air, drive with expectations that you want to come home, not end up like humpty dumpty..and no I don't putt along, I keep it at the speed that I can see stuff comin at me. We hear of those Darwin awards every winter, want to be a statistic, fell free.
  6. You can go here: Aikman’s Sporting Goods Repair 3010 Novar Rd., Mississauga, ON L5B 1S4 (905) 277-3595 Area Served: Ontario , or Rocky’s Tackle Repair 10 Brammer Dr., Orilla, ON L3V 7T4 (705) 325-3526 Area Served: Ontario
  7. I'll only admit to the headache and chilli farts...
  8. That's okay GCD, natures way of thinning out the herd at 100mph. Love when they become missles, hilarious to watch..
  9. Yup, if he can't add, to bad, so sad....
  10. If you have the flyer or ad and if it makes no inference that the special is not honoured in Canada, I would be making a bit of noise with B Pro, or ask for your money back for the reel. There are sooo many of those scams, especially with some of the computer software, buy this and submit the bill for a rebate. I tried that 3 times with Norton, it was either never got your request or can't read your receipt, so never got the rebate. Never ever got an answer back from Norton(Symantic) when I emailed them, so, no more Norton.
  11. And what do you plan on catching at 7pm, kinda dark out.
  12. Heard Little puddle has been frozen for almost 2 weeks now, don't think I would venture out just yet, with the snow and rain coming, it could be a while before it's safe.
  13. Like the others said, that's a lifetime of fishing plus. Beautiful scenery with natures bounty.
  14. MORE GIRLS... more for the boys to play with...but jockularity aside, it is a serious problem, maybe all the guys should make a couple of layaways in the special bank.
  15. Well just quoting your original quote, seems you don't have any problem giving your money to the Unions, leave mine in my pocket thanks you, unless your intent was different at that early hour of the morning, that's what I understood.
  16. Ya, in simpler words, you screw with nature, it bites you in the butt. It's amazing what small amounts of hormone in the watershed will do. Along with another horrible project, the tarsands in Alberta, what goes on in the refining process that the public doesn't see. After reading some of those articles, we'd be better off burning coal.
  17. They should rename both those places, well along with a number of others to "The Store from the Pacific Rim" . I used to have a chuckle when it said Hecho in Mexico, Now It's Hecho in China..jeez I think part of the problem with low quality products is that we have been monitarily bushwacked into accepting cheap garbage from there, and if consumers only take back a few items on return, well the mfgrs have achieved their aim, flood the market with poop, hope none gets returned. Took a walk are H Depot last week, cheking some power tools, even the better brand names have been hijacked overseas, and what's worse, they charge the same price as quality tools made in reputable countries.
  18. Well Cram, since you seem so generous, you can hold your pocket upside down and shake a little harder and pay my couple hundred bucks out of YOUR pocket, and ya, I believe you fall with the bounds of your first sentence.
  19. A ha, so you're the one that's been messin around with that female peacock...
  20. Took a drive to the Big Store at Vaughn this morning to pick up a few items going under the tree. Then made my way over to the portable huts and had a sit down in each one, check price, quality of material, etc. A little sign on each one says, "If used, don't return to B Pro", sounds like good customer service, eh? Then took a look at the "Red " store brand, unless you're a vertically challenged person, you're not getting into it. Then taking a hard look at the workmanship, ie, stiching of the seams on the material and quality of the sled and the cheap seat, ya, tells you where it's from. Surprisingly, even the insulated Clam didn't impress me, when inside, the quilt stitching looks like checkerboard pinholes throughout the material, not too good. The only one I would have taken regarding price and quality of tent material was the Team Wild 2, made by Otter. Just an opinion and I know everyone has one, but, before you buy, take a real hard look, 'cause there's no bringing them back.
  21. Ya, just the attitude a prospective buyer would love to hear, just like when I had a GM product where warranty was denied before it ran out, cost me $700, and when I called Oshawa customer service and asked for help, their response was, "If you don't like it, buy something else", well guess what, SINK!
  22. Well, not to discourage you, only wish the best for your endeavour, but, with todays economy, $300 is just a tad high, like Camp-it said there's a lot of others that can be had for a lot less. If it was for maybe $80-100, you may get some takers. There's so many variations of sleds available that it really takes an "improved" product to catch the eye. Then like you say, you have to sell a lot of them to make it worthwhile. I don't know if your model would be "armstrong friendly" ie, no sled or ATV to pull it, it may be just too heavy when the snow is too deep.
  23. You...are being cruel to my tastebuds. Now I'm going to have to look for my Moms recipe for those.
  24. to the Judge! She's got my vote. Well just saw the video of him snarfin and boohooing, The Judge us a lady.
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