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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. There's still a good 12-16 inches of ice, watch out for old hut holes.
  2. No guarantees, but you can try the Barrie Marina on Lakkeshore Dr, lots of parking.
  3. Lou is usually open by 6:30, but last I heard he was out of small minnows and not getting anymore for a while.
  4. The trick with cooking whities is to remove the brownish liver coloured stripe on the mid exterior of the fillet, if you don't it will taste like I would say it's sort of like fresh cod(not the stuff from the grocery store) real fresh.
  5. It looked like a Wal mart parking lot today around the islands and Innisfil Beach, and the worst were some of the nutbars going about 100, water splooshing up and down in the holes. Oh well..candidates.
  6. There's always tomorrow, I went out at 7:20 and until 11:30 only had a few bumps, then put down the simple #8 hook, minnow and 2 splitshot on bottom..10 minutes..2 whities.
  7. I bought a Lansky Sharpening kit about 20 years ago, works fine for me, if you can afford it, get the diamond stones.
  8. Ya, last time it was the undertaker who was training some new students on a dead body. PMATD.
  9. 1. Maybe the other delaer had a bottom line and didin't feel like expending time when there is no profit to be made. 2. Go to DMV to get the plate for you, I would give you the address and and some info what to do. Maybe the first dealer will bait the hook for you too.
  10. That's why you anchor opposite corners of the hut.
  11. Well I'm not 100% sure, but if the coupler doesn't seal then you may be sucking a bit of air, I'm in the same boat, picked up an older Honda 8, have to get the fuel coupler for the motor end and a new tank coupler fitting.
  12. Thou shalt always read the "Exceptions" section that are pertinent to the zone(16) and particular lakes in that zone. Simcoe is S2/C1.
  13. It's beyond me why people even bother to reply to any of these scam adds and then yell the sky is falling when things look fishy. Be smart, if it looks like a scam, it probably is.
  14. That sounds like a question from someone that lives at _______. How on earth is anyone going to give you the thumbs up that in 2 weeks, the ice is going to be "safe". It might be safe right now, but rain, rising water, sunny days can change that. How be try a couple days before you go.
  15. Well depending what you need, I can find most of the things, plugs, engine oil, lower gear oil, etc at...ya I know Cnadian Tire. Have you looked there?
  16. Well that's your opinion and unless you're going back down to the bottom with the fish, it's just an opinion, a percentage of them do die. If you've caught your limit, you should limit the carnage.
  17. Check tire condition and pressure, bearings, check lights and tie downs. Then check minimun safety requirements list and upgrade if needed, new ropes and anchor line if required, check winch strap. Add gas to tank and a shot of seafoam. The rest was done last fall. (the plug is already in the drain hole). Make sure the appropriate paperwork is in the waterproof container.
  18. It's the conceived thought that the US currency should be higher and the twits of the world that are investing money there. For us, in one way it's better to have our currency a little lower to keep mfgr sales up, on the other hand, who wants to invest here when our looney is low. Personally I would rather see the interest rate rise a bit, keep the retards from further senseless spending, lower the rate, the ones without purse string will just keep spending wildly. My wife just related a good story to me last night, husband and wife buy an extra large house, 5bedroom, 4 poopers, etc, etc, now they can't pay for it, she's cut to 1/2 time, he goes to a lower paying job, he's got a honkin big truck (as a stereo installer), she's got a big SUV. Maybe live within your means to start off with, eh? Now where do you find sympathy...?
  19. Make it a point to eat beans, LOTS of pork & beans, sit beside her on the sofa and prompty have a good rumbling snooze.
  20. You would be better off going to a dedicated battery shop where the product doesn't sit on the shelf for a long time. Batteries start to degrade after 3-6 months of non use or no maintenance charging. There are only 3-4 actual battery manufacturers, the rest are all rebranded, you must do your homework andf sometimes paying the price for quality counts.
  21. When the ice is gone and you're floating...read the REGS! Oh, and huts don't have to be off the ice by March 15th in all places...read some more.
  22. And hook up the kill switch, that's what it's there for.
  23. But maybe someone can explain to me what the headlamp assembly has to do with the functioning of the bulb itself? If I take a functioning bulb assembly out of my car or truck, it will still work. There's nothing electrical to connect bulb and headlight assembly, just a place where the bulb sits. The ground, high and lowbeam and signal/park light wires connect directly to the bulb.
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