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Everything posted by ChrisK

  1. Sorry to here about your kitty cat. I know what your going through because we lost a cat the exact same way. Smoke will always be in your hearts and that's something know one can take away.
  2. As long as everyone remains civil there's no reason to lock down any thread of this nature. Maybe,just maybe we can all learn from this one and perhaps future controversial threads may go the distance as well.
  3. Liz nets a 13.6 footer :worthy: :worthy:
  4. I love cork handles on my muskie poles especially. They hold "my" blood stains so much better than the foam
  5. Geeez and here I thought you were having problems with chrome(stealhead)..Can't help with with your chrome case
  6. I'd go 20 horse. You can put a bigger motor on it but it makes it tuff getting out of the hole even when running half throttle. Turning corners wide open with a small boat/bigger motor can get pretty hairy as well especially when there's a chop on the water. Best slow it down a little and be safe.
  7. I have one of these and it works great http://www.luhrjensensmokers.com/
  8. This looks like a fun little yak
  9. My Florida room at the trailer needed to be brought up to code last year and this is what I had to do and you could use this idea for your ice hut. I bought a support box. Basically a black tin box that is attached between the roof structural members that hangs below your ceiling about 8 inches.This creates a solid connection for your insulated stainless chimney to connect to your stove pipe in a non flammable tin case below ceiling height. The stainless is also bolted to your members or what ever your ice hut roof is built out of. You may have to modify your roof some what but this may be as easy as adding some material to the outside of the roof.
  10. Good lookin dog ya got there Simon...
  11. So sorry to here this sad news Kelvin. You have my deepest condolences.
  12. Good morning Chris Hospitals can be a double edged sword. Even when my dad was there we would have to put on aprons and gloves and sanitize our hands every time we left and re-entered the room and still it wasn't enough. Life is a gamble at best and the guarantee's are limited... That's why we should take every day as a blessing and never take our health for granted.
  13. That's always the case. My dad passed away a couple years ago but not from what he went in the hospital for but what he got while he was there. Take care of yourself Chris and you should be fine. Your young and strong with a good will to push forward.
  14. No reason to delete this post. Spiel and his friend merely gifted each other some game and there's nothing wrong with that unless there was no beer consumed at the time of the gifting,then that would be just wrong....
  15. That will help your heart. Mind over body
  16. All in good time Chris.
  17. Yup,shear pin..As you can see I have replaced both pins with bolts and over the years replaced the bolts with bolts...
  18. Very cool card indeed I wonder what a jumping rainbow trout would turn out like
  19. You got your moneys worth out of those waders Mike. I'm with Bill on this one. They are definitely worth the extra bit of money...
  20. By the looks of that boot I would be investing in your new pair right away. The boot cracked where it did because its a high flex area and it plain just wore out. Putting shoe glue in the crack may seal it but more than likely your first encounter with the river will end up break the seal especially walking on rocks and stepping up on boulders and climbing up embankments.
  21. If its a bass rod its probably an 7/8 weight. perfect to start off with..
  22. I wouldn't even consider fishing for steel until your 100%...Too much adrenaline involved Sounds like your going to have your hands full soon enough anyways !! Congrads on your upcoming edition
  23. Glad to here the good news ! By spring you should be ready to go
  24. Nice reel Devon. Now we just got to match that up with a new pole.
  25. Aquarium looks good and healthy. As long as you are growing plants with let the light penetrate through to the other plants like the water sprite your growing everything should be fine. If things get to choked up just trim them like the others have suggested. Some of the most beautiful tanks I've seen had thick lush plant growth throughout. Check out the set ups in this link http://www.freshwateraquariumplants.com/gallery.html
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