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Everything posted by aplumma

  1. O.K. now that's funny and so true. Art
  2. Spiel has my vote he has built 5 rods for me over the years and the fit and finish are excellent. With the time and the components that Spiel uses make the rods more of an investment dollar for quality they are a real bargain. Art
  3. Funny thing about the toads I have an area under my deck that this great big toad lives. He decided it was a nice place and he eats bugs so I decided to help him out with the food thing. I put out a night light next to his hole and he would sit under it and feed. I then found 2 more toads in the area that were in the garage and feeding from the same light. It got to the point that they would line up in the garage in a 8ft area and feed together because I started to catch crickets and slid them over to them. The big boy thru summer was up to 4 crickets a night I guess I had to much time on my hands. lol Art
  4. Wow that's fast I wish I had a few boats for sale now. lol Art
  5. I will watch the P.M.'s Gerritt and answer as needed. Art
  6. I hide them to give you time to think it through Gerritt. I have restored them it is true that the truth hurts I am trying to save a friend from himself and he has bitten me..... Art
  7. I have heard of Tex-Mex but never Tex-Can. lol Looks a lot better than what I had for dinner. Enjoy. Art
  8. Sorry but it is trash. To read 12.2 means it has a dead cell. If you take it and put a load on it it will drop voltage like a rock. I am sure a local battery seller can load test it if you want to chance them selling you a new one. Art
  9. If it is sealed it is fine to have inside of the vehicle even if it is in arms reach. If the seal is broken then no matter where it is in the vehicle it is ticketed as open container and you will be given a sobriety test. Fail the sobriety test and you have Driving while intoxicated. That is go to jail and car/boat is impounded. Art
  10. Share you productive lure with the first kid you see, it will start him on a good road for the rest of his life. Art
  11. This is not a good way to show you "Like" it here. I broke the link and if you read the rules you will know why. Art
  12. Watch the line for the first casting amount as you despool it for nicks and cuts. Remove as needed and then reverse it back on the reel. Then reel it onto another one of your empty reels. I add that amount to the backing and it comes out perfectly spooled and you won't break off the fish of a lifetime if you get into the back of the spool. Art
  13. Put liquid Tide on it with a paint brush and set for 10 minutes. Blot with paper towels repeat twice. If it is still present then pour oil absorbing granulates (available at auto parts store) on it and let sit overnight. Final thought is to encapsulate it with clear polyurethane spray but beware it will attack certain types of foam so test on the bottom area first. Art
  14. looks like we got this one nailed. I guess with 48" of ice you are really pressure testing this thing. Art
  15. Guest also for me. I have my batteries load tested at the start of the season and the 7 that are on guest charger are going on there 6th season and reading at over 80% for the lowest one. My little pond boat has been maintained on a Black and decker smart charger and it failed at 4 seasons. It could be just the way I use them but I think the key is a good charger that is plugged in quickly after every trip. Art
  16. Time to say good night before we get some hurt feelings. Art
  17. The viscosity is really different and it does not cling to the bar as it should. The oil also is full of dirt and acids from the combustion process. Both will cause shortened life of your bar and the chain. Art
  18. You can put it on Ebay and recoup your loses Dan. Art
  19. Being from the US and spending money in Canada makes me happy. International commerce is the way for all countries to prosper. Art
  20. Come see me DanC we got 75F here and the bass season is going full swing. Art
  21. Take them and cut them into boneless chunks soak in milk and lemon juice for 4 to 6 hours. Flour then egg dip them then fish fry mix and deep fry them. MMMMM MMMM good. You can make any fish taste bad if you cook it wrong lol. Art
  22. Moisture is the key here. To bend a piece of wood we use steam and pressure to warp it into a bow. We then let it dry under tension and it retains the warp. This is the process that has already happened Mike. If it is steamed and counter warped it can take on the new shape. unfortunately there is no economical way to do this. The warp is there to stay but can be slightly lessened if you soak it down and put 300 lbs or more weight on it but it is not really worth the effort for the results will be minimum. Art
  23. The back on this fish was huge and I couldn't get a good reading right side up. I can't wait for the Crappie to come up they are big and very tasty. The pond is 70% spring fed and the creek coming in is very clean and clear. Art
  24. Yaa know I believe yaa it has some kind of cheater numbers on the bottom that are like 2 for 1 inches. Art
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