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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. The green one on the bottom is mine I know it looks blue but it will be green when its done like this one
  2. Good on ya bud. I was supposed to be out today as well but ended up sitting here sick with a nasty chest cold. Tomorrow is supposed to be even a better day with +1 temps and I'll be here still
  3. He is a stunning creature
  4. That's all going to change this weekend
  5. Sweet!! :worthy: :worthy:
  6. Just you wait John. Spiel is in the middle of a very special build I may have a Loomis available in the near future if your interersted... Cheers !!
  7. Nate, I would have to agree with Bill with the spinner but if you really want to catch a trout this time of year you can use your pole more effectively by just getting a couple floats,some split shot,a few micro swivels,#9 daitchi or mustad hooks and some 6lb. fluorocarbon tippet material. Set up a float rig with a nice long tippet and put on a nickel sized roe bag or a big fat night crawler and go float fishing. Sure its nice to have a long pole but if you set your drag right you can fight and land steelhead on your spinning pole. My friend Terry had a 10ft. spinning pole with 10lb mainline and he did just fine on the weekend. Good Luck !!
  8. Thanx for all your replies. This season has been simply amazing. Started out looking very bleak with the river at its ultimate lowest like I've never seen and then thank god it started to rain and they are still predicting more rain this week before the snow comes on the weekend. I love fishing when its snowing Cheers !!
  9. Ya, got to love it. One of the better ones in a few years. I didn't think it was going to happen this year cause the river was a swamp right through September. Salmon hardly made it up water was so low. But then the rains came and washed her out good and then things started to happen.
  10. Joey, That was too funny
  11. Its been an excellent December so far for steelheading. The past weekend was more than anyone could ask for on my Huron trib. Started off Saturday as a crystal clear water day and good deep water in the river on top of everything !! The fish were more than happy to please from daybreak to sundown. Sorry for the grainy pictures but my camera was acting up in the wet weather. Time for a new one. Sunday temps melted off all the snow from the banks and with a little rain in the morning the water started coming up and went stained by mid day. I had guests this day with one fella which had never float fished or caught a steelhead in his life. His life was about to change....The boys showed up good and early and I set them up with all the right stuff and sent them down to the river. By the time I geared up and made my way down,Terry the fella who never done this before had already landed his first fish. You could imagine how happy that made me let alone how exited he was. The other fella Brendan was a more experienced fisherman and soon had his own fish beached on the bank. As the day passed the fish kept on hitting aggressively and all of us did quite well landing multiples of fish. It was an awesome day for sure especially for Terry. Not often does a new steelheader get this much action on his first day on the river. Just goes to show that this stuff is really basic and with a little help from an experienced angler you to can be a pro. Here's a big fella that I caught during our Sundays outing. And his release. Until we meet again... So that was my weekend and hopefully this weather will hold out and we can do all again real soon. Cheers !!
  12. Thanx for all the birthday wish's folks. I'll pass that on to MomaK Those fish were some of shiniest chromeros I've caught this fall. I think we hit it just right this weekend..... Thanx for all the replies and keepem coming. Here's one I forgot about...Another perdy boy !!
  13. With the rains most of the week and the water up fresh runs of steel made there way into our Huron tribs and this only meant one thing for us weekend warriors.....FISH ON! It was a great weekend with many beached fish and a few lost along the way. Fish were all good size with most in the five to eight and a couple in ten pound range. These fish were fresh from the lake and hard fighting machines. I had to cut it short today but still managed a few nice fish by lunch time. Moms birthdays are about the only thing that takes precedence over steelheading this time of year so Happy Birthday Mom Cheers !
  14. Wow! Great compilation of your season. Hope your ticker is feeling better. Picked up that squirl tale yet
  15. Ya cool ghost, 3.5
  16. I've caught smallies out of Long Point Bay that had that black coloration on them and that was about 25 years ago.
  17. Seems like I'm the only one doing any fishing around here lately Thanx again for all your replies...Gives me inspiration to post more fishing threads. This weekend coming up should be a slugfest by the looks of the weather reports. I can't wait !! Cheers !!
  18. Shockanahh !!! Those fish are on fire and the scenery pics of the river are spectacular to say the least.... This is one thread on OFC that has found itself a permanent spot in my memory... Thanks for sharing this again with us Moosebunk
  19. Saturday was a great day with many fish and Sunday was a total blow out. Saturday all our fish came on my hybrid stones after the sun peaked through the cloud cover and warmer temps brought on the afternoon bite. Fast and furious action for three hours with fish after fish after fish. Wish I had more pics to show you guys but my partner and I were on opposite sides of the river making it impossible to take pics and who wants to stop fishing even for a couple minutes when the bite is on ! This is the last fish of the day. My partner Devon was tuckered out sitting on the bank waiting for me to call it when this big fella decided to have a go at my fly. Rosy red cheeks and all dressed up for a night out on the town. Ain't he a perdy ! Cheers !
  20. Nice catch for sure but I'm not a big fan of sight fishing. He did mention that the fish was bigger than he thought.... As for the landing technique he kinda reminded me of a grizzly bear catching a salmon
  21. Priceless pics of your son Mike. Very nice chrome in the others as well. That boy of yours is certainly following in his old man footsteps including the unmistakable Borger smile. I used to love putting a ear to ear smile on my dads face while up north. Just had to put him on some fish and he was the happiest guy in the world. I miss those days....I still remember when he was reeling up a big muskie spinner bait in Nipissing and right behind it followed in a 50 incher to boat side.An event that no words could decribe. Cheers !!
  22. Well thank you very much Gerritt !
  23. Here's the one I've had for the past twenty years. I like this lock blade because it never slipped out of my hands when things got messy. They still make them and the price is right !! http://kershaw.kaiusaltd.com/knives/knife/black-colt-ii
  24. Thanks for all the kind words everyone. Was an excellent reunion and I think there will be another one coming up within a year or so pending on schedules. More than likely it will be in the west this time around so I'll probably have footage of grizzlies chasing me down the river trying to steal my fish May have to invest in one of those Hero 2 cams.....
  25. There's always someone that's not going to be happy no matter how hard you try Paulus. All that matters is she's there for us and whom ever else wants to share her waters as long as we all respect and take care....
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