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Everything posted by Fisherman

  1. Second picture shows multiple fiddleheads from one plant, these are the ones you want. Bracken Ferns are single shoots.
  2. Well that's easy, probably nothing other than monetary punishment like the last 4 times. Line him up against the wall, safety off, fire.
  3. Good to see someone get a tag and some good sized ones.
  4. Hahahaha, my wife went fishing yesterday, she snuck out and went to Johnnys. MMMmmmm battered Cod and chips. I didn't get cold or cranky, no stinky fingers and even managed a slurp of beer from the left over for the batter mix.
  5. Why not give them slingshots and go hog wild at the local school, there's lots of windows, or maybe lets start a couple of forest fires... :wallbash: Rules are to respected with fishing and hunting, otherwise you're encouraging POACHERS.
  6. We'll I'll be squeekier than her, 3 bedroom house/basement separate garage, wife and I. Nov-Dec $75.80 Dec-Jan $90.87(longer billing period) Jan-Feb $76.43 Feb-Mar $74.92 And the truck is on a 4 hour timer for the block heater in winter. Summer amounts are slightly less. Gas furnace, hot water, dryer, and garage heater. Energy efficient clothes washer, induction top stove. We are not on TOU yet
  7. I don't know if I'd want to catch any fish from a river with a name like that and then the name of the place...
  8. Time to change your hearing aid batteries then. Good for a year Marathons had to be replaced by the thousands from bad manufacturing a number of years back. They were replaced by the Marathon "S". Lots of blowouts, thread separations, etc.
  9. You're about in the right area, could be on the side of the leg. Then there's usually another one somewhere on the motor block itself, (in the worst possible place to try and find it).
  10. I'm thinking around $100 each tire only.
  11. I have had good luck with the ones from Princess Auto.
  12. Unless you're the only one driving it, forget about them, we had two trucks equipped with them, more time in the shop than on the trail. However, they were fords. You couldn't tell the drivers not to turn the steering wheel without forward or backward motion, the power steering units got fried. They are something for soft ground.
  13. Steam them for about 4-5 minutes, add a very light dusting of garlic powder and a plop of butter, no damm margerine. Oh and make sure they are real fiddleheads not the other variety called Braken Ferns.
  14. Wish you the best.. now back to the race of aging...
  15. You'll find there's 4-5 different props that are listed for your motor: Propeller Dimension B D P R Honda Part Number 3 9 7/8 9 R 58130-ZW2-F11ZA 3 9 7/8 10 R 58130-ZW2-F21ZA 3 9 7/8 11 R 58130-ZW2-F31ZA 3 9 7/8 12 R 58130-ZW2-F01ZA 3 9 7/8 13 R 58130-ZW2-F41ZA B is # of blades, D is diameter, P is pitch, R is right turning. This info comes from a Honda marine accessories. Sorry I can't get it to show correctly. Go here: http://ca.search.yahoo.com/r/_ylt=A0geu8ThuYxPpBsAsz_rFAx.;_ylu=X3oDMTE0OGxoNHJjBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA2FjMgR2dGlkA0NBQzAwMV83NA--/SIG=120ba2rf6/EXP=1334651489/**http%3a//marine.honda.com/products/accessories
  16. I don't know, dammed if I'm driving that far, I've got a pile of blackflies here already, want to share a few.
  17. Dog with long tongue, it also solves the problem of repeat uninvited guests.
  18. Go to www.tirerack.com then check the tire ratings and prices. I stick with Michelins, they cost more and you have peace of mind, not piece of junk.
  19. Ya, I think you're right about that, as long as you don't eat to many hot dogs on friday night while holding a beer in your left hand. Those rules are just a marvellous cluster. Best I can figure out for my truck, I still come in around 4300kg with the trailer hooked up, so I'm under the 4500kg for the truck and I know the trailer is under the max 2800 kg anyway.
  20. Any trailer over 3000lbs must have factory brakes, otherwise you can imagine the carnage. Oh really Ocifer, I was just towing it around the corner and it got away on me...
  21. I have to ask, where are you getting the 3000lb capacity from. I would think a reasonable payload for a 1/2 ton is way under that. Your trailer pin weight is usually calculated as dry weight with absolutely no stuff in the trailer, like water, propane, batteries, clothes, food, etc. Add that in and I think you will have a struggle at best. You already know it's listed for 7K lbs, no 9K lbs.
  22. No Brian, I've been buzzin around the woods and swamps, nada, zip zilch. I think the daily dose of frost is keeping the "string musicians" dormant. I'm hoping that a week of no frost might give them the push they need to pop free.
  23. Out on the ATV this afternoon at work and found these 4 baby woodcock on the side of the road. Momma was a little camera shy. Their actual size is about a pingpong ball diameter.
  24. Did you pass an exam or just your opinion.
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