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Musky or Specks

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Everything posted by Musky or Specks

  1. Bill you hit the nail on the head. I've been an actor/entertainer and worked in fisheries. Neither one managed to be a steady paycheck although they were fun as heck. Now I work in the trucking industry even though that was never a life goal but guess what I 'm rocketing up the ladder in it because there is such a shortage in the industry. Banking the money for fishing,only work a four day week(35hrs but paid for 40)Try to tell the younger generation its a lucrative field to get into and will only get better but they all expect 6 figure salaries right out of school. Never going to happen.As for sharing spots on the iinternet it's going to happen. Anyone who knows how to filter searches can mine out some info. The reason for all the no parkingno access on Simcoe is the gentrification of the land. The rich buy up all the waterfront property and don't want the unwashed sharing their paradise and they hold sway with city councils and zoning committees.
  2. Same thing I do everyday
  3. I get registered mail from online shopping 3 times a week but you pay a lot more than 1 dollar for that shipping and it will still be delivered to your door
  4. TIL MIke is a cheap skin flint. Then I realized how else do you think he affords all those awesome trips? By the way member of MEC since high school and thats a LONG time ago. Before Adventure Guide opened up here in town it was the best place to get hardcore outdoor stuff
  5. I don't watch UFC but I certainly scream a lot at coach Casey when I'm watching the Craptors.
  7. Maybe you've done nothing wrong.Most of your problems seem to be with storms. Have you ever considered that you are a storm god and they keep trying to show their devotion to you?LOL
  8. You should see the whole movie
  9. This one is quite possibly the best flyfishing video Ive ever watched . If yoiu can find the full vid I highly recommend it.
  10. Mike if I ever win the loto you and I will go fish the Kamchaka Peninsula. This full video is awesome
  11. This boy was a New Romantic(Blitz) back in the day.
  12. The whole Clash sound was their intepretation of the reggae that was being played at the clubs in England in the 70's.
  13. I was going to say second report but first one that fish were actually caught.
  14. I highly recommend watching the Southpark Black Friday satirical parody. A great statement on North American consummerism
  15. Nother one that's cool
  16. Any surprise when the door opens there a can of beer on the seat.
  17. I'm already jonesing for open water trout again so I thought I'd share some great flyfishing videos for those looking for entertainment.
  18. Awesome Jack is so hardcore
  19. So I have two photos that I love The first is my son's first smallmouth he caught without any help from me. I was fishing musky out of the back of the canoe. I had set him up with the rig we always used to catch stunted largies since he could walk. The dirt on his face and the smile always bring back some fond memories. The other pic is just great cuz for me it captures his adventurous side. He would do anything as a child that his dad would do.
  20. Great video going to have to give that a try
  21. Camping in October can be crazy Beautiful weather one day a foot of snow the next. Good on you for going.
  22. Nice job Chris, Now that my weekends are Wed through Friday Im thinking of taking up steelheading again.
  23. I akin this entire survey to flogging a dead horse, while the temporal componant would be great for a published paper, the anglers of ontario want increased catch rates And I assure you decreased harvest will increase catch rates as it has everywhere they have been introduced. And Sadly while brook trout are a great indicator of good water quality, we here in Southern Ontario for the most part have lost water chemistry for this fragile fish species to florish. What your source for this ? Water temps, yes water chemistry no. I know of brook trout streams that exist in the middle of a dump reason -cold water.
  24. Then Plummers for sure with half the time at the tree river outpost for char. Huge lake trout and pike. Artic Grayling and massive char. http://www.plummerslodges.com/
  25. Man my trips in Order would be for very exotic destinations. Taimen fishing in Mongolia. Golden Dorado in Bolivia would be my top two choices. Staying in Canada, Plummers with the outpost at the tree river for char and then finally Sutton River for Brook trout. Times of the year its best to ask an outfitter. GTS.
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