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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Craig now that there is funny !! Exept you guys didn't get the "LS",total fly bye...Loogan Sticker
  2. 13.5ft 3pc Loomis "LS" Float rod
  3. Now theres an idea....I'll get Spiel to turn down the end of the butt into a point even better just mount a folding bayonet onto the end of it,multi purpose
  4. :rofl2:
  5. Sometimes I get bad line twist right at the tip of my 13.5ft Loomis/Islander combo and when your standing in the middle of the river there's only one way to fix it as far as I'm concerned. The pole floats so I just lay it in the water and go to the tip. Got to be carefull in fast water cause if you fumble and loose contact its bye bye pole
  6. My old reel would seize up when dirt got in it but now that I have an Islander that's never happened. Ive been running the standard abec3 bearings in this reel for a few years now with very little maintaining....
  7. Sorry to here that Dave,my condolences...
  8. What no pics ?
  9. I'm not gettin it
  10. Here's something interesting and worth while looking into. My Arnie had some skin issues as well and the vet told us to use human Nyzerol shampoo to help him get rid of this yeast issue on his skin. A lot of it may be food related too like mentioned above and in this link. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100416113601AAZUU
  11. Thanx Merc
  12. Thanks Chris,now everyone knows....Hey I just happened to notice the "studd" in the title up top. Who is that guy anyhow ???
  13. Now that there's a show stopper for sure....Got to love it when that happens !!
  14. Thanx Cliff. Bring some bait !!
  15. Just on my second cup !! Thanks Mike !!
  16. Billy Bob we can put you in the corner for a day to think about what you did
  17. Simon, well auh never mind... Sorry to here about your kitty bud. I just went through this days ago with my boy Arnie.. Things will get better
  18. Really
  19. I'm sorry to here that Dave. She will be in our thoughts and prayers..
  20. Thanx again everyone. Had a not so bad day at work today. Lots of distraction to keep my mind on other things.
  21. He was Mo and now Sam and Waldo will have to pick up where Arnie left off,big shoes to fill....
  22. Thanks all for the kind words. Even though we knew this was coming there's was really no way to prepare for it until its here. Just one of those things I guess.
  23. This afternoon we put our sixteen year old Dashund Arnie to sleep. He was a good dog, my best friend and fishing partner and I will miss him greatly. Until we meet again Arnie...
  24. Dev, I like the green Islander Right now Devon is using my back up reel "Floatmaster" and he has the Walace cast down to a T. He went 1 for 3 Steelhead this weekend where I got a big goose egg and the kid is only 14. Go for the gold Dev !!
  25. Nice fish but its a he....
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