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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. I ordered Atlantic Char at a local restaurant recently and they placed a small bowl beside the Char full of ,you guessed it,flying fish eggs. I asked the waiter if he wanted me to tie up a bunch of roe bags with it I ended up eating all the eggs with my Atlantic Char. Was quite tasty....
  2. How small is a small patch ? If its small like 1 inch square just apply a generous coating of aqua seal over the patch and past its edges. Just apply aqua seal right to the leaking area basically and it will seal it. Just did a job on a pair of neoprene Hodgemans in the exact area you mentioned. Turned the waders inside out,filled the boot full of water and watched closely for the water to come through. Found the hole, applied the aqua seal to the area and waited 8 to 12 hours..Leak fixed !!
  3. Looks like everyone got into some steel this weekend. Great job Paulus and love yer new nose
  4. Those are some nice fish !!!
  5. No kidding !! He had the pointiest beek I've ever encountered...Probably why he fought so well for so long...
  6. Was a great weekend at the river. Love the colder temps this time of year which brings on my favorite of all stone fly bite . Last week the odd fish on stones but this weekend a complete change over to the little buggers. Others may have had some luck with various offerings but it was full bore for us and our stones. The fish fought hard in the cold highly oxygenated waters many taking to the air and finding there freedom while others took to the depths only to find themselves looking straight into a camera before they made there escape back to the awaiting pools. Devon did well landing yet another personal best on his own hand tied stone fly. The old man even got into a couple There was another first this weekend as well that made me feel all fuzzy but that could of been the JD at work ?? The kid finally learned how to whip finish his fly's . Sorry for the blurry shot but I was feeling pretty blurry when I took it Looking forward to next weekend !!!
  7. Thanx everyone for the informative replies. Will be going out next week to get my new camera
  8. Looking for a waterproof digital camera to carry around in my fishing vest. Any ideas which one will give me the best bang for my buck ??
  9. We got one that lives in the river bank in a tree stump root were we fish. I've gone over to retrieve floats off the bank by the stump a few times and heard it growling at me from inside the stump. Needless to say I don't spend a lot of time near that old stump. This guy is a big full grown fisher and more than likely has a family in there as well.
  10. Good on ya Mike.The kid looks like a reel natural
  11. Stealhead in rivers use the whole water column when they feed as well so just fishing the bottom of the river is actually limiting your success to a certain few. Change the depth of your rig often and find the zone where the fish are feeding mostly.It may very well be just off the bottom but not always pending on your presentation.
  12. This time of year can be confusing even to experienced steelheaders. I would try changing up your presentations from roe to stone flies and even dew worms. Today I caught my fish in crystal clear waters with all of the above baits mentioned. My tippet material was Maxima 4 lb Ultra green mono and in the afternoon I switched to Maxima 6 lb fluorocarbon. Trick is to use long leads from your main line to your hook. Get your presentation as far away as possible from anything visible,floats,weights,swivels.. Reason for my tippet switch ? Nothing more than adaptation..Fish where larger in the afternoon and went to the air after hook up braking me off as they cartwheeled bye,dang frustrating !! Also, a lot of the times you can be doing everything right and not catch a thing only because there were no fish where you were fishing at the time so just keep at it,be patient.
  13. Just got back in town from the trailer. Went 2 for 2 Saturday and 7 for 13 today...Camera wouldn't turn on this weekend so no pics,piece of junk !! Did fish with Shinny half of today though and he was 0 for 0 when I left. I think he stayed on the river till dark so he may have some stories to tell next time I speak with him. I just love watching that kid land fish Josh,with that back pack you got him full of goodies and Andrews hand me down Hodgeman neoprene waders the kid is starting to look like a true steelheader. His dad is going to get him an Islander for Christmas and he's saving up his allowance for a new float rod for next year as well....Thank god he's not old enough to have any credit cards right now
  14. There was a guy fishing beside me Saturday afternoon using a Salmo Hornet crainkbait and hooking into some really nice fish. I'm considering getting a few for my steelhead arsenal...
  15. Yup,the kid seems to be a natural and yes I am proud of him. I remember when I met him the first time on the river he was only 9 years old and full of questions...I would look over my shoulder and he would be standing in the river with his rubber boots on as deep as they would allow him to go casting as far as he could into the pool with what ever he had at the time and determined to catch a fish. I just couldn't help myself but to go over and do what I could for him. This year he got some nice equipment from us regulars and now spends his weekends standing in the river with the boys fishing for steel and doing very well at it
  16. Well,the kid did it again this weekend going 1 for 4 . I caught one fish Saturday but Devon turned up the heat today and hooked 4 landing 1...Apparently he had a bad spool of fluorocarbon which caused two of the fish to brake him off. After changing leader material he hooks up and lands this big boy without any issues. Guess its my turn to be the camera man for a change
  17. Joey, All depends what size dog you feel most comfortable with. They all adapt well to your activities especially when you get them as pups and take them wherever you go.
  18. This is the way our board is and its not going to change....We like it this way
  19. Had a great time with you guys and your welcome to come down and do another weekend anytime !! If anyone is wondering MJL got his toes licked by Sam in the middle of the night. Guess he likes toe jam
  20. And so it begins Nice fish Laz
  21. Very nice pics,I like
  22. Sorry to here that. My condolence's
  23. I should have your float reel fixed by then
  24. Nice fish Devon. You got your first one followed up by your second one Good job !!
  25. Sorry to here about Cuddles. Seems a lot of us have been going through this stuff lately with our pups.
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