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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Like I've always said, it's unfortunate that sex is a natural act and no instructions are required. If it weren't for that fact, nature would then have automatically weeded out all the idiots and stoopid ones at an early point in evolution. On the other hand, we wouldn't have any idiots to laugh at and stoopid wouldn't be in the dictionary.
  2. They must have been eating genetically modified stoopid food this morning. More javex in the gene pool.
  3. Very good article. I've got a couple of CTEK chargers keeping my batteries happy.
  4. My lug nuts take more torque that that piece of wood you drive. If I put my Cummins into your recycled pop sardine can, it would most likely turn the frame and driveline into something akin to overcooked spagetti without any meat sauce. Now go buzz off and play in the dirt.
  5. Go to Princess Auto and get #4 welding cable. Super fine strand, flexible and has a rubber jacket. You can get the terminal connectors at West Marine.
  6. Picards Peanuts and the Chocolate shop next door, right on the corner of #85, here's the map http://www.stjacobs.com/sites/default/files/2011PrinterFriendlyMaps_000.pdf Oh ya, not to forget the bakery, the aroma....just goes on forever. The restaurant next door. Don't know if the farmers market is open this time of year.
  7. Over the shoulder from the front, I would be a little leery carrying something like that in a backpack over rough terrain. A slip and fall backwards and you can really screw your back up. If it's loose in your arms, you can drop it and save yourself.
  8. I think I'd rather listen or greaseless bearings in their final moments before they disintegrate or maybe fingernails on a chalkboard.
  9. I made my own just to see if it would help. Take any 5 gallon plastic pail, cut off the upper 3-4 inches where the ridges are, save that. I made a tapered nylon sack about 3 feet long that attaches securely around the plastic pail "ring", tapers from full size to about a 6" opening. It goes overboard on the opposite side of the downrigger when I'm alone, keeps the boat running straight and helps in slowing it down. I'm sure you can make the same with something like an Ikea bag. If it works, you have accomplished something on the cheap.
  10. Well I'm betting on one thing, they're all rolling off Hop Sings conveyer belt after being "dressed" in different covers with different names. Roll'em over and check Made in _______. The only way I see getting ones that have the power is to go cross border shopping and get the 5 watt GMRS models that are not available here.
  11. I sure hope it isn't. That's nasty .. http://www.google.ca...WL3PzmA&cad=rja
  12. Going by the description and size of the Yellow Grub, 1/4 inch long, and the initial picture where it shows the length against the first segment of a finger about one inch long, I don't think it's the same grub type.
  13. Amen on that one. If I get my city water at $1.18 a cubic meter, why would anyone pay $0.20 for one 1 litre bottle. For those unaware, a cubic meter equals 1000 - 1 litre or 2000 - 500ml bottles. That means I pay $0.00118 cents per litre. You can sure filter a lot of water through a Brita system and still come out far ahead. All you have to do is...omg there's work involved.
  14. Drove by the river this morning, somone must have built a damm down there somewhere, it's come up a lot.
  15. IBP is still frozen, was there this morning.
  16. Ha ha ha, and here I thought they were just trying to sharpen their props in the gravel.
  17. Marine VHF is not for jibber jabber, it's a working net.
  18. I would stay south of Lefroy just to be on the safe side. Last week there was 10-12 inches around the 2nd line. That's all I'll admit to.
  19. And with this weekends weather forecast, I might as well resort to making some precooked meals for the afternoon shift.
  20. Funny, haven't seen too many aluminum tractors or ploughs lately. Different metal, different properties.
  21. The fish has to be out of season. As for "immediately", it's open to interpretation that's a whole other can of worms. I would take it to mean don't even take the fish out of the water. If you were hanging onto a live 220V line, would you like me to turn off the power immediately, or would you like to roast your jewels a few seconds more while we take a picture. It's no different than the "do not allow consumable fish to go to waste" if it out of season and dies, you still have to throw it back.
  22. If you're buying a new engine from the US, you really might want to check the warranty rules just to be sure. There have been warranty denials for other power equipment, satisfy your needs.
  23. If you wish I'll send you a bunch of pictures to show you what I have, that will probably alleviate any misconceptions.
  24. Well on my Model 30 Jiffy, there is no return line via the primer and yes the auger has been making noise(motor running) and drilling a hockey sack of holes for the last 20 years. The primer is located on the left side of the engine cowl below the on/off switch. There is one(1) black tube from the rear of the primer that runs to the bottom of the diaphram cover. No gas ever enters this tube. When you press and release this primer, it pushes up on the needle valve to allow a squirt of gas into the carb. I'm quite sure Feldman Engineering didn't build just one special Jiffy model 30 for me alone.
  25. Ah, don't know what model you have, all the Jiffy ones I've ever seen have an "open" primer that activates the diaphram, causes fuel to enter the carb and into the bottom of the crank case where it enters the combustion phase. No fuel/oil is ever returned to the gas tank. Matter of fact, I've never ever seen a retuern fuel line from any of those carbs back to the tank.
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