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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. A good friend of mine in Alberta once called the local police to tell them he had a bear problem. They told him to fix the problem....End of story. Lew I would invest in a 12 gauge and get a box of shells with rock salt and see if that scares him off...
  2. I think we have said everything that needs to be said here so I'll just take this moment to thank everyone for there contributions and close this topic....
  3. To help you with the fly pattern that may catch you a fish in a trout stream this time of year. Try using caddis fly mergers or pupas in a size 18 or smaller. There are many others to choose from but this one should do it and most fly shops will have variations of them in stock... Good Luck
  4. I remember running Maxima 2 to 3lb leaders 25 years ago. Matter of fact I think there still may be some 3 lb around here collecting dust.
  5. Personally I could do without roe if need be. Catch lots of fish on fly's and its more challenging as well. Been tieing stones,sucker spawn and a few other patterns for the last two weeks awaiting for the arrival of the first salmon in my trib followed up by the steel. I figure with all the rains and the cooler temps in the forecast it shouldn't be long now. Pretty exiting time of the year.... Cheers!
  6. In the past we would go around the outer edges of the lake casting under the bushes starting right on the other side of the ramp and slowly work your way down to the culvert at the end of the lake and then head up the other side in the same manner. Its pretty much a hole days fishing... Good Luck !!
  7. Happy birthday G-man...The way your going by the time your old enough to own your own boat your going to look like Popeye
  8. Now that there is just sick......Nice job !
  9. I was in the Pro Hardware in Exeter this week and they had a whole selection of Tilley hats there if anyone is interested in this area. Also here is a shot of the inside of my Tilley with all the information anyone would need to return or special order the product.
  10. Looks like he was growing his brain in his behind
  11. Smallmouth bass- Black bass
  12. Here here !!
  13. I have a Apex and a Integra and I like them both. The Apex is a rotary vise which comes in handy sometimes. They both were in that 100 dollar range.
  14. I can't make it up this year due to other commitments here in London. Problem is I have the pike derby trophy here at the house. Is anyone passing by near London on the way up to Lakair or departing from London ?
  15. Happy Birthday Joey !! Hope you had a great weekend
  16. That was a great video. Fly fishing is quite an art and like anything else it just takes a little practice before you find your nitch... Keep it up !
  17. Thanx Mike....I knew you had it in ya !
  18. Sorry I couldn't make it Spiel. Looks like everyone was having a great time.
  19. Non fishing section ???? Nice muskie,nasty rootball....
  20. Man do those walleye look tasty.....Great job Simon !!
  21. I think you have done everything you could possibly do. We had one of our cats returned to us in a box with a very sorry lady apologizing at the front door. I thanked her for returning him to us and told her to go home and try to relax. Not a whole lot more she could of done and I figure most people would of kept on going so her efforts where most appreciated. You've done everything you could for the lady and her dog....
  22. I use an Apex and a Integra. Both are good vise's.
  23. I would imagine there are epoxy glues out there specially made for this application. http://solutions.3m.com/wps/portal/3M/en_US/Aerospace/Aircraft/Prod_Info/Prod_Catalog/?PC_7_RJH9U5230GE3E02LECIE20SOG5000000_nid=GGT0WP8F36be1K3HXBTMF8gl
  24. I would go with the 7/8 weight with a medium rod. This combo is a good starter setup because it will be more forgiving. As your casting skills improve your choice in weights may change pending on what you like but overall this pole will serve you well.
  25. Ok so five pages still wasn't to bad
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