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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. His family spends a couple days during the spawn of white suckers catching them. They can some and use some for baiting fur traps during the winter. He says you have to get them when the water is cold for them to taste good.
  2. Friends are what make fishing worthwhile.
  3. My buddy up north still cans sucker and it taste just like tuna
  4. Thanks Rich! Chris, quit procrastinating and get that rod.
  5. Headed up for a day of fishing for brookies in the park. Was hoping for some magic but it was very hit and miss. Thunder Storms and tons of rain. Surprisingly no black flies to be found. Last weeks heat must have put a beating on them. First night sleeping in my Jungle Hammock and it was great I don't think I've ever been as comfortable sleeping while I camped. Started off the day using my 6 foot 4 weight custom cane flyrod and had a 13" smallmouth nail a muddler.WOW what a battle on that stick.Definitely going to have to revisit it come opener of bass. No photo of said smallmouth, cuz, u know, OOS and Homey don't play that game. Despite surface temps of 61 degrees fishing was tough and I ended up switching back to spinning gear. This was my best fish of the day Another shot of fish. Gave up around 1 PM and came back home. Cooler temps through the week next week could extend speck season right through next weekend for me. Feeling great by the way and determined to fish my brains out till I croak.
  6. Dubbing it "The MacGyver"
  7. Now that you've broken the ice I expect to see more reports. Some nice fish there
  8. Dind't know we had a r/aww section here at OFC but that's one cute animal
  9. No such things as having gear to fish for small musky So leave them out of your target species. You are not equipped to fish for any musky. That being said ,any weed line/ rocky point should produce lots of pike and bass. I love fishing a bone coloured Pop'R for the bass and spinnerbaits for the pike
  10. Savour it my friend.I hope it feels like 10 days instead of 2
  11. That looks like a fun time.
  12. Some very beautiful fish there. I spent all day doing the chuck and duck at logjams yesterday trying to catch some decent browns. Lost one about fifteen inches but that's all the luck I managed to have. Did watch a spent steelhead doing nose to tail rises at the tailout of a pool. Wish I would have had the proper filter that I could have caught it on video for everyone. I love wild leeks and wild garlic.
  13. I often say when showing this photo Guess where I got this brookie?No one seems to remember that the soil in PEI is red. I caught quite a few this size range in the Bonshaw River in Bonshaw Provincial Park. http://www.tourismpei.com/provincial-park/bonshaw I got my permit somewhere just up the road at a gas station.
  14. Excellent Work. Fresh Lake trout sounds so good
  15. This was a very nice report. We are all getting older can't wait for some portaging at closer as I won't be able to do any backwood stuff for a bit.
  16. I only wish I could say I was as successful at catching a brown this evening.
  17. Headed out to flyfish for some trutta. First time out since I was in hospital Hopefully there will be a nice report later this evening.
  18. I will always eat pike over other types of fish because they taste great and hardly anybody else eats them as opposed to walleye or trout
  19. Thats still a decent pike for southern ontario. Good Job
  20. Sounds like a fun trip 32oz steak eh?
  21. That sink full of specks makes me hungry. The thing about specks that always amazes me is that when they are on,they are ON! Good job!
  22. Spring is here, a Jiggy Report. I think we all envy you your bit of paradise.
  23. Thanks everyone for your good will. My cardiologist was able to do my angiogram on Sat morning and I'm out at home now. I had a stent placed in my LAD which had 90% blockage. I've got a clean bill of health otherwise and actually feel great. My card cat took longer than expected but I was awake for it all. Weird to feel a tickle in your chest and know it's someone working away in there(YEAH SCIENCE) My lesson is learned. And how! Never going to look back again in my life and say I should have been taking better care of myself. I hope to hit a local stream by Tuesday,can't drive before then because my truck is a standard and I'm not supposed to be doing much with my right arm. I hope everyone is out fishing or being with a loved one/doing something that makes life full. I can't thank everyone enough for their well wishes Brad PS Nurses are the best human beings on the planet. They are so kind and helpful despite working a 12 hr shift with a bunch of demanding sick people.They make me want to be a better person .
  24. So I'm outta shape and overweight but it just slows me down a little I'll eventually lose it. I've done it before and I'll do it again.WRONG I almost didn't get a chance to wet my line again, share hard hitting fish with my son listen to loons around the campfire with a cold beer after a fun day on some remote body of water. I'm typing this post from my hospital bed as I set here waiting till Tuesday morning for an angiogram and possible bypass surgery because I didn't stay on top of things. My long weekend is screwed, my long anticipated tour of Northern Ontario Speck rivers will have to be postponed for at least a year. I'm really angry at myself for letting things get this bad. Everyone if you can, get out and fish this weekend particular with friends and loved ones. As I've discovered life is to short.
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