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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. If you hung around the Maitland back then I'm sure we did. Was and is still a great fishery
  2. For sure guys...This was a special one. I didn't mention this fella was my best man 25 years ago at our wedding did I ? Would post more pictures of the good old steelheading days but they are all on paper and it would take forever to scan them all. I hope to hook up with him in a year or so for some BC steel. Its just so expensive compared to what we have here($50 a day per river out west)and although our fish aren't wild we sure do catch way more than they could ever imagine out there. Hardy said it was common that you could spey fish for a week and only get a few hook ups.When they finally come though they are usually big fish so I guess it makes it all worth while. Cheers !
  3. Yup,the then an now pic is switched. Hardy on the right in the then shots and hardy on the left in the now shot and yes he's got his fly patch on his right upper shoulder in the second then pic and the now pic... Good eye GBW !!
  4. Hmmmm,that never even occurred to me....Just thought that everyone new what I looked like ???? I'm going to scroll up and have a look..
  5. ya ya ya I'm workin on that.....
  6. It was a epic adventure(don't get out much) for me even though my usual numbers were down but sometimes its not quantity but quality that counts especially this time around with my old friend Hardy come to spend time with me on the river. Well worth the effort of a good report
  7. Mostly Drennan loafers in the 2 to 3 gram. Suits my style of fishing.
  8. He's a handsome young fella. Nice pick Dan
  9. Ok so here's a little story of a reunion that took place last week over seven days of chrome. Close to 25 years ago I used to fish with a fella by the name of Hardy. We were great friends,hunting and fishing buddies for years. Then came the day when Hardy decided to go and live out west where he could angle for wild steelhead on the big rivers and do a little bit of grizzly bear watching all at the same time. Over the years we have kept in touch comparing notes and trying to find some time to hook up and finally we arranged seven days of steel that took place last week. Although the rivers were down we still put together a great trip and made yet again lasting memories that we shall never forget and will continue to hold strong old bonds we once shared 25 years ago. Here are a couple of pics when we were both in our twenties.Try not to laugh at our classic 80's apparel. Now here's a pic from last week 25 years later. Notice Hardy still using the same Stream Master float reel. Its the one he left with years ago and the one he returned back to the field with years later. So the fishing didn't turn out half bad. First part of the week showing higher numbers and as the days past we had to venture out further for fish due to dropping water levels. Here are some pics of the better fish of the week. Most fish were taken on worms and my hybrid "stoned bugger" fly. Heres a fine buck caught by Hardy. This fish fought hard like many of the big males of the week. Photo turned out picture perfect !!! Now its my turn up to bat. Another buck this time not as fired up but still a worthy fighter. This one came on the fly Hardy with yet another fine specimen Nice little hen on a worm Time to walk up river. Lots of scenery with deer and turkey sign everywhere. We even had two bald eagles soaring over top of us most of the time we were there. The pools were low and slow so worms were on the menu once again. Hardy did well here hooking up with multiple fish. I was busy hunting..... The day was coming to a close and we were far up river with about an hours walk back to camp so we called it a day. Hardy with one of his many from the afternoon. Funny they were all little ones up there. This year I've been getting a little more serious about fly fishing for these steelhead so I thought what better a time to do it now that Hardy is here. He's a big spey fisherman out west so I had to show him how it was done in these parts.I know we spey fish around these parts too. In the little time I spent chucking flies I caught two nice fish and both on yes you guessed it my little stoned buggers. On our last day Hardy and I hit the big waters of the Geen. Fishing was hard and people were plenty but I did manage this little guy. Ain't he cute !!!Nice little brown..... Seems as though they like my little stones even in the big water.... So this pretty much wrapped it up for the week. I'm sure going to miss fishing with Hardy. I guess it will be my turn to jump on a plane next and he can take me to grizzly land....Man I hate bears and especially the ones that want to eat me... Now to get Hardy packed up and back to the London airport for his plane ride home into snowmageden. Turns out his truck was frozen solid in the Edmonton airport parking lot but no worries. They have a special crew that comes out and gives your vehicle a boost if its been sitting in the snow for an extended period. Until next time we meet my old friend........
  10. :rofl2: :rofl2: Now that thar is funny....
  11. Not sure what part of the country your hunting but where I fish for steel up river there is nothing but rubs and scrapes everywhere I look. Makes me want to hunt again.
  12. Sweet ! Bet they put up a good fight.
  13. That ain't no mouse !
  14. My condolences to you and your family Rodger.
  15. My condolences Nick to you and your family.
  16. Excellent BC report. Going to have to get out there at least once or twice before I croak. Congrads to Spiel for being the benchmark of Kingpin's new float rod builds. I want one even more now than ever. How about it Spiel
  17. Although it might be good for fish populations it would definitely infringe on the rights of fisherman to keep there possession limits so I would say no. It kinda reminds me of that useless gun registration law they just got rid of. All it did was make life difficult for all of us law abiding gun owners instead of going after the crooks that use guns to commit crime. If you want to see poachers behind bars then that's who you have to go after.
  18. Don't be surprised if you get a phone call from them soon with a more lucrative offer...
  19. Congrads !!! Bet your old employer is kickin himself now...
  20. Sweet pole Garry !!
  21. Sorry to here about your mom Paul. You have my deepest condolences....
  22. Thanx for all the support folks. The river is low but the pools are still deep enough so you can't see the fish until they make themselves visible like when they chase the quickfish in to shallower waters. Theres supposed to be some rain this week so lets keep our fingers crossed.
  23. Had a great weekend. Water was clear Saturday and over night went stained for Sunday the best day of the weekend. Stones were on the menu although I did take a couple on quickfish as well. This stone fly you see in the pics is a hybrid cross of a stone and a bugger but I call them stones all the same although they look nothing like a traditional stone fly. Its really all about what the fish like right ? Here's a little guy I caught on a quickfish. They were hitting these baits hard and some even missing on the attack all together. Quiet exiting to watch this all happening in plain veiw. Here's another nice one on the quickfish Sunday morning things were looking really good when I went to the river. It had been raining some of the night and the water was more stained than the day before. Some of the locals were already there by the time I showed up but after speaking with a couple guys the bite didn't seem to be happening for anyone. They were all using spawn,hmmmmm wonder if the stone flys are out yet ? Tied on a black stone and sent it out for my first drift. Float drifted about 12 inches downstream and disappeared followed up by a hook set,fish on !!! After this fish was landed the sun came out and warmed up the water a couple degrees. Time to put on a purple stone. Withing a few minutes another strike Heres a nice pic of a fish with a chewed up purple stone. All in all great fishing and good company. Can't wait to get back down there this weekend
  24. Sweet work Chris. How long before I can put in my order for one of them
  25. Good choice Lew. You should still have some kind of plan "B" though until the hunters take care of business just so you can protect your wife and family members if there is ever an instance in the meanwhile..Seems like the problem bear is getting a little to cocky for comfort.
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