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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Clip looks a lot like an old Red Fisher vid. Someone else catches the fish, hands rod to President.
  2. John's a nice guy and sooo enthusiastic about musky fishing. Good on him A great ambassador for this site and Musky's Canada
  3. Rich has got it right. I use the smallest barrel swivel you can buy.
  4. This is another great report Mike. You did a good job of capturing in words both the importance and significance of father/son bonding. It brought a sense of nostalgia for me of the trips I took when my son was young.Like its been said, cherish it brother they grow up really quick. I notice the hat on Brendan's head is featured a lot. Is this one going to be published? It deserves to be ,not so much for the fishing info but for the warm fuzzy feeling that a father/son trip can bring about.
  5. Floro leaders to start. Quick strike rigged sucker. (Cuz I know you had one handy) With those options exhausted I'd go real small to try the dinner mint theory(I'm full but I'll still try an after dinner mint)It will still probably ignore it but atleast you've got a nice anecdote about pike fishing now.
  6. Dana has the right of it measure your fish in inches keep track of your PB's. Besides its bass who can be bothered to weigh sunfish.
  7. Most of the time John or Nelson will treat you right
  8. Nice trip report.That pic with your daughter and the pike is great. Your telling of your daughters homesickness and your sharing of her feelings was touching and showed what a great father you are. Almost makes me wish to have a daughter but then again she's ten and not 16 yet.
  9. There is a reason they all come here to fish musky.
  10. God i'm old. I remember when Ken was first getting into flyfishing.
  11. Might I suggest Lennon Lake on the Restoule River. You park at the Stormy Lake launch in the PP pay for parking for the week. Camp on Crown Land.Only one portage. Lots of exploring to do. Good fishing for Smallies,Walleye, Musky and Pike. Remote without being to remote. If not there, I'd go Temagami area.
  12. Kawartha's musky are not a fish of a thousand cast. They fill the ecological niche that pike do there.They just attain a bigger size than pike. Come to Georgian Bay were the truly big musky are and they are the fish of 10,000 cast. Musky don't school so much as hunt the same piece of structure.
  13. Glad to see you got up to your cottage. That Brendan sure is getting big. Soon he'll be able to lug the heavy stuff on a portage. Take back back what you said about One Direction man they're the best Harry Styles is a dreamboat and you know it
  14. Deer Fly Patch on the back of my hat and my hand held GPS.
  15. Lots of fishing opportunities where your going Keep the reports coming and good luck in settling in.
  16. That bears saying Hmmm chips before a little meat.
  17. IN my boat it depends what your doing http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKDnviT0FIQ
  18. I've only met John once but he's a great guy and very enthusiastic about musky fishing. A great person for a beginner to get out with.
  19. Great report. I don't know about the winter but would certainly love to live there from June till September. Sahtu is great looking dog. Man thats a long haul in a boat
  20. You did great. Nice looking fish. I've been out of Belle River 3 times now and have never caught one.
  21. The dreaded shadfly hatch.;Makes fishing tough for a while till the hatch dies down
  22. I've caught some down that way off creek mouths on small minnows under floats.
  23. SO THIS!!!
  24. Lew-"ah it was around a 50" give or take" Doesn't bother measuring-True musky veteran
  25. This it really bugs me that people book them solid and then never show up.
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