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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. MMMM moose meat I use to get some every year till my grandfather died. Congrats on filling that tag. No more voice over singing in commercials though.
  2. Not use to fishing smallie in a lake at this time of year. Would appreciate some help.
  4. Surprisingly very hard to get too and no fish when we got to them. That water was pushing through there. Not quite the power of the Niagara but you didn't want to lose your feet.
  5. Yup even came on got me In Labrador when I tore my starter wire off my truck
  6. Which might be a good plan except the water is four feet deep right at shore so they were out of flycasting range. But boulders were the right call in front of and behind seemed to always hold fish. The fact that there was a giant caddis hatch didn't hurt. Brook trout, whitefish and landlocked Atlantics were practically shouting were they were.
  7. I can't imagine. My heart goes out to you and your family.
  8. Break it down. When I first walked down to the Ashuanipi River in Labrador I almost kerplotzed Pic of said river Where the hell do I find brook trout in this monster???? I simply broke the river down into more managable sizes Look at it as pieces of a river your use to fishing. Don't try to take it all in at once.
  9. My condolences Hope everyone can stay strong.
  10. I'd be eating pike everyday for lunch
  11. That right there is heaven
  12. Best way to tell the diff between whitefish and cisco for those who don't know is to take a straight edge and place it perpindicular to the mouth both lips tough its a cisco only the upper it's a whitefish.
  13. Those are some beautiful fish Andrew. Its unarguable to me C&R works. Every fishery I know that has had strict regs put onto it rebounds in a quick manner. 10 fish over 24 inches is just freaking incredible
  14. Hey that whitey pic I think I know that spot. Nice report
  15. I agree but this is a Lake Erie trib not exacxtly known for its open water brown trout fishery although US does stock a crap load of them
  16. Oh Id like that but makes to much sense. As for the dollar total of the fines yes its not enough because if one person fights the charge the net cost to the province will probably be in excess of that total
  17. A lot of the streams in Rich's area have resident fish right down to the lake and you catch them while steelhead fishing. BTW When I see a thread from Rich that says new PB I've just got to come and check it out. Nice fish Rich!!
  18. This way to go Chris. A very nice report and some beautiful scenery to catch some
  19. Nice fish, what depth were you finding them at?
  20. I didn't say it wasn't a concern I said it wasn't a priority with the limited funds available. They have a ministry approved permit to do that building and that's what the CO's are doing is making sure that things are built the way that's been approved. I've said enough now, its like discussing C&R and slot limits at a public meeting some people will just never grasp the importance of how a fishery actually works and how they feel it should be done
  21. As I mentioned before the bigger threat in the Kawarthas is habitat destruction NOT OVER HARVESTING-thats why your not getting stopped. CO's are checking out compliance issues with construction etc As anglers its irksome and is optically bad but as someone who's seen entire fisheries wiped out due to habitat destruction I'd rather the few dollars MNR has in Southern Ontario be spent on this. Poachers suck but you gotta choose your battles.
  22. Not righteous just balanced and seeing things from both sidesYou and everyone else complained about the waste of money and I clearly explained that poaching is a large concern for nrothern CO's..Shoreline alteration is construction(Read lodge docks and cottages) not moving a plane around a lake. They are concerned with nailing poachers which you could have been. When they take the time to land they are going to check for any and all violations they might find because of the expense. They were justified in checking you out I have no problem with the "expense". Our CO's can't seem to win here. Check guys out,if it's you, you complain, don't check guys, you complain. That's my complaint! All anglers need to understand that CO's can't be everywhere at once and so when they stop you they have to check everything because that's how their performance at work is judged. Supervisors see results- X amount of stops made, X omount of charges,X amount of convictions.
  23. Your reading comprehension could use some work. I clearly stated that angling was their concern and not habitat which is what CO's are busy with down here. They weren't specifically targeting you, loose the persecution complex.
  24. You have to understand that different areas have different priorities. The CO's your dealing with on a flyin trip aren't from southern Ontario they are stationed up there. The biggest threat to fish stocks in the north is over harvest Read about how many time this happens and they find ridiculous amounts of fish that Flyin/Remote access anglers have been caught with. They are not just targeting you. They are on a milk run looking for violations that range from over harvest to shoreline alteration to hunting/netting.Those CO's might only get to that camp once a month and are responsible for a huge area. In southern Ontario the priority is habitat destruction Manpower because of budget cuts is reduced and angler violations are just not as big of a threat in this part of Ontario as making sure the habitat doesn't get destroyed by builders,home owners,contractors. For bang for the buck ,snaggers/illegal fisherman just aren't a big enough threat to the fishery when compared with habitat destruction. Optically it looks bad but fish populations can always rebound if there is habitat to live/reproduce. If there is no habitat THERE IS NO FISH!!!! Which would you rather see ?
  25. Nice fish.
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